Originally posted by crake49:
Originally posted by VinculumJuris:
While we're pinning blame, don't forget that the QB has to call out assignments at the line.
Could be wrong, but I don't think that is the case. I think the center is calling out blocking assignments and the QB might point out players he thinks are going to blitz.
It's both - usually. A lot of times, the QB will call out the specific blocking scheme, and then the center may adjust who blocks where within that scheme.
For example: The QB may call out what some would call an "81" blocking assignment(you actually hear CK call out, "red 81!" a lot. He does that on most plays because that way, the D won't know if it's run or pass - so, he'll call out a pass pro assignment most plays. "81" blocking is what we do a lot. It's a standard strong side 6 personnel blocking scheme. The strong side tackle will take the widest man out on his side and the RB will take on a blitzing LB - up to the QB to make sure, based off looks, that the weakside backer isn't blitzing, or else he needs to call a 70 series blocking. The forward most back has a free release into the passing patter(usually Miller) and the center is available to help either way as well. The QB will usually call out the specific scheme, then the center may adjust individual assignments based off of alignments. He may also call out variances in assignment - for example: There's some blocking assignments where the end man on the LOS -a tackle for example, will block down on the man over the guard(or tackle if it's a TE in max pro) and then the inside pass protector will take whoever's coming off the edge, or, if no threat presents itself, help on the man the end man on LOS is blocking. Those variances can, at times, be determined by the center.