San Francisco 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan and several players spoke with reporters after Sunday's 16-10 win over the New Orleans Saints. Here is everything they said.

Transcripts provided by the San Francisco 49ers Communications staff.

Head Coach Kyle Shanahan

Opening comments:

"No injuries to report, so far."

What about RB Jordan Mason? Why didn't he play?

"Hip soreness."

How did you evaluate QB Josh Dobbs?

"Did a good job. Led us on a few drives, scoring drives, made a couple plays when nothing was there. Thought it was similar to last week."

Did he go first because he's ahead or what's that competition?

"No, we just planned on giving [QB] Brandon [Allen] first last week, and we were going to give Dobbs first this week. Haven't decided on next week yet, but that was the plan from the beginning."

It was your first chance to see WR Jacob Cowing in some game action. How did he put himself?

"I was happy with him. We'll see more when we watch the tape, but I think first and foremost, just his poise on the punt returns was good to see. He made good decisions with that stuff and made a couple plays in the jet sweep, a couple plays in the pass game. It was good to get him out there."

What about LB Dee Winters?

"He bruised his knee in practice."

Did you throw the early challenge flag because you were bored again?

"No. Just heard he was out, so I just threw it. We all need reps."

Did you call plays tonight?

"No, I didn't."

Would you do that again for third game?

"I haven't decided yet. I'm not sure yet."

But why this year, are you doing that? You've had other talented guys on offense. Why did you do it with offensive passing game specialist Klay Kubiak this preseason?

"I just like Klay more than everyone else. No, that's not it. Just been thinking about doing it for a while. Can't really explain why. I think certain years, sometimes you want to do it, especially when you're getting a feel for a quarterback. You want them to get used to you. I think our quarterback, I've been with for two years, so [QB] Brock [Purdy] is used to me. Klay and Brian [Griese] have been doing a lot of the meetings with the quarterbacks. [QB Brandon Allen] BA was with us last year. Just haven't, didn't feel like I needed to this year. And Klay has been great at it."

So nothing to do with the Kubiaks on both sides?

"It actually didn't. No, it didn't. But should have said it was that."

So many of your starters missing tonight or not available. Why did you want to see Brock tonight and what did you see from him?

"Just thought that it'd be good for him to get a couple reps in or a couple drives in. We were hoping it would be one long drive just to get him out, similar to what BA had last week. But we had, I think it was two, three-and-outs, so I don't want to go past that. I think it's good for quarterbacks to get in. Felt good with the guys that were in there and we were pretty conservative with what we did with them and I felt Brock kind of wanted to do it too."

Do you plan to play him again on Friday?


What did you think of QB Tanner Mordecai and how he played in the fourth?

"I thought he did a good job. He got a couple chances with some throws. He ran the huddle very well. He got us in and out. I think he took us on that drive to get a field goal there at the end. Wish he would have gotten a little bit more, but did good with what we gave him."

How do you feel that Brock did, all things considered?

"There were two frustrating drives, just three and out. I don't think there was much there when he had it. He had a chance to make a big play on a keeper going back across but not enough plays. There weren't really any good looks for him either."

When you were calling not calling plays, what were you doing with your spare time?

"Chewing seeds, threw a challenge, made a couple time outs. No, I was just talking to coaches, making sure we had the right people in there. There's a lot of guys on the roster and you want to make sure that guys get their opportunities, but also put guys in positions that you can evaluate, where things are close. That's kind of more of the stuff I was paying attention to."

Was there hesitancy in putting Brock out there when you had so many non-starters out there on the field?

"Yeah, you always think about that stuff. If we thought it was an issue, we wouldn't have done it. But we were good with the guys out there. If Brock wouldn't have gone, probably wouldn't have played [OL] Jake [Brendel], definitely wouldn't have had [OL] Colton [McKivitz] and [OL] Jaylon [Moore] go as long. But we felt good with the group."

When Brock took three hits that were more than love taps in the first two series, were you like "Hey." and that was enough?

"You think about that all the time, but it's also part of football. I think he protected himself well. If we felt he was in a tough situation, we wouldn't have. A lot of quarterbacks play throughout the league and each week is different. I think it helps Brock to play, and last year he didn't get to as much with his arm. I thought it was good for him to get out there, even though it wasn't two great drives. I know he was really wanting to do it and hopefully it'll make him in better position for this when we go to the Raiders."

Is WR Jauan Jennings injured or did he just have the night off?

"No, Jauan has an injury. I forget exactly what it was. I think it's somewhere in his oblique, but something that shouldn't bother him next week."

The backup quarterback job comes down, or it seems to be, between Allen and Dobbs. What did you think of the two of them tonight, especially Dobbs and that big touchdown?

"Yeah, I thought they both did well with the reps they were given. Dobbs got to play a little bit more and I thought he did a real good job leading on some of those drives. When Brandon came in, he did the same. It was very similar to last week. The games have been tight, the practice have been tight. So, it's a good problem we have right now."

I know there's still time, but you've got a couple pretty highly drafted rookies who haven't played at all in preseason. Is time sort of running out for you to know whether they can be on the Week One roster?

"Yeah, that stuff is always tough when guys get hurt and they're not out there. Especially when guys get hurt right away. So that was so good for Jake to be able to go through this week, stay healthy through this week, and get to play in that game. Hopefully expecting to get [RB] Isaac [Guerendo] back next week. So hopefully practice will go well, and we can take a look at him in the game. Hopefully [WR] Ricky [Pearsall] will get there too."

With so many offensive players out for practice and these games, not a lot of continuity, are you prepared for the possibility earlier in the year that you may have to win a different way? With a lot of defense and kicking field goals? Whereas in the past years, when you hit the ground running you were scoring 30 points.

"Yes, but I feel like we've had to win a number of ways, a number of times here. So you look at that each week, even when you feel your offense is firing on all cylinders, you still think 'What's the best way to win a game?' And that changes week in and week out. And I like to think we're built to do it a lot of different ways. I think we have done it a lot of different ways in our tenure here and that's kind of what we always talk about. What does it take to win? And you try to figure that out by studying, putting together a game plan and you do what you can in the game to find a way and you really don't care how it looks or what happens, you just do whatever you can to win."

You really haven't had a quarterback, even a backup, who could really run effectively. What does Dobbs' talent, what is he showing you? What does that add to what you can do on offense?

"I think there's a fine line when, Dobbs can make a lot of plays with his legs. When you have a true running quarterback where you can put in all the running plays for them, I don't want to necessarily put Josh in that category. But he is a guy that if you don't honor him, you can run those plays. And if you aren't honoring him in that way and you can run those plays, you're going to get a lot of really good looks, just like he did last year in Arizona and things like that. That's stuff that Sam Darnold was capable of too. You have to have the threat with your legs and stuff. You have to be willing to do it, but it's not something that, you would ever major in with him."

What is Pearsall's timeline?

"We're seeing how his shoulder reacts this week. He's running routes, feeling good and stuff, but we don't want to put him in there with getting hit and things like that and some awkward positions until we know we can pass all the tests and do everything. So, he's day-to-day right now."

Was WR Brandon Aiyuk here tonight?

"I believe so, yeah."

Was he on the sideline?

"No, I think he was sitting with all the IR players and stuff that we put in a box."

TE George Kittle really criticized us last week for not wearing nice shoes. How seriously do you take your shoe game and what are you wearing tonight?

"I'm wearing Jordan's right now and I don't take it that seriously. I like to wear nice shoes, but I don't like to shop, and I don't do things online very much, so people got to like usually give them to me and I appreciate it when they do."

Is Cowing in the running to be the opening day punt returner and would it be okay to have a rookie in that role, especially on the Monday Night game the first week of the season?

"We want to figure out whoever the best punt returner is on our 53 and he looked pretty good today. We drafted him hoping that he could have the potential to do it. Tonight was really the first time that we were able to get him out there and he had a week of being healthy, so he's definitely got a chance to, but tonight was a step in the right direction."

LB Curtis Robinson had a couple big plays tonight. What have you seen from him so far this preseason and has anything changed in the last couple years?

"Curtis just gets better each year. He's been here for a while, helps out a lot on special teams, runs the show as the MIKE linebacker. I've really enjoyed having Curtis here and he gets better each week and I have some tough decisions here when it comes down to the end."

RB Cody Schrader, statistically it looks great in the preseason. He looked really impressive kind of in practices. How would you kind of gauge where he is and what have you seen from him this summer?

"Similar to college. He's a good running back. He knows how to run the ball, he hits the right holes, doesn't mess around, lowers his pads and falls forward. He's been good in practice and he's done a good job with his opportunity these two games.

Did you do a production meeting with former NFL QB Tom Brady?

"Yes. Like a pretend one. We did one with [FOX Color Commentator] Mark [Sanchez] and those guys too. It was good. It's always fun to talk to the GOAT."

Did you have any questions for him?

"A lot. Like every play of his career. No."

49ers QB Brock Purdy

With 11 plays, how do you evaluate what happened out there during that time?

"Yeah, I think it was good just to get out there, get a feel for obviously the game speed and getting hit and trying to go through reads and stuff and just get the feel again. Obviously wasn't as productive as I'd had liked to have been myself, but that's why it's preseason, get out there and get a feel like that."

When did you find out that you'd be playing in this game?

"I want to say about a week ago. We got back from Nashville, pretty early. So, they asked me if I wanted to play and I said, 'Yeah, I'd like to get out there and get a feel for it.'"

What did you like from getting plays from offensive pass game specialist Klay Kubiak?

"It's been good. I like just the way he calls plays and everything. Obviously it's preseason, so it's just our basic concepts and plays. We're not scheming up other defenses or anything like that. So, having him get some reps of calling plays, I think is good for him and I like how he sees the game and the field and everything. So, it's pretty good."

You said you didn't mind getting hit. Is that just kind of the rite of passage that you look for in a preseason game and then not only the hit, but you land on your throwing shoulder. So, is there a hazard to that?

"Yeah, at practice you're not getting that. You obviously get a pass rush and all that kind of stuff, but to get out in the game and understand that there's a mental clock where you have to get the ball out or else you're going to get hit, or there's times where you do have to stand in there and take some hits, like that's the kind of stuff you can get in practice. Honestly, it's those things that I liked just the idea of playing in a preseason game to feel again before the season gets here and everything. So, it's good reps for me, it's a good feel for me as a quarterback. I didn't mind it. It's part of the game."

Fans on social media didn't love you getting hit. You took three decent shots in the first two series. Did you have any thought at all that maybe I should duck out of here and not go for the third series?

"No, like I said, it's part of the game and stuff. So for me, I'm not out there freaking out about, 'Oh my gosh, I'm not trying to get hit.' That's not football. If I'm stepping out in the field, then obviously I know what's at stake in terms of it's a physical game. It's fast. Things happen. You're going to get hit. You're going to follow the ground. So I know that. But at the same time, am I going to do some crazy scrambling and make up some stuff to try to move the ball? It's like dude you've got to be smart in that sense."

You have 17 practices in now and a lot of offensive players have been missing since the beginning of practice or some missing sporadically. Do you still think by Week One you can really hit the ground running and be a sharp offense or is time running out for that in terms of being really good Week One?

"Obviously I think we've got to take it day-by-day and get guys healthy, that's the first thing. I can't just sit up here and tell everybody that we're going to be perfect and we're going to look a hundred percent come game one. Obviously everyone's different in terms of their bodies being healthy. But from the history that we have with guys rehabbing and getting healthy and our medical staff, they get guys ready and I think come Week One we'll have a good majority of us ready to roll. So I'm pretty confident in that. And obviously the coaches are going to do some good scheming and stuff. I think we will hit the ground running."

What did you think of QB Joshua Dobbs out there tonight?

"He's a baller, man. He makes plays, goes through his reads and brings energy. He is out there making plays and guys feed off it. That's football. It's not always going to be pretty and you drop back and everything's going to be perfect. You're going to have to make plays off-schedule and bring some juice to the team and guys feed off that. So love having him in the room. Like I said, he's pretty electric."

Last week you told me that that QB Tanner Mordecai could rip it and we got a chance to see him tonight and I thought he looked pretty good. What did you think of his first performance?

"Awesome. To get out there, get into a rhythm, make a couple good throws on the run. He was in rhythm, on time, making good decisions. So to go out there fourth quarter, you never know what's going to happen or what defenses are going to be doing at that point, but he went out there and ran our offense pretty efficiently. So, I'm pumped for him. I know that's going to continue to boost his confidence as he plays more. Pumped for him."

OL Nick Zakelj has kind of bounced around a little bit, center, guard. You've had kind of a front row seat watching him and being around him. How do you feel about how he's developed and taken on a couple different positions?

"I think Nick's ready for it. He's smart. Like I said before, obviously he has learned from [OL Jake] Brendel and he's a guy that's come in and sort of earned the respect of all the guys in the room that he's playing with. For me to see him go and play both center and guard and being ready for his number to be called, I think he's done a good job with all of it. He's going to be ready for it, ready for his opportunity. Obviously, I've got his back and I know that he's going to continue to get better as we go and as he gets more reps."

What would you have to accomplish on Friday, for it to be a perfect preseason finale for you?

"Obviously you want to get as close as you can to the feeling of how it's going to be Week One against New York and getting your feet out there and that feeling of putting a drive together, moving the ball, first downs, points on the board. I think that's what I'm sort of going to chase for that game. I know we all are as starters. That's the goal. That's the goal every time we step out in the field. Week One's rolling up closer than we know it so going to be ready for it."

49ers QB Josh Dobbs

Opening comments:

"I thought it was a good day. It was just a good day to go out and compete. It's always fun stepping on the field and getting into that environment. That's my goal every time I step on the field. I just go out there, take advantage of the opportunities and let the coaches handle the pecking order and everything else. My job is to be ready when my number is called in whatever role that is. When Brock is in there, it is my job to support him or whomever is in the game from the sideline. So it was fun to be out there, in Levi's Stadium, wearing the right color jersey this time from my last experience here. It's always good to get a win as well."

Do you feel like you're most comfortable this time around doing it in this game today?

"I felt comfortable. I think it showed in my play just how comfortable I was. It felt good being able to distribute the ball and make plays with my legs when they presented themselves. I thought the young guys around me did a great job of stepping up. [WR] Jacob Cowing did a tremendous job with big plays and some short passes obviously some went down the sideline. It was great to have a good cast around me to be able to go out there and play."

Jacob Cowing seems, this week in particular, to be getting back on the field a couple days.

You know, it was really good to see him get back on the field. He's able to line up at any position and know what to do, not to mention his speed and what he is able to do with the ball in his hands. To see that live in the stadium, I thought was really good. I thought it was great for his confidence. It was great for the team to see it and it was fun as a quarterback to have that type of player."

Do you think he's a guy that's built for a pump-and-go because of the acceleration in those first five yards?

"Yes, definitely. But you still have to sell the route and run a good route. He's a guy that's good in space with the ball in his hands. I think we did a good job of being able to put him in positions that really accentuate his skillset and he did a good job making those plays out there."

During that scramble, where you picked up 11 yards but it felt like you ran 75 yards, what's going through your mind as you're juking three or four guys off of you?

"One, don't get hit of course. That's ideal. Two, keeping my eyes down field and if anyone pops, being able to still deliver the ball. Three, make a positive play for the offense. Ultimately, it's a two-minute drill. The goal is to keep the chains moving. We didn't have a great look with the play that we called. They had a better defense on the play. I was able to get a first down, keep the chains moving, not put the ball in harm's way and set us up for a big play a couple of plays later."

After flipping into the end zone last week, were you a little bit more cognizant of going down early this time around?

"No. I mean, we're going to get in. When you're in the red zone there is a mentality shift. When you can sniff that end zone you want to do whatever it takes to get in there."

After a performance like that, is there a sense of relief at all? What do you feel?

"No relief. I expect to play well when I step on the field but I also know there are things that I can improve. That's always my mindset. I play with a lot of confidence because I know I put in the work, the time and the effort into my play. Obviously, my expectation is for it to show up wherever the game is and whenever I get my opportunity. So no relief, now it's 'hey, how can I improve? How can I continue to pour into this team to be the best me that I can be in whatever capacity that is?' So, yeah, no relief. We're still hungry. It's a preseason game. It's good to have a good performance, but we gotta keep this thing moving in the right direction."

What's the most improved aspect that you can put your finger on? What's the most encouraging thing you can put your finger on through the first two games?

"I think just being able to feel comfortable in the new offense. I kind of said it. Just based on my journey in the last couple of years, it was good to have a whole spring and whole camp with the offense. It was good to go out and execute that same offense once you get to games instead of trying to figure out your teammates' names on the fly. I think that provides a different level of comfort especially at the quarterback position. So, to be able to go through a consistent spring, with a great staff and great teammates and to be able to go out and execute in the same offense, it definitely feels good."

49ers QB Brandon Allen

What are your thoughts on your performance on that last drive tonight?

"We got down the field a couple times, but the quick two drives. I would've loved to hit that last throw. But other than that I thought we were clean offensively pretty much the whole game. Not quite the fireworks, but I thought it was pretty efficient football."

Is that one that will haunt you when you go to bed, just knowing that you might have had that one?

"No. I would have felt a lot better about the two drives if we had got that last one for sure."

What do you think is most encouraging through these first two games?

"I thought offensively they've been pretty clean. I think that's a big thing in preseason. When you're playing a lot of guys, you got moving parts every which way. But I thought for the most part, our penalties have been pretty low, considering. I think anytime you go out there offensively, you want guys running the right routes, get the ball on time, completions, move the ball, go down, score. I thought offensively the last two games, I thought it's been pretty clean, which is encouraging."

Is there still some figuring out, in terms of you've got camp and obviously you're still only two games in, but is there still some uneasiness at all?

"I don't think there's any uneasiness, and this is my second year in this offense, so I feel confident about what I'm doing out there versus different defenses where to go with the ball, that sort of thing. I'd like to score more points obviously. I think for me personally, I'm pretty comfortable in the offense."

49ers S Ji'Ayir Brown

How did that feel? Your initial debut. What were your nerves like?

"It felt good. To finally go out there and get my feet wet a little bit. Being able to go out there and play against another team that's not our team. That was fun to play with other guys too. All in all, I think it was a good day for everybody. Being able to go out there and just play the way that you can being in the moment, having fun with each other and going there and just executing good football."

How many strides do you think that you have made this week?

"I think that I just got a lot more confident within my abilities, within the playbook. Being able to study the playbook the way that I did, for certain things to kind of stick to me into this game. Allowing me to go there, play fast and play my game a little bit. Playing, little bit relaxed, but, all in all just going out there playing confident, and just playing my style of football at the same time too."

The big play was a pump and go. Your skillset is so quick and you burst off the line, does that kind of route compliments your skillset?

"I believe so, I would like to say so. That is what I have been doing for a long time, being able to display my speed a little bit and my route ability. At the same time it was a great play call, great execution on both ends. To be able to have a completion after that. It was a good play call."

49ers CB Renardo Green

Deommodore has been one of the better guys in this league playing inside and outside, but it took him a while and you seem like you kind of hit the ground running, playing, doing both. Has it been confusing? Is it the way you're coached? how do you account for the success you've had doing it?

"It's had its challenges I would say, but having a guy [CB Deommodore Lenoir] like that and anything that's gray I could just go to him and he can fill me in. That's a big help. But in college, I also played multiple roles in the secondary, so it's not nothing I'm not used to. So I got previous history doing it."

Are you about where you expected to be right now in your, in your progress and you see yourself as a, a weak one contributor?

"Yeah I've been putting the work in just trying to get better, trying to get my 1% every single day. I really just take things week by week. So my progress is my progress. But there's still opportunities. Still growth to be made. So that's what I'm striving for."

How do you feel that you're growing with Malik in particular? Do you feel you have good rapport with, with him as a safety?

"Me and [SS] Malik [Mustapha] actually trained together during the draft. So we knew each other from back then. So when we both found out that we were coming out here it was like we already had clicked back when we was down in Broward training, then, we up here. So we be on the same page a lot. I tell him get off the top, I'm going to go make this play or tell him I'm going to do this and do this and he be right on beat."

49ers S Malik Mustapha

Well, the first thing I have to ask you about is your jersey.

"I got this Ronnie Lott Jersey back in June a few months ago. Big fan of his. Obviously that's the GOAT, a 49ers legend. Met him the other day, just a dream come true, me and the idol like that. And it's kind of like a mentality thing coming into the game, wearing a Ronnie Lott Jersey for our first preseason home game of my NFL career. So I just wanted to go out there with the right mindset to attack the game."

Do you have some of the players talk to you about the history of this franchise, just the way they've won in the past and all that? Has that been talked to you at all?

"Oh yeah. It's a standard here when you put on these 49er pads and 49er helmets. You got to this program for a reason. It saw something in you and it's up to you to uphold the standard and uphold the culture that they've set here for years. To be a part of a dynasty like this is a great feeling and what am I going to do to help elevate it as much as I can?"

Growing up a Niners fan playing at Levi's here for the first time, what was that like for you?

"It was surreal for sure. I probably wasn't as nervous as my first game, but just seeing the fans, the roar coming out of the tunnel, walking into the stadium, it was just all dreams coming true. Then I was just soaking it in, the whistle blew, I was just ready to play ball."

49ers CB Samuel Womack III

How would you say you played tonight?

"I feel like I had a good game for sure. I've got to watch the film to see. There were a couple little details that I missed, but overall I feel like it was a good game."

How do you feel about this defense? You guys were able to shut down their first team offense for those first two series.

"It all started with the leadership, from [LB] Fred [Warner], [DL Nick] Bosa and them guys all the way down. And then just upholding the standard. We got a standard in our room, standard on our team and whoever puts that Niner jersey on, you have to play to that standard. And I feel like we did that."

Saints Head Coach Dennis Allen

Opening Comments

"We're obviously disappointed that we lost the game. I told the guys in the locker room, it's never okay, it's never acceptable, regardless of whether it's a preseason game or not. We have a lot of things we have to improve on. I thought there were some good things. Early in the game, I thought the defense in particular with short fields did some good stuff and limited their points in some short field situations. Once we had a chance to get the field position a little bit better, I thought offense at the end of the first quarter and start of the second quarter, had a really nice long drive. I thought we ran the ball well. We were able to convert that with a red zone score. So I was really pleased with, overall, what we were able to get once we kind of got some field position. Obviously, early on in the game, we got a couple of drives where we're backed up and it made it a little bit more challenging. I think we had a play that we could have made over on the sideline which would've potentially gotten us the first down and kind of got us going a little bit. But overall I saw some positive signs and thought we were a little bit better upfront early on. Then I thought as the game wore on, our execution wasn't nearly as good as it needed to be as we got into our second and third phase with our guys both offensively, defensively and in the kicking game. There's a lot of things that we have to get cleaned up, but I did see some positive signs to try to build on."

Did you see what happened to DB [Kool-Aid] Ga'Quincy McKinstry's leg?

"He has a knee injury. I think we avoided anything serious. Now what kind of time we're looking at, I really have no idea. I think we escaped the game, at least from the initial report, without any major injuries."

Was that long drive how you envisioned what you want the offense to look like?

"Yeah, I like our ability to be able to run the football with some play action passing game. I think certainly I'd like for us to be able to get some explosive plays. This team that we just played traditionally doesn't give up a lot of explosive plays. So I think we knew kind of going into the game that that would be kind of challenging. In the way that we were able to run the football on that drive, I thought that was really, really encouraging."

What would you say about the decisions to not field the punts inside the 10-yard line?

"I think for the most part we probably should have fielded most of those. I think there may have been one that I thought was a good decision to let it go. I thought we probably could have fielded a couple of those that we didn't."

Did something happen pregame to TE Dallin Holker?

"He sprained his ankle pregame. It was pre pregame, just throwing with the quarterbacks early on."

What did you see out of your defensive front those first couple drives, especially with San Francisco 49ers QB Brock Purdy in the game?

"I thought early on we did some good things. I thought rushing coverage was working well together and we've got some guys that have a chance to affect the quarterback. From a pass coverage standpoint, obviously losing Ga'Quincy there early in the game kind of changed some things. With [DB Marshon] Latimore already out and [DB Paulson] Adebo already out too, I thought overall, from a pass coverage standpoint, we were able to hold up pretty good."

With DL Bryan Bresee starting over DL Khalen Saunders, have you seen something from Bresee lately that you wanted to get him a look in there?

"He's done some good things. He's probably a little bit more improved as a run player which is good. He's a guy that we've got to continue to work to get him into the best football shape that he can be in because when he's rested and feeling good. He's a pretty good player. So how can we get him to be able to string together three, four, five, six or seven plays and still be conditioned to play at the level that we need him to. That was part of the reason we kept him in there for that two minute drive is to get him some of that work."

I know you haven't looked at the film, but initial thoughts on QB Spencer Rattler here.

"It'd probably be unfair for me, for me to say. Look, I thought there were a couple plays there late in the game where I thought [QB] Jake [Haener] did some really nice things. I thought it was a little disjointed when Spencer was in there and I don't think it was all his fault. I mean the one play, the ball's on the ground on the snap, so we'll have to go back and look at it. But I thought there were some good things that we did with the first group. There's some things that we have to be better at and then I thought after that it was a little inconsistent and sloppy at times."

Was the plan to play the starts three series or did you want to see how it went on offensive?

"I think we went into this game saying we wanted to get our ones probably a quarter and a half to 15 plays, somewhere in that vicinity. When we went on the long drive offensively, I was like, 'let's just keep them in there and let's finish this drive.' Once we were able to finish the drive and get the touchdown, I'd seen enough of the first wave of guys."

How much did the joint practices being canceled affect your decision on who you would have played?

"Obviously that's a hypothetical question, so I don't really know. I think you go into all these games and it's really based on what I feel like we need. Certainly I felt like where we were at with our guys they needed to go in and play in a game like situation. We played them and the plan was to play them a quarter and a half to 15 plays, somewhere in there. I don't remember what the final numbers came out to be, but that was kind of the thought process going in. We'll go through the practices this week and somewhere towards the end of the week we'll make a decision on who and how much we want to play in this final preseason game."

Not looking at the film, but is DB Rico Peyton kind of helping his cause?

"A little bit. I thought he did some really good things. They tested him and threw the ball down the field on him several times. I think he's done some good things."

Do you have a feel for your team at this point?

"Yeah, I got a better feel for them. I don't think the final verdicts out yet in terms of what we got or what we're going to be. I know what we're building towards and I like a lot of the things that I see. I like a lot of the things that I'm feeling from our group. There's some things that I think we still got to improve on."

We hear about the bonding that occurs between a team when you're kind of in these sequestered situations at the end of the trip. Do you feel like that's happened to the level you'd hoped it would?

"It's been good, it's been really good. I think we've got a close team. I think we've got a close group. I like that part of where we're at."

What did you make of the punting game tonight?

"I think they won the punting battle. I think they did a better job of pinning us down than we were able to do. So, that's what I thought."

Saints QB Derek Carr

How is this year different? Where do you think you are at?

"Yeah, I've had a lot of experience with that kind of offseason of, 'hey, we all got to learn something new.' So one thing that I've done from OTAs to training camp to now is just trying to get those extra reps. One of the things I always dive in mentally and study it and learn it and that kind of stuff, but getting those reps. So I would come out to practice early and run through the practice, two times. I'd run through it with my coaches and then we'd stretch and then we'd actually have the practice. And I just felt like getting those extra reps just helped me mentally get ready to play faster. Not just to know it, but to be able to play with it."

It's only preseason but with that 95-yard drive, was that encouraging for you guys to be able to sort of put things together?

"Yeah, I think it feels good for the coaches too. For us to execute, hit some. We had a couple explosives in there, some fourth downs, young players, different guys playing different spots. But it's always hard too, in the preseason because you're just calling like the basic stuff. No one wants to show anything. But still, the competitor in you still wants to go out there and compete and make something happen. And so being able to go down and get a touchdown, punch it in. It definitely was like kind of like a monkey off the back, kind of like a relief. Like, 'alright, we can score.' So it definitely felt nice to do that."

What do you think was so effective about the run game, especially on that drive? What was working well?

"It's hard to say without me seeing it because I'm booting away and not watching them. But I felt like it started at the line of scrimmage, to get the runner started. I felt like every time I finished my boot and I would look, he was into the second level untouched. And that right there is a great job. That comes down to communication. Guys will get beat every now and then, that's the NFL. But whenever you see guys getting into the second level, full speed like that, that's good communication and guys doing the right thing. So that's just what I could notice from my viewpoint."

You said a few weeks ago that the run game was your favorite part of this offense. Is that just to see it kind of crystallize and come together, is that kind of like an example of what you're talking about?

"Absolutely. Everything is going to be off the run game because then it opens up the play actions, all the different stuff, the bootlegs, everything. And so for us to do what we want to do, that's what it starts with. And so to see that come together, that's the real cool thing about the preseason too is that's the time to get those live reps of the run game because you can't cut guys. You're not really taking your guys to the ground in practice and stuff like that. So this is full tilt, real runs and I'm sure that made the offensive line, the backs and the tight ends feel good about what they were doing."

Are you going to dial up Major League for the flight home?

"Yeah, for the two young quarterbacks. That's it. Y'all heard about that? Both of them have never seen Major League. Me and [quarterbacks coach Andrew] Janocko are making Major League references and they're like, 'yeah, I have no idea.' And one of them hasn't seen Remember the Titans, but that's a whole other story."

RB Jamaal Williams was just saying how eager he is to get home. After almost a month out here, are you ready to get home?

"I am. I'm ready to get back home. I miss New Orleans and I miss being at home. I miss my miss my wife, miss my kids. So I can't wait. Can't wait to go get back home and see them even though they start school. So I'll get home and I won't even see them until about three. But it'll still be nice to be able to sleep in your own bed again, have your own routine again. But for sure, my family's always around. So I do miss them."

Where do you feel like the timing is for you and some of your receivers now after a few weeks, particularly in the games themselves?

"I think it's good. I think I tried my best. I was really stressing too, like throwing them on time, not taking a second hitch or anything like that. I was really trying my best to throw those things on time because this is the time you don't want to mess up, but it's okay to mess up when it's the preseason. And so when I was trying to throw them on time and we had one, he almost made the play, but that's a trust throw versus press. To get that live rep that's real football. And so I feel very confident with where those guys are and as our guys continue to get healthy and adding everybody into the mix. I feel confident with those guys for sure."

Saints QB Jake Haener

New Orleans Saints head coach Dennis Allen mentioned putting you out in the two-minute drive to get you more into football shape. How do you feel that conditioning has gone? And is there something that, I know you were hurt a little bit but is that just coming back from the injury or?

"Yeah, I mean, I think even just that week off can kind of slow you down a little bit. So I mean, any chance I can get in that situation to get out there and get real football reps and get myself into the best shape I can for the season is always helpful."

You got to start tonight. That didn't happen last season. Is that maybe a sign of your growth, your progress?

"Yeah, I mean, for me it's just whatever the coaches tell me and whatever I can do to help this team is what I'm going to do. So, whatever position they put me in, I just roll with it."

You guys are getting close to getting the quarterback on the ground, but couldn't quite get in there. Is that encouraging to be that close and figure at some point you're going to be closing out?

"Yeah, I mean it definitely sucks when you're that close and can't get it finished. But just looking at the games and the rushes and how everyone rushed together and ran these games together. It's good to see those things come clean and whether the ball gets out a little quicker than you want it to or not, it's obviously good right now to kind of have those things happen and just see how people work together. Everything's different with different people on the field, so games are run different, rushes are different, it just depends on who's out there. So, everyone kind of getting a feel for each other rushing and all that kind of stuff has been good for us."

You seem like you're playing with more speed, seems like you're playing freer or easier, kind of is everything clicking going into year two?

"Yeah, I mean I think it's starting to, it's obviously not completely there yet and there's a lot of room I still have to grow. But things have definitely kind of slowed down a little bit for me and it's allowed me to kind of play more free and yeah, just play fast."

Saints WR Bub Means

The depth in some positions is up for grabs. What are you hoping that you can show by the end of camp?

"I'm just hoping that I show that I'm valuable to this team. I just want to do whatever I can on and off the field to help this team win. If that's playing a role on offense, playing a role on special teams, whatever I have got to do to help my team win, that's what I'm here for."

That fourth down play, can you walk through what happened from your end?

"We got set and you know how you get a play and you say okay oh, that's to me. I lined up and I'm trying to keep my composure because I still have to make the play. We practice this every day. So I wasn't going to do too much, wasn't going to do anything extra. I just got out there and did what I do at practice and we made the play. That's an easy play, pitch and catch. Great feeling to have. That's my first catch in the NFL, so that's a blessing. But you know, I don't make the game too much bigger than what it is. At the end of the day we practice these plays and we run these plays multiple times before we come out here and run them. So I just treat it just like practice, in practice we hit these, we do it with the right timing and the right details, everything about that. So I just try to translate that to the field and to the game."

Seems like since Rookie Mini Camp, you and Wide Receivers Coach Keith Williams have had a very tight connection. Talk about how that is during the game.

"He expects the best out of us. That's my dog. I'm not going to lie. He expects the best out of us. He's going to push us to be the best by any means. He's going to make sure you know too, if you do something sorry, he's going to tell you "I don't expect that out of you. I expect more out of you." That's the type of tough coaching I need. I appreciate that and he's going to make me a great NFL player and a great young man."

Saints TE Foster Moreau

The 15 play drive how'd that feel?

"That was great. That was a lot of fun. It's a glimpse of what we're capable of. We got to start faster. Two three and outs on the first two drives. I jump offsides on the very first play. You could be as juiced to go as you want. But I mean, that goes directly into the bin of start fast and finish strong. And that's just off to a slow start and then we wasted two of the drives that we have because of it."

Is that a good example of how the run game can kind of help everything with this offense it just maybe makes things a little bit easier?

"I mean of course. The best teams in this league run the ball at a high clip for at least, I mean, they don't have to run the ball for 200 yards a game, but their yards per carry have to be pretty good. I thought we did that. We showcased that pretty well in the first half and you just got to keep fighting to try to keep the number up. Yards per carry is kind of our golden ticket."

Was it important for you guys at all to kind of just have one that clicked enough?

"It was a lot of fun. It reminds you what you are playing for. The preseason is a tune up period. But it's also a period where you're developing habits and you're developing your culture and you're trying to identify who are going be the play makers that help us win football games. We're starting to see a little bit, but [New Orleans Saints Head Coach Dennis Allen] DA's message was clear. Guys got to step up. Winning is a habit. So is losing."

Saints LB Anfernee Orji

You led the team in tackles today, just being able to go out there and fly around like that. How good was it, knowing that all the work you've been putting in?

"Yes, I feel great. Just give it all to God. I just came out here and that's my mantra for living my life right now. I'm just trying to give everything to God. I just prayed this morning, read my Bible this morning. It told me to give everything to God. I just thank God and he let me work hard this offseason so I can come out and show my ability. I want to thank my coaches too and teammates, it just felt great to be able to be loose finally. Last year I felt I was uptight. So finally be loose and just go out there and play ball. Feels great."

What is the biggest difference between this year and last year?

"My mind, let my mind be free. Just give all my worries to God. So it's really simple. When I am not worried about messing up or trying to make a play, then I'm out there just playing ball, and ball is fun."

I was talking to Defensive Coordinator Joe Woods a couple days ago and he highlighted you in your performance you had against Arizona. What do you think he's going to say about this one?

"A little better. Felt a little better. I don't know. I played a lot of snaps, but it was good. It felt good. I like just doing my job. Then the plays are going to come when you just do your job, so it just feels good. And to get noticed feels great too."

Saints RB Jamaal Williams

So you're ready to get home?

"Yeah, my mental is done. I'm having fun with my team and everything, but I'm ready to go and see my cats, honestly. I got cats and I know they are going crazy right now wondering where their dad is at. So I'm ready to get home, honestly."

Do you feel like you guys were able to bond out here? Like do you feel closer to your team now than maybe you did few months ago?

"My personal opinion, we could have done this in New Orleans. But you do what you need to do for your teammates and I mean we're all together anyway so it's just we going through it together. So we good."

What did you make of some of the runs that Taysom was able to rip off?

"Yeah, it was good runs. He's getting downhill just running down pad level. Just what he does. So just give him a little lane and let him do his thing. But he's a great runner doing his thing. He's just a great athlete so you give him those opportunities and he's going to take him."

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