Surely AJ and I weren't the only ones who had a lot of thoughts following a crushing defeat last week on Sunday Night Football against the Giants so it should be no surprise that most of the podcast this week covers topics related to that game. Topics this week are:

On another note, picking based on the spread? Not an easy task. After an admirable debut (AJ 12-3, Diego 10-5) two weeks ago both of us crashed badly last week going 5-9. Win some, lose some. That isn't stopping us for giving you our picks for all the games in Week 6 of the NFL and yes, there are some spread-beater suggestions in there.

Shoutouts to Fropwns, Lucky Phil, and RishikeshA for their comments last week (Phil I brought the bullet points back per your suggestion). We'll continue to look forward to all of your comments/questions/suggestions on here.

We also invite you to:

We'll be back next week, hopefully after a win. We still want to win, right?

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