What are the deets on your league? It depends on how many players.
But in general, your team is really solid through and through.
Edit: Looking at your backups, this has to be like a 8 team league... if lower than 10 managers score changes to 7/10
Another solid Team
Combo of Rodgers + Graham will be lethal due to just pure consistency, you will probably get decent points from the rest of your team and on the days those guys hit you will crush. Again, how many teams doe?
You have no Elite QB and no Elite RB (RBs both coming off injury but could be really good)
I love Cruz and Nelson, but there stats could be a little bloated last year due to big plays. I am curious if they can keep it up, if they do then you will obviously be in good shape, if they dont produce - look out.
[ Edited by Garcia on Aug 23, 2012 at 10:42 PM ]