Originally posted by zillabeast:I picked at #9, so I took Rodgers there. It was a 10 man draft so the next man up took Gore, then Fitzgerald. I took Andre Johnson after that.
How the hell Calvin slipped the rest of the way is beyond me. This was a live draft at a bowling alley, and trust me, I was trash talking these fools the entire rest of the night when I realized he was on the board with my 3rd pick.
Then I tried to be cute and took Reggie Wayne three picks later at #4, and my board looked dominant by the end of the night. My goal was to have 100% surefire starters every week in at least 4 slots (we have a flex), but Andre's injury and the death of Peyton Manning put a damper on that.
Then I had the foresight to pick up Cam Newton halftime of week 1. Turned out nicely. As you would imagine, my RB's are s**t, so I needed this one.
Thats exactly how my draft went except sub brady for rogers and fitz for calvin I took vincent jackson on the wat back instead of wayne too and picked up cam on waivers after week one as well lol my wr were stacked but I was starting bush and igram as my rb :/ just traded cam for arain foster today lol