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Jimmy Garoppolo, QB, Los Angeles Rams

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Originally posted by jonnydel:
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Also I don't expect those making fun of random to even acknowledge the fact that Tua was throwing to spots similar to Jimmy even in college.

Dude, I live an hour and a half from Tuscaloosa. I saw plenty of Tua in college, lol

Do you deny that he threw (as the data indicates) in the middle, short to mid range areas in college? And are you disputing that he has a lot of the same traits that make Jimmy good? It looks pretty obvious to me he can do a lot of the same off-platform things and, even more so, is extremely fast from recognition to completion of release, much like Jimmy.
Also, the Jimmy vs Trey Lance throwing charts ought to end this stupid argument. Scheme is tailored to the QB, and the QBs each have their preferences.

Trey throws outside and deep more because that is what he is comfortable with and able to do. Jimmy throws short middle and midrange middle more because that's what he's comfortable with and able to do. It is not any more complicated than that. The QB has certainly abilities, and (good) coaches want to maximize that.
[ Edited by 5_Golden_Rings on Dec 2, 2022 at 6:26 PM ]
Also, the Jimmy vs Trey Lance throwing charts ought to end this stupid argument. Scheme is tailored to the QB, and the QBs each have their preferences.

Trey throws outside and deep more because that is what he is comfortable with and able to do. Jimmy throws short middle and midrange middle more because that's what he's comfortable with and able to do. It is not any more complicated than that. The QB has certainly abilities, and (good) coaches want to maximize that.
In Jimmy's defense I'll add that IMHO being great at throwing over the middle is better than being great at throwing outside, given that linebackers tend to be closer to the middle, which means threatening there could probably help the run game. I haven't looked at data yet but that makes sense to me.

Of course ideally you want both.
[ Edited by 5_Golden_Rings on Dec 2, 2022 at 6:31 PM ]
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Originally posted by jonnydel:
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Also I don't expect those making fun of random to even acknowledge the fact that Tua was throwing to spots similar to Jimmy even in college.

Dude, I live an hour and a half from Tuscaloosa. I saw plenty of Tua in college, lol

Do you deny that he threw (as the data indicates) in the middle, short to mid range areas in college? And are you disputing that he has a lot of the same traits that make Jimmy good? It looks pretty obvious to me he can do a lot of the same off-platform things and, even more so, is extremely fast from recognition to completion of release, much like Jimmy.

You're focusing in weird places. Tua's OC was Steve Sarkisian, who was the guy who took over for Kyle Shanahan in ATL after Kyle came here. He ran the same offense in college.
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Also, the Jimmy vs Trey Lance throwing charts ought to end this stupid argument. Scheme is tailored to the QB, and the QBs each have their preferences.

Trey throws outside and deep more because that is what he is comfortable with and able to do. Jimmy throws short middle and midrange middle more because that's what he's comfortable with and able to do. It is not any more complicated than that. The QB has certainly abilities, and (good) coaches want to maximize that.
In Jimmy's defense I'll add that IMHO being great at throwing over the middle is better than being great at throwing outside, given that linebackers tend to be closer to the middle, which means threatening there could probably help the run game. I haven't looked at data yet but that makes sense to me.

Of course ideally you want both.

Ive already talked about Treys chart. Unless you're willing to show me that I didn't see Trey making more 2nd window throws because he was a tick slower or because he was rolling out and making more throws off-schedule, which tend to be towards the sideline, this proves zero.
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Side note: how did I know Tua's passing chart in college was going to resemble his passing chart in the NFL? Because I actually watched his tape, unlike people commenting here. The first thing I thought of when I watched him in college before the 2020 draft was: "Wow, this guy looks like a perfected version of Jimmy, with the same ability to quickly throw, killing defenses with speed, throwing off platform and under pressure, except he seems to have a bit more arm talent."

The first thing I thought of.

So maybe, JUST MAYBE, good NFL coaches modify their scheme to accommodate the talent they have.

Matt Ryan 2016:

I also noticed how that clip played over and over with McDaniel on the plane ride to Miami was in love and with Tua already ON THE PLANE!

I didn't mind it being aired before Tua takes a snap.

I didn't get it,....but McDaniel was playing chess while I obviously still on checkers-level regarding the whole thing.

Didn't get it @ the time but more and more, the puzzle pieces are kinda falling into place regarding how the Dolphins took flight so fast.
[ Edited by random49er on Dec 2, 2022 at 7:54 PM ]
Originally posted by jonnydel:
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Also, the Jimmy vs Trey Lance throwing charts ought to end this stupid argument. Scheme is tailored to the QB, and the QBs each have their preferences.

Trey throws outside and deep more because that is what he is comfortable with and able to do. Jimmy throws short middle and midrange middle more because that's what he's comfortable with and able to do. It is not any more complicated than that. The QB has certainly abilities, and (good) coaches want to maximize that.
In Jimmy's defense I'll add that IMHO being great at throwing over the middle is better than being great at throwing outside, given that linebackers tend to be closer to the middle, which means threatening there could probably help the run game. I haven't looked at data yet but that makes sense to me.

Of course ideally you want both.

Ive already talked about Treys chart. Unless you're willing to show me that I didn't see Trey making more 2nd window throws because he was a tick slower or because he was rolling out and making more throws off-schedule, which tend to be towards the sideline, this proves zero.

I think the really important thing to point out is that the picture looks like it says 'ass chart'
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Also, the Jimmy vs Trey Lance throwing charts ought to end this stupid argument. Scheme is tailored to the QB, and the QBs each have their preferences.

  • Furlow
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 21,116
Originally posted by jonnydel:
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Also, the Jimmy vs Trey Lance throwing charts ought to end this stupid argument. Scheme is tailored to the QB, and the QBs each have their preferences.

Trey throws outside and deep more because that is what he is comfortable with and able to do. Jimmy throws short middle and midrange middle more because that's what he's comfortable with and able to do. It is not any more complicated than that. The QB has certainly abilities, and (good) coaches want to maximize that.
In Jimmy's defense I'll add that IMHO being great at throwing over the middle is better than being great at throwing outside, given that linebackers tend to be closer to the middle, which means threatening there could probably help the run game. I haven't looked at data yet but that makes sense to me.

Of course ideally you want both.

Ive already talked about Treys chart. Unless you're willing to show me that I didn't see Trey making more 2nd window throws because he was a tick slower or because he was rolling out and making more throws off-schedule, which tend to be towards the sideline, this proves zero.

How simple does one's mind have to be to think a passing chart tells the story of a QB's skill set?
Originally posted by jonnydel:
Originally posted by ItsX4Number6:
Lol when I first started here a bit ago the conversation was about haters and I thought it was an immature conversation as I agreed that Jimmy is an ok QB but he's definitely flawed and saying so was being honest. But man... Some here go to any lengths, to harp on the guy. It's literally nonstop, every post. Say what you will but it's not non-bias talk, it's obvious one sided bias talk and it overwhelms what could and at some times is great football talk. Unfortunately that's far and between as it's always just putting the guy down.

I agree he is plenty upgradable and i am not going to lose any sleep once Trey gets healthy but finding any excuse just to be negative every day really ruins this place. He's not as bad as he's made out to be(or good by some but they don't over power threads). Even after wins. This thread since I've signed up has been nothing but breaking him down and b***hing and moaning despite being on a winning streak. It's kind of embarrassing really.

It's so true.
But, we're told, "being critical isn't being a hater *rolling eyes* *laughing emoji*

There's clearly a spectrum in which criticism should be judged as fair or unfair. The fact that we have so much trouble on this forum being able to collectively discern fair from unfair isn't solely due to these "haters" you and others continue to talk about, I'd argue it's mainly due to the political nature of the massive support Jimmy has on this forum.

3 separate polls were posted on the webzone recently. One was Jimmy's trade value thread this offseason, in which almost everyone overrated Jimmy's trade value immensely. Some could argue that Jimmy's injury was the sole reason he wasn't traded but his injury was known by every 49ers fan before the poll was made and it was discussed routinely as a clear factor in getting a deal done. How can a forum with so many "haters" overrate Jimmy's market value so badly? Hmmm..

Another one was Furlow's poll, in which 2/3 of the posters who voted that we should keep Jimmy for at least one season as opposed to trading him for 2 first round picks. This tells me that a good majority of the webzone believes that we have a very good chance of winning the SB with Jimmy this season and that they're so confident he will get it done that they're willing to forgo high draft picks that could help us tremendously in the future. The majority of this forum believes that losing Jimmy would end our season, again, where is this massive group of haters? Somehow Furlow believes 1/3 of the webzone must hate Jimmy for answering yes to his poll, but we've already heard from one poster that just has a difference in philosophy. Subsequently he's labeled a hater like many others for seeing things differently.

And the 3rd was my poll. The question was extremely simplistic and was as close to trolling as I've ever done on this forum, but I felt it showed some important data and reactions so it was worth it. What the poll showed was that nearly half of the people who voted believed Kyle Shanahan is more to blame for our offensive struggles than Jimmy is. Personally, I prefer more nuanced discussions about our struggles as a team, and I agreed with many posters well thought out answers in that thread, describing the RAW interior offensive line +MM, our injury woes, our penalty issues, and so on.

What made the thread worth it was to see the many posters who claimed the poll was designed to bash or hate on Jimmy… clearly not understanding the irony that nearly half of the voters selected Kyle Shanahan as more of the reason for our offensive struggles.

Not one poster said the poll was designed to hate on Kyle. Funny, it appears to me we have a Kyle hater problem.

So please save the "Everyone hates Jimmy" comments when you're clearly willing to attribute hatred to unbiased polls. You're willing to call any poster a hater, like myself, with zero evidence of bias other than criticizing one play. You're willing to question Kyle's tenure as our HC and ignore the many calls for his termination in his thread but yet you're active in calling people Jimmy haters. You're willing to make absolute claims about Trey's ability, or lack there of, before he plays a down of football and even more so after 4.5 quarters of play while simultaneously demanding fairness for Jimmy. You're willing to accept the hypothetical that Jimmy should return to the 49ers if he wins the super bowl, regardless of his performance, all while being closed off to to the idea that our future success relies on facts and objective analysis, not emotion.

When I say "you" that goes for anyone who's done those things. And I know it's a lot, I repeat, A LOT of posters. I think as a forum we're capable of rational discussion. But we have to start by acknowledging our biases and stop with these generic, "stop hating Jimmy" posts. The more specific you in highlighting unwarranted criticisms of Jimmy, the better our conversations are. I know of several posters who I've considered blocking for unwarranted criticism of Jimmy, and even more posters that attribute hate when it isn't there.

Originally posted by Furlow:
Originally posted by jonnydel:
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Also, the Jimmy vs Trey Lance throwing charts ought to end this stupid argument. Scheme is tailored to the QB, and the QBs each have their preferences.

Trey throws outside and deep more because that is what he is comfortable with and able to do. Jimmy throws short middle and midrange middle more because that's what he's comfortable with and able to do. It is not any more complicated than that. The QB has certainly abilities, and (good) coaches want to maximize that.
In Jimmy's defense I'll add that IMHO being great at throwing over the middle is better than being great at throwing outside, given that linebackers tend to be closer to the middle, which means threatening there could probably help the run game. I haven't looked at data yet but that makes sense to me.

Of course ideally you want both.

Ive already talked about Treys chart. Unless you're willing to show me that I didn't see Trey making more 2nd window throws because he was a tick slower or because he was rolling out and making more throws off-schedule, which tend to be towards the sideline, this proves zero.

How simple does one's mind have to be to think a passing chart tells the story of a QB's skill set?

A passing chart is used as evidence of what he says he's already personally witnessed WATCHING Tua EXTENSIVELY.

You must've missed that part.
Originally posted by Waterbear:
There's clearly a spectrum in which criticism should be judged as fair or unfair. The fact that we have so much trouble on this forum being able to collectively discern fair from unfair isn't solely due to these "haters" you and others continue to talk about, I'd argue it's mainly due to the political nature of the massive support Jimmy has on this forum.

3 separate polls were posted on the webzone recently. One was Jimmy's trade value thread this offseason, in which almost everyone overrated Jimmy's trade value immensely. Some could argue that Jimmy's injury was the sole reason he wasn't traded but his injury was known by every 49ers fan before the poll was made and it was discussed routinely as a clear factor in getting a deal done. How can a forum with so many "haters" overrate Jimmy's market value so badly? Hmmm..

Another one was Furlow's poll, in which 2/3 of the posters who voted that we should keep Jimmy for at least one season as opposed to trading him for 2 first round picks. This tells me that a good majority of the webzone believes that we have a very good chance of winning the SB with Jimmy this season and that they're so confident he will get it done that they're willing to forgo high draft picks that could help us tremendously in the future. The majority of this forum believes that losing Jimmy would end our season, again, where is this massive group of haters? Somehow Furlow believes 1/3 of the webzone must hate Jimmy for answering yes to his poll, but we've already heard from one poster that just has a difference in philosophy. Subsequently he's labeled a hater like many others for seeing things differently.

And the 3rd was my poll. The question was extremely simplistic and was as close to trolling as I've ever done on this forum, but I felt it showed some important data and reactions so it was worth it. What the poll showed was that nearly half of the people who voted believed Kyle Shanahan is more to blame for our offensive struggles than Jimmy is. Personally, I prefer more nuanced discussions about our struggles as a team, and I agreed with many posters well thought out answers in that thread, describing the RAW interior offensive line +MM, our injury woes, our penalty issues, and so on.

What made the thread worth it was to see the many posters who claimed the poll was designed to bash or hate on Jimmy… clearly not understanding the irony that nearly half of the voters selected Kyle Shanahan as more of the reason for our offensive struggles.

Not one poster said the poll was designed to hate on Kyle. Funny, it appears to me we have a Kyle hater problem.

So please save the "Everyone hates Jimmy" comments when you're clearly willing to attribute hatred to unbiased polls. You're willing to call any poster a hater, like myself, with zero evidence of bias other than criticizing one play. You're willing to question Kyle's tenure as our HC and ignore the many calls for his termination in his thread but yet you're active in calling people Jimmy haters. You're willing to make absolute claims about Trey's ability, or lack there of, before he plays a down of football and even more so after 4.5 quarters of play while simultaneously demanding fairness for Jimmy. You're willing to accept the hypothetical that Jimmy should return to the 49ers if he wins the super bowl, regardless of his performance, all while being closed off to to the idea that our future success relies on facts and objective analysis, not emotion.

When I say "you" that goes for anyone who's done those things. And I know it's a lot, I repeat, A LOT of posters. I think as a forum we're capable of rational discussion. But we have to start by acknowledging our biases and stop with these generic, "stop hating Jimmy" posts. The more specific you in highlighting unwarranted criticisms of Jimmy, the better our conversations are. I know of several posters who I've considered blocking for unwarranted criticism of Jimmy, and even more posters that attribute hate when it isn't there.

Originally posted by Waterbear:
There's clearly a spectrum in which criticism should be judged as fair or unfair. The fact that we have so much trouble on this forum being able to collectively discern fair from unfair isn't solely due to these "haters" you and others continue to talk about, I'd argue it's mainly due to the political nature of the massive support Jimmy has on this forum.

3 separate polls were posted on the webzone recently. One was Jimmy's trade value thread this offseason, in which almost everyone overrated Jimmy's trade value immensely. Some could argue that Jimmy's injury was the sole reason he wasn't traded but his injury was known by every 49ers fan before the poll was made and it was discussed routinely as a clear factor in getting a deal done. How can a forum with so many "haters" overrate Jimmy's market value so badly? Hmmm..

Another one was Furlow's poll, in which 2/3 of the posters who voted that we should keep Jimmy for at least one season as opposed to trading him for 2 first round picks. This tells me that a good majority of the webzone believes that we have a very good chance of winning the SB with Jimmy this season and that they're so confident he will get it done that they're willing to forgo high draft picks that could help us tremendously in the future. The majority of this forum believes that losing Jimmy would end our season, again, where is this massive group of haters? Somehow Furlow believes 1/3 of the webzone must hate Jimmy for answering yes to his poll, but we've already heard from one poster that just has a difference in philosophy. Subsequently he's labeled a hater like many others for seeing things differently.

And the 3rd was my poll. The question was extremely simplistic and was as close to trolling as I've ever done on this forum, but I felt it showed some important data and reactions so it was worth it. What the poll showed was that nearly half of the people who voted believed Kyle Shanahan is more to blame for our offensive struggles than Jimmy is. Personally, I prefer more nuanced discussions about our struggles as a team, and I agreed with many posters well thought out answers in that thread, describing the RAW interior offensive line +MM, our injury woes, our penalty issues, and so on.

What made the thread worth it was to see the many posters who claimed the poll was designed to bash or hate on Jimmy… clearly not understanding the irony that nearly half of the voters selected Kyle Shanahan as more of the reason for our offensive struggles.

Not one poster said the poll was designed to hate on Kyle. Funny, it appears to me we have a Kyle hater problem.

So please save the "Everyone hates Jimmy" comments when you're clearly willing to attribute hatred to unbiased polls. You're willing to call any poster a hater, like myself, with zero evidence of bias other than criticizing one play. You're willing to question Kyle's tenure as our HC and ignore the many calls for his termination in his thread but yet you're active in calling people Jimmy haters. You're willing to make absolute claims about Trey's ability, or lack there of, before he plays a down of football and even more so after 4.5 quarters of play while simultaneously demanding fairness for Jimmy. You're willing to accept the hypothetical that Jimmy should return to the 49ers if he wins the super bowl, regardless of his performance, all while being closed off to to the idea that our future success relies on facts and objective analysis, not emotion.

When I say "you" that goes for anyone who's done those things. And I know it's a lot, I repeat, A LOT of posters. I think as a forum we're capable of rational discussion. But we have to start by acknowledging our biases and stop with these generic, "stop hating Jimmy" posts. The more specific you in highlighting unwarranted criticisms of Jimmy, the better our conversations are. I know of several posters who I've considered blocking for unwarranted criticism of Jimmy, and even more posters that attribute hate when it isn't there.

Whether one agrees with you or not, this was quite enjoyable to read.

I have been on the Trey Train since before he was drafted. But watching that video and after watching Jimmy this season I have to say it....

I think we already HAVE our quarterback.

Now that being said, I am a realist and realise that Shanalynch sold the future for Trey and they HAVE to go with him when he's healthy. And, I have no doubt that Trey Lance will be fine. What hurts though is that I think whoever gets Jimmy will ultimately show him the love that we SHOULD have from the off. We could have saved three draft picks had we just committed to Jimmy.
Originally posted by Polkadots:
Originally posted by Waterbear:
There's clearly a spectrum in which criticism should be judged as fair or unfair. The fact that we have so much trouble on this forum being able to collectively discern fair from unfair isn't solely due to these "haters" you and others continue to talk about, I'd argue it's mainly due to the political nature of the massive support Jimmy has on this forum.

3 separate polls were posted on the webzone recently. One was Jimmy's trade value thread this offseason, in which almost everyone overrated Jimmy's trade value immensely. Some could argue that Jimmy's injury was the sole reason he wasn't traded but his injury was known by every 49ers fan before the poll was made and it was discussed routinely as a clear factor in getting a deal done. How can a forum with so many "haters" overrate Jimmy's market value so badly? Hmmm..

Another one was Furlow's poll, in which 2/3 of the posters who voted that we should keep Jimmy for at least one season as opposed to trading him for 2 first round picks. This tells me that a good majority of the webzone believes that we have a very good chance of winning the SB with Jimmy this season and that they're so confident he will get it done that they're willing to forgo high draft picks that could help us tremendously in the future. The majority of this forum believes that losing Jimmy would end our season, again, where is this massive group of haters? Somehow Furlow believes 1/3 of the webzone must hate Jimmy for answering yes to his poll, but we've already heard from one poster that just has a difference in philosophy. Subsequently he's labeled a hater like many others for seeing things differently.

And the 3rd was my poll. The question was extremely simplistic and was as close to trolling as I've ever done on this forum, but I felt it showed some important data and reactions so it was worth it. What the poll showed was that nearly half of the people who voted believed Kyle Shanahan is more to blame for our offensive struggles than Jimmy is. Personally, I prefer more nuanced discussions about our struggles as a team, and I agreed with many posters well thought out answers in that thread, describing the RAW interior offensive line +MM, our injury woes, our penalty issues, and so on.

What made the thread worth it was to see the many posters who claimed the poll was designed to bash or hate on Jimmy… clearly not understanding the irony that nearly half of the voters selected Kyle Shanahan as more of the reason for our offensive struggles.

Not one poster said the poll was designed to hate on Kyle. Funny, it appears to me we have a Kyle hater problem.

So please save the "Everyone hates Jimmy" comments when you're clearly willing to attribute hatred to unbiased polls. You're willing to call any poster a hater, like myself, with zero evidence of bias other than criticizing one play. You're willing to question Kyle's tenure as our HC and ignore the many calls for his termination in his thread but yet you're active in calling people Jimmy haters. You're willing to make absolute claims about Trey's ability, or lack there of, before he plays a down of football and even more so after 4.5 quarters of play while simultaneously demanding fairness for Jimmy. You're willing to accept the hypothetical that Jimmy should return to the 49ers if he wins the super bowl, regardless of his performance, all while being closed off to to the idea that our future success relies on facts and objective analysis, not emotion.

When I say "you" that goes for anyone who's done those things. And I know it's a lot, I repeat, A LOT of posters. I think as a forum we're capable of rational discussion. But we have to start by acknowledging our biases and stop with these generic, "stop hating Jimmy" posts. The more specific you in highlighting unwarranted criticisms of Jimmy, the better our conversations are. I know of several posters who I've considered blocking for unwarranted criticism of Jimmy, and even more posters that attribute hate when it isn't there.

Whether one agrees with you or not, this was quite enjoyable to read.

A great read indeed.

There are a lot of people who may be more critical of Jimmy or more nit-picky of his game/play than I am, but the real headache is in fact seeing people incessantly and blatantly attacked as haters. over and over. it's obnoxious. It only causes perpetuating rifts and just continues to add fuel to the fire.
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