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WZ Baseball 2014

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Originally posted by TexasNiner:
I'm pretty interested, but I'm much more of a roto guy in fantasy baseball.

Anyone interested in a roto league, maybe through ESPN?

Also, I'm debating doing an auction draft instead of (well possibly in addition to, I usually have several teams) snake drafts this year. I did one last year and it worked out pretty well.

Any takers for roto and/or auction drafts?

Roto is by FAR and away the best way to do baseball. The problem with doing an Auction with an on-line draft is that it will take 3 hours.....
  • jrg
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Originally posted by crzy:
So what website? ESPN?

I'm leaning towards Yahoo.
Originally posted by SLICK:
Originally posted by TexasNiner:
I'm pretty interested, but I'm much more of a roto guy in fantasy baseball.

Anyone interested in a roto league, maybe through ESPN?

Also, I'm debating doing an auction draft instead of (well possibly in addition to, I usually have several teams) snake drafts this year. I did one last year and it worked out pretty well.

Any takers for roto and/or auction drafts?

Roto is by FAR and away the best way to do baseball. The problem with doing an Auction with an on-line draft is that it will take 3 hours.....

I love auctions but I would only want to do one as a social event, not online. Too long and boring otherwise. I do kinda want to try this points based league though.
  • jrg
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At this point I'm really waiting for all Yahoo, ESPN, CBS, etc to be up and going before I make a selection which one I wanna use.
is going on around here? Who's in who's out?
  • jrg
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Originally posted by Conejo:
is going on around here? Who's in who's out?

In a hurry or something? Most Fantasy Baseball leagues aren't even open.

Slow your roll. Lol
I'm not really picky about what website to do the league in or what scoring style. I've tried ESPN, Yahoo, CBS and Fanball for baseball and thought they were all pretty decent.

For scoring I prefer Roto but I like the scoring system you guys have been discussing. Whatever you guys want though. I'm down for whatever.
  • jrg
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Yahoo is up now
  • jrg
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And with the new updates/options available, I've chosen its going to be Yahoo.

Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball 2010: Auctions! Live scoring! Pony rides!

OK, no, there aren't actually going to be pony rides. That was a lie. Apologies. (Pretty sure CBS offers 'em, if this no-pony situation is a dealbreaker for you). Let's talk about a few of the free perks we do offer when you register for Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball 2010:

  • Live Scoring

    Yup, that's right: It's free. $0. Live stats will appear at no cost. For whatever reason, users seem to prefer this pricing strategy over the $9.99 model.

  • Acquisition Budgets

    Gamers now have the option to replace the traditional waiver process with FAAB-style blind bidding, which is arguably a fairer way to distribute un-owned talent. Managing FAAB dollars is an art. You're encouraged to try it.

  • iPhone application

    Honestly, this one has very little direct impact on me, since I prefer to use a man's phone. But it's nice to know that various leaguemates will have easy access to trade offers at all times, and thus no excuse for sitting on deals.
    And now for the most exciting enhancement:

  • Auction leagues

    Finally, we're auction-enabled. You're free from the tyranny of serpentine drafts! (Although of course we offer those, too). In auction formats, every owner in your league will have the opportunity to acquire every name in the player pool. The auction room will look familiar…

…but you'll nominate players and place bids while a clock ticks.
We'll have plenty of time in the weeks ahead to discuss auction strategy – end-game spending, bid-jumping, varying cadence, etc. – but for now, please just know that auctions are available, they're free, and they're spectacular.

Wow, so I have never done an auction very intersted it a live online auction? Or what?
  • Dino
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I don't think I'll have time this year for fantasy baseball.
Yahoo has auctions now!!!!! f**k yes!!!!! Too bad they take so long.
  • jrg
  • Veteran
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Originally posted by ninerlifer:
Wow, so I have never done an auction very intersted it a live online auction? Or what?

We're likely not gonna do it in this league (takes a LONG time) but yeah its a live online auction.
yahoo keeps fetting better and better.
  • crzy
  • Hall of Fame
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I'd personally rather not do an auction league since I have no experience with it in any fantasy sport league.

I know how auction leagues work and everything, but I would be at a disadvantage strategy-wise

But if y'all choose an auction league, I'm still down.
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