Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Originally posted by crzy:
Two possible solution
1. We simply keep track here and say that jrg has 5.5 points less than yahoo says he does. Meaning he has to win by more than 5.5 points to truly win.
2. Jrg benches one of his closers in an upcoming contest but John must agree to this
I would say both of these have to be in place. James has a 5.5 pt manual adjustment and he must not use Davis in a SP slot for anyday during the week. He can sit any of the 4 RPS he chooses.
Alright then I will do this. Davis is on the bench currently for tomorrow. I have Rosenthal, Nathan, Allen at RP, RP, P for tomorrow. Davis will only come in if I chose to put him at RP or P.