You've probably heard a lot of the talk about the 49ers' 'new-look' defense and their attempt to add a little confusion for opposing offenses. The hope is that the added confusion would lead to some big plays. While there was much shown by the defense that still needed work, we got a few brief looks at some of the 'new-look' on Saturday night against the Houston Texans.

Here is an example of one such defensive play, which was thoroughly broken down within our forums by our own moderator, thl408.

The play by 49ers rookie safety Jaquiski Tartt and his hit on the Texans running back in the backfield has been brought up a lot lately — and rightfully so. Let's take a closer look at that play.

On this play, the goal of Texans RG Cody White is to combo block against 49ers NT Garrison Smith with C James Ferentz and then move on to the second level. This is indicated with the blue line.

However, it's actually going to be 49ers LB Shayne Skov that will attack the Texans' C. This is indicated with the yellow line.

49ers NT Garrison Smith, who the two Texans offensive lineman were ready to block, is actually going to loop around and engage Texans offensive lineman Greg Mancz, who is playing at LG. This is indicated with the red line.

LB Shayne Skov engages the center. The Texans RG still tries to combo block 49ers NT Garrison Smith, but can't reach him because he's already looping behind Skov.

With a 49ers NT headed straight for him and the LT already occupied, the Texans LG is watching all of the action in front of him when ... Hey, look! Here comes 49ers SS Jaquiski Tartt, who sneaks by unnoticed, darts through the now wide open B gap, and hits Texans RB Kenny Hilliard in the backfield for a loss.

Well, that was fun to watch. Here is the full play.

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Again, thanks to thl408 for breaking this down for us.

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