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What Kyle Shanahan, Jimmy Garoppolo, others said after 49ers-Rams

Nov 15, 2021 at 11:25 PM

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San Francisco 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan, quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo, and others spoke with reporters after Monday's game against the Los Angeles Rams. Here is everything they had to say.

Transcript provided by the San Francisco 49ers Communications staff.

49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan

Opening comments:

"The injury we had from the game, [OL] Jaylon Moore left with the knee. Did not return. Go ahead."

What was your goal as far as number of times you wanted to run the ball today?

"Our goal, we said 40. Which I almost regretted, that's tough to do, but I'm glad I said it now. So, they came through with it and it was a huge team goal and it worked out well enough that way that we could do it."

40 does seem like an absurd number.

"Yes, it is."

Why did you pick 40?

"Really to just get our minds that way. I do say that sometimes, but I always say 30. But I said 40 today because 40 includes the whole team. The defense has to play that way, the O [offense] has to play the way, the special teams have to play that way and you have to do good on third down. You have to get turnovers and you can't turn it back, so you steal some possessions that allows you to do it. And it was just really cool that the whole team played a way that you could dictate it that way."

Was that expressed to the defense too, that in order for you guys to get 40 runs, they had to have a hand in this?

"Oh yeah, that was a team goal. I don't just say it to the offense."

Did you make 40 runs the goal to play to your offensive strength or to attack a weakness in the Rams?

"Both. Just how good their offense is. It's the way you got to do it. Their defense is very good too. That's the best way to avoid negative plays. And they make it tough to do it. The way they're offense scores, how they can get you to third down. But some of the players out there like Aaron [Donald] and [Jalen] Ramsey and the guys that they've added and [Leonard] Floyd, a lot of bad stuff happens when you have to throw it too much."

This is your fifth straight win over the Rams and a lot of them have looked sort of like this. Is there just a confidence level that either you or your team feels against the Rams?

"Each game is different. They all have played out similarly though. We had a good week. Our guys seemed confident throughout the week. I know the Rams are a real good team, but we were ready to play them today and we were excited to."

Do you think the team sort of took last week personally and maybe all the discussion I know you guys don't listen to the noise, but did they take it personally? Was that an emotional performance from them?

"I think so. I think we've taken a lot this year personally, so I wouldn't just say taking something personally is what leads to that. But we were very embarrassed about last week in every aspect, which we have been at a few things this year. I don't know if that's what leads to that, but we definitely played our best game all around."

You rolled out RB Jeff Wilson Jr. a few times, especially in that first drive, and then motioned WR Deebo Samuel into the backfield. Why do you think that was so effective?

Just allowed us to do some of the same stuff, different ways. When you got guys who are really physical guys who also have some skillsets with the ball allows you to run a bunch of stuff while making it look like you're doing different stuff.

Jimmy Ward was a little overdue for an interception. So what did that start do for you guys as a whole?

That was huge. We knew going into that game that we wanted to make it as physical of a game as possible. We felt if we did that, it would come down to the turnover battle. Them coming up with two was huge and us being able to protect it, I think was different than the game.

What did you tell the players in the locker room afterward?

Just told them how proud of them I was. I said we got a short week. I think we got a real good team [Jacksonville Jaguars] ahead of us. That's how we expect to play. It's been long overdue and we've got to make sure that we take a day off. Those guys rest, come back healthy on a short week, make sure we keep it going forward.

How much of a relief was it to finally get a home win?

That's been frustrating. We haven't won at home yet this year. The last time we did win at home was versus the Rams. We had one game after that versus the Packers. And we spent are our home [games] in Arizona. But just going to this year was very frustrating. Especially, the crowds that we've had, the way our fans have been. They were awesome today. Just like they were awesome last week. But I'm glad we gave them something to be proud of today.

On the rushing attempts, did you have a sense that it might be kind of a slog getting to 40 might be a function of just getting three or four yards at a time? And also how maybe hard is it for you to stick with that when you're not popping big ones?

"It's very tough, but when the defense is playing that way and when we're doing well on third down, it makes it a lot easier. You can try for that to be your plan, but if we don't convert those third downs, no one will ever see that. Then eventually, you get behind and you got to abandon that. We don't always make the goal to have over 40 runs, but we do always make the goal to try to be balanced. A lot of stuff goes into that and you've have to be good on third down, you have to be good on the other side and you have to have 11 guys really getting after trying to run the ball well.

I think QB Jimmy Garoppolo was 7-9 and had a couple of touchdowns on third and fourth downs tonight. What was your assessment of how he played particular on those?

"I thought he made some big time plays, especially there at the end. That fourth-and-five, I didn't get to see it all, but the protection on it. I didn't get to see all 11 guys, but I saw Deebo, I saw Jimmy throw a great ball to him. I got to assume that the protection was really good. I think our right side had all one-on-ones and were able to hang in there and make a big play, which gave us a little comfortable lead there at that time."

You've primarily been using RB Elijah Mitchell, the fact that Jeff Wilson was back, obviously, you have confidence in him. Did that help you, I guess establish that main goal of 40? Make it more realistic? Just knowing that you could have a the more diversified running game?

"It would have been our same goal if Jeff wasn't there, and it would have been RB Trey Sermon getting the carries. Jeff being out there, I got a lot of confidence in Jeff. He's done some really good things here. I know he's still trying to get back into complete football shape and healthy, but he ran the ball very well when he played halfback and he got a lot of snaps basically at fullback today in our 11 personnel when Deebo was running the ball and did a real good job at it."

What did that first drive mean to you? 18 plays, I think 12 runs in it, so if you're going for 40 carries, 12 to start is a pretty good thing. What did that mean to you? Was it while you're going through it, when you're calling these places, are you feeling in a rhythm where you'd be like, 'this is exactly what we need to do?'

"Yes, when you say the goal of 40 and I almost backtracked it a little bit, because that's somewhat unrealistic. But then when we had that many on the first drive I was like, 'alright we got a chance now let's keep doing this. We'll see how the other side goes.' And the other side did very well, especially when they got the turnovers, but everybody seemed amped up and ready to go. When you have that long drive, I don't know how many third downs we had on it, but converting those allowed us to just stay with it."

Deebo Samuel in college was really good after the catching and good with the ball in his hands, but when he got here, when did you make the decision? Like, 'okay, we can give him running back plays.'

"Just getting to know him and him practicing with the guys. You've got an idea when you draft people. But we didn't know how good he was at that stuff. That was the stuff we know we saw with [Former 49ersWR Jalen] Hurd, that was one reason to take him, just with his running back experience, being able to see it all. Deebo, you didn't totally know. But you got to see him run screens and how he physically was. It was how he finished screens that we liked so much. He really brought it to people when there was nowhere to go and just having him, you see what he's good at and you try to put players in position to help them."

Who got the game balls tonight?

"Nobody, we didn't give any game balls out. I would have gave one to everybody if we did. We need to start to expect some more games like that. We got to make sure that to be better or worse next week and we got to make sure we're better."

Through some of these losses, have you gone back through your own stuff and quality checked? Like maybe I got to try new things or maybe I don't? Have you gone through that?

"Oh yeah, you do that every week. But it's not, it's just different how you guys would look into it. It's not like, 'hey, we did this this week. What should we try next week?' It has to do with the players you have available. It has to do with the people you're going against, what gives your guys the best way to defend people, to block people just from a personnel standpoint and then from a structure standpoint of how people run schemes. So there's usually a different plan each week, but we look at all of our stuff as much as you can. We knew this formula was the way we thought gave us the best chance to win and that doesn't always mean you can do it, so I give hats off to our players, the position coaches and everyone working them out through the week because guys were very detailed on what we did. We still made mistakes, some of those penalties we had there in the fourth with a couple of false starts, I think we snapped the ball early on one. I think we jumped on defense with encroachment. I think on second-and-goal from the 17, so there was still some mistakes like there usually is, but we did the things to overcome them today."

You had 42 rushes in that NFC Championship game. Do you ever remember going into a game with that ambitious number 40? Do you recall that from any other games?

"Games that we've done it?"

Yeah is this a first or have there been others?

"No, I think we ran it over 40 a few times here. I'd probably say like, I would just guess like six times. I would guess in my career 15, you guys can look all that up or someone can give it to you, but that would just be my guess. Usually that's when you get a lead on people though and that game's over in the third quarter and you're just trying to finish it out in the fourth is how most of those have gone. But with that offense and the skill power that they have you don't feel it's over until right towards the end."

The defense and the running game and the efficient play from Garoppolo that's the 2019 formula. Did it feel like a 2019 game?

"I know what you're talking about. I don't like to keep going back to that year, but obviously that was our best team that year. I know why that was our best year. I think we were the best defense in the league that year. I think we were the second-best running team in the league that year. When you have those two things, it makes the game a lot easier for all your players, which allows you to be a lot more efficient in the pass game. That's always the goal. That's how you want to build it. But it doesn't always work out that way. When it isn't that way, you have to be able to find other ways to win."

49ers QB Jimmy Garoppolo

I'm curious what you thought when head coach Kyle Shanahan said he wanted to run the ball 40 times?

"We've been successful doing it like that before. I think whenever you can do that, if you do get 40 runs, you're going have a good night, one way or another. So yeah, it was awesome. I think, what did we finish? 45 or so, 44? Yeah, good night."

Can you speak to what that means, as far as, I mean, you have to complete a lot of passes, you have to pick up third downs, it moved the chains. So, you look at the 44 runs and you think, well, that's just the running game, but it takes a lot more than that, correct?

"Yeah, there's a lot that goes into it. I think being good on third down, I just heard what we were, that really helped everything. When we can convert, stay on the field. I've said it before, but when we play complimentary football with defense, like we did tonight, it's a good recipe for us."

You've now won five in a row over the Rams. I know you don't want to say it, but is there some mental edge or a competence level going up against these guys?

"I don't know. I mean, when you win five in a row, yeah, maybe a little bit. It's just our style that we play with. I think it starts with our week of practice. We came out, guys were ready to practice with a good mindset and wanting to change what we did last week. And I think it showed on the field at night."

There was a lot of talk last week about finding your identity. That looked like your identity. What did it feel like to get back to that?

"It was good. Honestly, it felt like pretty similar to the Super Bowl year, that year that we did. It felt like we ran the ball 30 times every time that year. And it's just when we can do that, and like I said, be successful on third down, it's a good recipe for us."

Can you take us through the fourth down touchdown pass to WR Deebo Samuel and how you saw that coming and how good of a pass that was for you?

"Yeah, it was not really the way the play was designed. I would say just kind of happened. The middle of the field kind of opened up. I saw one of their safeties come down and tried to move him to the right a little bit and Deebo did the rest. Got him the ball. That guy, especially when we played the Rams, maybe that's the mindset part, but when we play the Rams, Deebo always comes out ready to roll."

What does it mean to you to get a pass call in that situation to put the game away as opposed to just punting?

"Good. Me and Kyle, I usually have a good feel for what he's thinking about it. And as soon as third down was over, I looked over at him and I saw him looking down at his play sheets. I was like, all right, look, we're going for it. So it was fourth and five. I thought it was the right call at the right time."

Have you ever seen or had a teammate Deebo? Just somebody who plays receiver but then we've got to get this guy the ball as a running back?

"Honestly, I haven't. I haven't seen many of them in the NFL either. I mean, it's a unique talent, just durability of the guy, the route running ability, the mental capacity, just to keep everything in his head that he has to do on a week-to-week basis. It's really impressive. I mean, the dude can play multiple positions and he's earned everything he's gotten."

Do you remember the first time that happened in practice? And you guys are like looking at each other?

"What's that?"

When you're designing running plays for a receiver?

"Yeah, it was his rookie year. I can remember just we wanted to get the ball in his hands, we didn't really know how or what we were going to do to do that, but we knew we wanted the ball in his hands. And so whether it's a slip screen or him at running back, whenever you can get that ball guy, it's a good thing."

Was last week kind of a wakeup call after what happened last week and it kind of ignited what you guys did tonight?

"Sort of. I don't want to call it a true wake up. It kind of put our backs against the wall for a second. But it made us focus more during the week of practice, which I really liked. And I think we have to do that going forward. That's how you know, this league isn't easy. Every team's good. Jacksonville is going to come in here next week. Or we're going to go there ready to roll. And it's just, you always have to be ready."

That first drive, 18 plays. What does that do for you guys as far as your rhythm and confidence in the offense?

"It got us into a rhythm for sure. I mean 18 plays, I think it was, that's the way we want to do it. I don't know how many runs we had on that, but just running the ball, converting on third downs and scoring at the end. I don't want to say it took their soul away, but it definitely did something. All right. Thanks guys."

49ers DL Nick Bosa

What would you attribute this game to today?

"Just coming out, starting fast, getting off the field, getting a couple of turnovers early, and just getting the momentum going our way. Obviously, the offense ran the ball really well, which always helps us and keeps us fresh."

When the offense goes 18 plays for 93 yards, what are you guys thinking when you're on the sideline and your offense is just grinding it out like that?

"It is exactly what you want to see. That tires their defense out and gives us a breather. It is as good of a start as you can ask for."

There was a third-down play where you and 49ers DL Samson Ebukam were coming up the middle for Los Angeles Rams QB Matthew Stafford, was that a new play that you put in just this week?

"Yeah, we ran something similar against Chicago and it worked pretty well, so yeah that was a new one and it worked pretty well again."

It looks like you're playing on both sides now, a little bit more than you have been in the past. Do you like that variety more?

"I do, yeah. I like to switch it up."

Does it help with your pass rush?

"Staying on one guy the whole game gets a little old and this was really this first game where we had a lot of pass rush opportunities. I only went to the right for a few reps tonight. I like going both sides and I'm equally comfortable on each side."

49ers TE George Kittle

When you're evaluating players, people always talk about comps. This guy's kind of like that guy is, who is like WR Deebo Samuel?

"Find someone that plays wide receiver, fullback and running back. Maybe [RB] Jeff Wilson [Jr.]. That might be the closest comparison. There's not a lot of comps. I mean, especially in the way that [head] coach [Kyle] Shanahan and our offense staff makes plays for him. Line him up at running back, toss him the ball. Just the physicality that he plays with every single snap. And he can score every single play. And when you have a guy like that, it's pretty amazing."

Do you remember what your reaction was the first time you saw him being used as a running back in practice?

"I was like jealous at first, but then I realized that how much more running backs get hit all the time. And I was like, yeah, you know, that's all you, man. I'll just block for you. Don't worry about it."

How much fun did you have blocking Los Angeles Rams OLB Von Miller tonight?

"It was awesome. I know like there was a highlight, I got a pancake on it and, yes, that was an awesome play. [FB Kyle] Juszczyk helped me out a ton on that. We did that all night with all those motions. We had Juice doing it. We had Jeff Wilson doing it. We had Deebo doing it. We had [WR] Trent Sherfield doing it. And so just the fact that we can use all these guys that have a physical mindset and an aggressive mindset on those plays, it allows us to attack those outside edges when they have fantastic outside edge players. Like [OLB Leonard] Floyd's really good. Von Miller's really good. They have studs out there, but when you can double-team those and then get up to a DB, it makes your life a little bit easier. But yeah when you're on the ball 44 times, there's not much, anything better than that."

How juiced were you when Kyle said the goal was to run the ball forty times?

"Oh, our whole offense like basically stood up and cheered. When you can play a physical game like that, you can dominate the only reason you can run the ball 44 times is you have to control the ball, you have to take advantage of third downs, you have to convert third downs, you have to make plays. And that's what we were able to do all night. Coach Shanahan put us in positions to make plays. I thought everybody played at a high level. Offensive line, wide receivers, tight ends, fullbacks, running backs, Jimmy. I think we all played really well."

49ers WR Deebo Samuel

Can you talk about the fourth down touchdown pass and explain what the playmaker necklace is?

"Well, the necklace came from [49ers CB Jason Verrett] JV. He got it for the team whenever you make a play, you put it on. So that's where that came from. For the fourth-down play, we called an in-breaking route and then just popped it wide open. As you can see, [49ers QB] Jimmy [Garoppolo] made the right read and it turned into a touchdown."

Did you play and running back in Peewee football or high school, or is this all new to you?

"All my life I played running back."

What was that moment like after you scored the touchdown, you put the chain on, the camera was on you, and the crowd was chanting your name? Did it feel like old time a little bit?

"Yeah, it felt good to go out here and get a win. Offense, defense, special teams played a great game and we just have to build off of this and get ready for next week."

How difficult is it to come into the NFL and a 49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan offense as a receiver and then get incorporated into the running game?

"You kind of know what running plays you're going to get, so it's not too much stress on learning all the running back positions. At first, it was kind of hard but as time goes it just gets easier and easier."

49ers DB Jimmie Ward

Did you go up to Los Angeles Rams head coach Sean McVay and ask him why he keeps targeting you?

"No. I didn't look like he wanted to shake my hand. He was pissed. He is cool."

I think that it has been 1800 days since your last interception then you get two in 11 minutes. What was it like to finally get that?

"Oh it was great. Man I feel great. I don't even have words to say about it. I guess that I can enjoy it for like 24 hours and then it's onto next week. Jacksonville is coming up. We have to go on the road and get this win."

What was it like when the ball was hanging up there for a while and you obviously been waiting a while to get an interception. What were you thinking about?

"I was just thinking about how [Los Angeles Rams WR] Odell [Beckham Jr.] came and hit me. I have to pay him back next time that I see him. I have been waiting a long time to hit him so hopefully I can catch him."

How does the defense react to the offense running the ball?

"Happy when they run the ball 40 times, it keeps us off the field. I can rest my legs. It was a great game from the offense. I don't know even much more to say about that."

What is the feeling like being the way the season has gone so far to just find a ball in your hands and a clear path to the end zone?

"I feel like it happens like that sometimes. I am sitting there watching film and I see some guys that the ball is just somehow and I don't have a clue but it just works that way."

How can you guys assure that you can build off this win?

"We have to work. We have to come tomorrow or Tuesday or whenever we have meetings and practice and we have to feed off of this momentum and keep working. That is how we just won. We worked throughout the week and ended up coming away with the win."

Were you the first one to get to wear the necklace and when did San Francisco 49ers CB Jason Verrett bring that in?

"He brought that, I want to say he brought it two or three weeks ago. [San Francisco 49ers CB] Josh Norman was the first one to wear it. I want to say that he forced a fumble."

How importance was it for the defense when you made that big play? How did that change your motivation and pick you guys up after everything has happened in the past few weeks?

"I just feel like when players make big plays, the guys just feed off of that momentum and have everybody juiced up. The next thing that you know somebody else makes a big play."

49ers LB Fred Warner

How important DB Jimmy ward is to your defense?

"Man, he had a heck of a game. Just this whole season, he's been killing it. Him as an eraser back there, just owning the middle of the field. He's the best man coverage defender, or DB, safety, it doesn't matter. He's one of the best I've seen. One of the best tacklers I've been around. I was like, 'Hey man, when's the last time you've had a pick?' He's like, 'Man, it's been a long time.' And so he got that first one. I said, 'Hey, you're going to get a second one.' He's like, 'Alright.' And he got that second one, man. I'm so happy for him. That was fun to watch. It's fun to play with a guy like that."

You asked him that after his first pick?

"No, I asked him about the interceptions, I think, it was back in Chicago, because that was the last time he had got a pick, I think. And I was like, 'When was the last time you got one?' He said, 'Oh, it's been awhile.' But after that first pick, I told him he was going to get a second one. He did."

This was the third time in three years you guys have had a pick six against the Rams in particular. What does that do in terms of jumpstarting things? What kind of juice do you guys have when you play this team?

"Yeah, we came into this game knowing that we had to get the ball. [Defensive coordinator] DeMeco [Ryans] talked about all week, if we get that ball, we've got to go score with it. And so when I saw Jimmie take it home, I was like, 'Man, this is it right here. We've just got to keep playing, keep going.' Getting those two takeaways was huge."

As a whole, your guys tackling was just on point today. Was there anything, any mindset, anything, that you guys did amongst yourselves to kind of tighten up that area after that last game?

"I know you're probably searching for a clean answer, but no. I mean, last week that wasn't us. We know that, I mean, in different areas. I just think we came out with the right mindset of, we needed to take the fight to them. That was in all areas, not just tackling, but in coverage and run game, pass, game, everything. So I think it showed."

Why do you think it's a deep into the season for you guys to show who you really are? I mean this is a really good team.

"You know, I don't know if there's a perfect answer for that, honestly. We come out with the same mindset every game, that, we want to come out with that type of mindset. We knew it was a huge game coming. It had been a long time coming winning a home game. We wanted to do it for the fans. We wanted to win a game, we needed to win a game in the division against a great team. Yeah, I think we just came out and fought and it showed."

Was it almost more special just given the fact that the last time you have to played in front of fans before this year was 2019. It's like basically two years.

"Exactly. I mean, it's special, just this entire season having them has been outstanding. I mean, and the faithful has stayed faithful through ups and downs. And I'm happy that we got this one."

How does the offense being so physical when they're on the field effect you as the defense?

"Man, anytime we get to sit there and drink Gatorade, they're running that ball. That's great football right there. We love that."

49ers T Trent Williams

You didn't come here to play the kind of football you guys have played here over the past six weeks. What has been your mindset through this and how have you helped to try to get you and your teammates over the hump?

"You just got to take it one day at a time, one week at a time. I know I chose to come here but I didn't think I was coming here and it was just going to be all roses. I understand that with this game, adversity comes and injuries come. There is always something to get over. It is just a one week at a time mindset. That's the only way we were going to turn it around."

After you have an 18-play drive, does it leave a mark on your opponents for the rest of the game?

"I'm sure it does. It leaves a mark on us, too. It is pretty tough to go out there and play 18 plays straight, especially when majority of them are running plays. If you want to establish any type of dominance, especially in the trenches, I think it is necessary. You got to run the ball. You got to make your opponents respect that."

Do you believe you guys established and identity tonight and if so, what is it?

"I mean, that's been our identity. Our identity has always been a run-heavy offense and we use that to throw play-action off of it. That's kind of us. We like to stay balanced but really lean more towards the run. Whenever we can keep the chains moving and average four to five yards a carry in the run game, that is us. That is 49er football."

Rams Head Coach Sean McVay

Opening comments?

"Okay guys we didn't play well enough to win that game tonight. Obviously hats off to the 49ers. So it was a humbling night for us as a team and a great opportunity for us to be able to take a deep breath, step away, look at the things that we need to correct. Particularly offensively over the last couple of weeks, it wasn't nearly good enough, but we'll look inwardly. We are going to figure this thing out and we are going to comeback freaking swinging. I promise you that all right for these last seven games of the regular season."

Why were the 49ers so effective to control the ball against you?

"I got to go back and look at the film. They did a good job. They were able to kind of just churn out yards and they were efficient on some of the third downs. Really when you look at it, we had two turnovers to start the game offensively. We're not playing complementary football and that is something that we've got to look at. We've got to play better as a team. That's why we've had the results that we have the last couple of weeks."

Offensively, how much did not having Los Angeles Rams WR Robert Woods impact the game tonight?

"You know, Robert's a very important player. You never replace him. It certainly didn't help not to have him, but I don't want to use that as an excuse. We didn't play well enough. We didn't make enough plays. Our best players didn't play up to their standards, and that's something that we'll all look at one another. Let's first and foremost, look at ourselves, what can we do better within the framework of our roles? Then let's move forward with a resilient mindset mentality. That's exactly what we'll do."

Why were there so many drops tonight?

"I don't know. I think some of them are concentration lapses, and guys just not making plays that they're accustomed to. But certainly it was very uncharacteristic for a lot of guys and it wasn't just one guy in particular, it was a handful of different guys. Everybody had a hand in this tonight and that's where we got to look at ourselves. Look inwardly first and foremost, and then be able to move forward accordingly because I choose to believe that these last couple of weeks are not who we are. I refuse to believe that even though, you know what, you're only as good as your last game. These last two weeks have certainly been humbling, but like I said, you know, we're going to look at ourselves. I think it's good for our guys to be able to take a step back, be able to get away a little bit. I know that you know, there'll be some things in the background that I'm going to make sure that I'm going to be able to know. I will have some solutions when we come back and attack this thing the right way for these last seven games."

What was off tonight with Los Angeles Rams QB Matthew Stafford?

"He was a little off. I think we were just off as a whole. Certainly I know he expects to be able to play better. He will play better. He can play better. But I have all the confidence in the world in Matthew Stafford. I have all the confidence in the world in our players, and we've got to play better. They can play better. I know that, I expect that. And that's what I choose to believe as we come back from this Bye week."

What kept happening tonight on third down?

"They just made plays. It wasn't just one thing in particular. Whether it was third down or the fourth down, they did a good job executing. It wasn't really anything that we were caught off guard, but they came out, they were ready to go, and they made more plays than we did tonight."

How much will this loss take a toll on the team?

"It's only going to take as much of a toll as we allow it to. I know that's a resilient group in that locker room. We're going to come back, we're going to battle and we're going to try to figure out a way to solve some of these problems that we've had over the last couple of weeks, and that is all know how to do."

Why did you go for the fake the field goal?

"In hindsight it wasn't a good decision. So you know, that's my responsibility. It was something that we felt like we had a chance to work. They made the play, we didn't, and that falls on my shoulders."

Every game, every season is different, why do the 49ers seem to pull out a win each time?

"They have won those games, but every single game has been a different narrative. Give credit to them. They did a nice job tonight. They won the game soundly. They played well on all three phases. We didn't play well enough tonight to win that football game. I have a lot of respect for them. They've done a nice job, but I'm not going to sit here and go into what we could go through all of those five games. There's been a different reason. None of which is going to be anything other than an excuse on my end, you give them their credit. But we'll get an opportunity to play them again later on this year."

How much did it hurt not having Robert Woods in the game plan?

"It's unfortunate, you know, I don't know that it really affected guy's ability to throw and catch and not execute at the level that we expect to. You never replace a player like Robert Woods. We certainly missed him tonight. But I still don't think that it gives us an excuse for why we didn't play well, enough offensively, consistently executing things that we expect to do at a much, much higher level."

Is it difficult to take a step back during the bye-week when you want to get back out there so badly?

"I think you've just got to be able to handle the circumstances that you're dealt and that's what we are doing. We're on our Bye right now. Our guys will be able to get away, but I know that there's some work to be done. I think there's a chance to be able to kind of take a deep breath take a step back and then be able to attack some of these problems the right way so that we have some solutions for our players."

Rams QB Matthew Stafford

Can you take us through the turnovers early on and then week-over-week sort of what that does in terms of the overall game, the game plan and the ball control on the other side?

"Yeah, first one, they did a nice job peeling with the back, covered [Los Angeles Rams WR] Cooper [Kupp] with some depth from the nickel. Probably should've just run that ball, maybe out to the right, I don't know if I'd get anything or throw it away. Just too aggressive, throwing it down the field. Shouldn't have done it. Second one, I'm throwing that ball to [Los Angeles Rams TE Tyler Higbee] Higs just like that every time, uncharacteristic, just something that is hazard to playing the position. Sometimes those things happen. Obviously, wish they wouldn't, but I trust all our guys to make those plays and those things just happen, but put us behind the eight ball early and playing against a good team like that, that can control the clock, control the ball the way they can, that's not the way you want to play those guys from behind early on."

Any idea what was happening with so many drops?

"No, I mean sometimes those things happen. I got a ton of trust in all those guys. I see those guys, the way they work, the way they go about their business week-in, and week-out. I can definitely do a better job of giving them the ball in a better spot, so they don't have to work as hard to make those catches. So, I'll make sure I'm doing my part to try and be better for those guys and, and get them better opportunities."

What was the process you went through to plan for Los Angeles Rams WR Robert Woods' absence?

"Yeah, I thought our coaches did a great job, and the guys that we asked to step up and play, obviously [Los Angeles Rams WR] Odell [Beckham Jr.] on a short week coming in here, doing a nice job in his role this week, made some plays for us catching the football. I thought [Los Angeles Rams WR] Ben [Skowronek] did a good job stepping in when we needed him. So, I think it was all hands on deck. You miss a guy like Robert Woods? Absolutely. I mean, he does so many things for this offense, but we know the situation and he's not going to be with us for the rest of the year. So, we've got to do everything we can to make sure that we all pull a little bit harder on the rope and make sure we get going."

You started the season off really strong the last two weeks, obviously not so much. How do you use the Bye-week to reflect and look back on film?

"Yeah, definitely. We'll spend some time thinking about it, reflecting on the first 10 games of the year, and some of the good stuff, some of the bad, how I can be better to help lead this team. Definitely want to get away for a little bit mentally and just try to come back recharged and ready to go."

When a game like this unfolds and once again, you're behind by two scores early, and their ball control, how does that affect your guys' game plan and the pressure to execute?

"I think every time we touch the ball there's pressure to execute. We want to go out there and execute at a high level. I think it just affects the way the game can go, and against a team like that with a really good front, they can rush the passer, really nice pass defense. You don't want to get one dimensional. I thought [Los Angeles Rams head] coach [Sean McVay] did a great job of keeping us mixing it up on the ground and in through the air for as long as we could and then, at a certain point in the game, you've got to go try there and turn it loose, and see if you can get back into it. So, defense played good enough to keep us in this game. We just didn't score enough points to really even give them a chance either."

You entered week nine throwing four interceptions total, is something bothering you or anything different with what you're being presented with?

"No, I think they're all their own kind of individual thing. Had two last week that were tough decisions. One this week that was a tough decision and probably another one that you've got to live with playing this position, playing this game, but I can definitely be better in all aspects, man. We'll continue to work to try and be that way."

This is a little bit of a unique situation with Odell coming in now you guys having a Bye-week. Is there anything that you might do differently during a Bye-week that you wouldn't normally just as he tries to learn the playbook and then kind of get acquainted with everybody as soon as possible?

"Yeah, I think we'll figure that out. I think there'll probably be some time where we can spend together to try to get him as up to speed as we possibly can. This is something that took me some time, it takes a lot of people time to learn this offense. I thought he did a great job of coming in and executing the tightened down game plan we had for him. I imagine that role to continue to expand with more and more that he can handle."

What's that like for you as a quarterback, when you make a mistake and then the opponent keeps the ball for 11 minutes? I mean, I assume you want to get back out there and do well, but to have to sit there and wait that long.

"I just kind of go back and assess the situation, how it happened, how it unfolded. Obviously, that first one that's a bad decision on my part to throw that ball down the field and then I flush it. I go and figure out how are we're gonna play the rest of the game and cheer on our defense. So, that's what I've done for the longest time, and I'll continue to do that. Every time they get a turnover, we want a score. Every time we turn it over, they want to get a three and out. I mean, that's the way it goes. It doesn't always happen that way, but you've got to continue to play the game and we just didn't do a good enough job on the offensive side of the ball to keep us in it."

As well as mentally, does the Bye help you physically?

"Oh yeah. Always, a week of rest will be nice. Do something to move around and make sure I'm trying to stay feeling good and all that, but it'll be nice."

Over the last two weeks facing that early deficit as you guys have even prior when there were slow starts here and there, do you feel that this team is responding to those situations as a whole in a way that you would expect by this time of the year, or what's the process or the journey to get those responses in to where you guys are very much in the game series again?

"Yeah, I think it's just execution. I know everybody had the right mindset wanting to come out here and play as good of football as we possibly can play in all three phases, but you've got to go execute. We didn't do it on offense and didn't help our defense out early, and then really had some chances in the third quarter to kind of climb back in it and didn't get it done. So, that's what it comes down to. Blocking, throwing, catching, running, all those kind of things, the fundamentals, we got to do them a little bit better. Clean the game up a little bit from our end, and I've got a lot of belief in the guys in that locker room on all sides of the ball to come back and have the right attitude going into the next seven games of the season, and work the right way and be where we want to be."

Rams WR Odell Beckham Jr.

Can you take us through that deep pass? Was there a miscommunication on that one that led to that interception?

"Just getting adjusted to everything. It was a favorable down for them. Long punts, shakes it off and just keep playing ball."

How hard was this game for you to come right in, especially with Los Angeles Rams WR Robert Woods' injury? Did they feel even more at you than you expected?

"No. They did a phenomenal job at helping me get adjusted to the playbook and do all of those things. Like I said, those are big shoes to fill. He is the heart of this team and I think we have to remember that this is the National Football League and any given Sunday any team can win. Tonight the Niners came out and they played better than us on all phases of the game. That is really the moral of the story. There is no trying to find out what happened they just outplayed us."

How did you feel for your first game, first play?

"I was excited. I felt like I was ready for the moment. I felt like I have been through so much and God is good. He has put me in this position for this exact moment. It just wasn't our night. There is no way around it. It just wasn't our night in all three phases of the game. They ran the ball well. They stopped us while we were on offense. They just beat us."

Does this Bye week give you a chance to catch your breath?

"Absolutely. I think that is for everybody as well. We get a Bye week. It is the 10th game of the season. It is a long season. You are going into the back stretch, you have seven games left. It is a Bye week. It is going to be a tough road, these moments don't divide you. They get you stronger and closer together and I am happy to be here. Over the Bye week to be able to get into the playbook and really try to learn every single thing possible. I know it was quick but I am ready, I am excited, I am just happy to be here."

How do you spend your Bye week?

"I'll be here. I'll be working out, getting it in, doing a little two days. I had a baby hiatus myself just with everything that was going on. Emotionally it was a lot so now I get to get back in the lab and get to work and get through the playbook. You lick your wounds and get ready for one of the best teams in the NFL in Green Bay at Lambeau, so that is all that it is to it. You give yourself 24 to 48 hours however long, not much longer than that, and then you wipe it and you get ready for Green Bay."

What do you learn about each other in the locker room after something like this?

"You see how everyone responds to adversity. It is tatted on my arm, Martin Luther King, the ultimate measure of a man. Anybody can handle the ups, but what you do when you are down. Right now, I don't see heads down in the locker room. It is just that they outplayed us today. Like I said you give yourself 24-48 hours rule and you keep it pushing. You come into work prepared. We have a bye week, get some rest, lick your wounds, and you keep it moving."

How does it affect an offense when the opponent is controlling the ball the way the 49ers did?

"It's tough. It is definitely tough. They put the game plan together. They executed. It is any given Sunday. They came out to play tonight and it was their night and you have to tip your hat to them and tell them that you will see them down the road. Focus on that down the road but don't forget it and be ready for it next time."

Rams S Jordan Fuller

What was Los Angeles Rams HC Sean McVay's message to the team in the locker room after the game?

"He was just saying we won't let this define us. We definitely have to attack our preparation and get better and be who we know we are because we haven't been that the past couple of weeks."

What's that like mentally for you guys, the defense, when they're going 18 plays, 11 minutes you guys are on the field? How do you cope with that?

"We always say, 'Make them snap it one more time.' But it was just sometimes we were shooting ourselves in the foot, sometimes they would come running on the first down. It was tough, but at the end of the day you have to compete every single play. So, I'm not really counting how many plays are out there, it's just we're trying to get a stop."

What bothers you most about this loss so that you don't carry this forward and a two-game losing streak does not become a three-game losing streak?

"Me personally, I know I just hate to lose and whatever I get beat against, I try to shore that up and make sure that it doesn't happen again. I know we have a bunch of guys in the locker room that think the same way as me, so I think that's how we're going to approach it."

You mentioned that these last two weeks weren't reflective, right? You didn't know who you guys are as a team. I'm wondering, what does that identity that you guys say you kind of went away from the last two weeks, how do you get back to that?

"I would say we're a team that makes timely plays when we need them. I feel like sometimes we were right there, but for whatever reason, I mean different plays happened, but we just didn't execute to the best of our ability. Things kind of get out of hand when you don't execute like that. So I think that's what happened. But I think at the end of the day, we just have to get back on the film and figure out how we get back to being us again."

Rams OLB Von Miller

Does it take time to get into that rhythm?

"Yeah we were kind of behind the eight ball a little bit and they were able to just run. They're a great running football team. They're a great team in general, especially when you're playing from behind. I don't think their record is a clear indication of the type of team they are and they proved it today. We started out 14 points behind them and they could just run and power and do all this stuff. I still feel like we had a chance in this game. It just got away from us. But like I said before, I'm excited to be a part of this team. I'm excited to be a part of this rush. There was one rush early and me and AD [Los Angeles Rams DT Aaron Donald] ran like a little text or game, and I was excited. We got close, they still completed the third down, but it got me excited to be a part of this team and to be a part of this defense."

In this defense, are you completely a hundred percent just reacting and not thinking?

"Whether I know the playbook or not, I'm not going to be out there thinking. If I don't know, I'm just going to rush. That's the luxury of my position. If I don't know, I'm just going to rush and I'm just going to play the edge. I did that a couple of times tonight and I was all right, but like I said, I want to iron out this playbook. I want to gel with these guys. It's kind of like how you had [Los Angeles Lakers player] LeBron James, [former NBA player] Chris Bosh, and [former NBA player] Dwayne Wade when they first got there, they lost a couple of games. You know we have to gel and this Bye-week could be good for us. I'm excited. Like I said, I'm excited to be here. I'm excited to be a part of this team. I'm excited to be a part of this rush."

You were the Super Bowl MVP on this field, do you think about that when you take the field?

"Of course. The Bay Area has always been good to me. Even before I was here, we played the Raiders and only lost maybe once in that stadium. This is my second time losing here. I came here with the Broncos in I want to say 2018 and we lost a tough one. But this stadium has always been good to me. The Bay Area has always been good to me. I love the Bay Area, San Francisco, Oakland. Even though we lost, it still feels good to be here. It still feels good to be a part of the fog and the smells and just be here in the bay and in San Jose, it's always been good to me."

You were a key recruiter of Los Angeles Rams WR Odell Beckham Jr. What have the last couple of days been like with him?

"Every time I see him, I'm like, 'Bro, we're on the same team.' That's been my boy. I always see him in the off season, but it just kind of strikes me all the time. I think we probably said that like 12 times in the last three days. 'Bro, we're on the same team.' It's definitely been a movie. It's definitely been a good movie. Today was a bad scene but I feel like we'll be able to fight out of this. I feel like we will be able to recover from this, but having Odell on this team is great. That's my buddy on and off the football field and we'll continue to gel, I continue to gel and I'm excited. Like I said, losing is definitely not fun, but playing today was fun. Going out there and feeling myself move around and be quick and have some great rushes, I had fun today. I'm a gatherer myself, take the good and the bad and I'm going to this Bye-week and figure it out. I feel excited about this football team. I feel excited about what we can do with the games that we have left on the schedule and tell them to buckle up, get this energy going, and let's go do it."

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