Originally posted by 49erfeeeever808:Originally posted by fzrdave:Originally posted by SybErkRimInAL:
unbelievably, all my Raider fan friends are also realists. Kindda hard to talk s**t to them when they know and agree with everything I'm saying.
I’ve noticed that too. Raiders fans were always totally unrealistic in the past, but I guess there’s no mistaking a steaming pile for … well … a steaming pile. I would feel bad for them, after all, no one deserves Al Davis, but they just have too much bad karma stored up for me to do so.
one of my Raider friends has accepted that Davis is gonna be alive for another 30 years because his mom lived to be 103, and that's not a good thing for the franchise.
Oh, that would be something, and I wouldn't be completely surprised if it happened. I guess bringing that up to a Raiders fan right now would kind of be like rubbing salt into a nasty gaping open wound.