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Nick Bosa, EDGE, Ohio St(The Politics Free Thread)

Originally posted by GhostOfBaalke:
Yea that's what he has currently . But you were responding to a post that was based off both surgeries he's had already.

Of course man. There's no way to truly predict it. My whole stance is that it's foolish to ignore it when a young player already has an injury history.

100 percent of scouts would agree that injury history matters . And with all things created equal, you'd take the guy with a clean history for obvious reasons. Now I already know the argument is that Nick Bosa is so much better than the rest that you take that risk. And I can respect that.

Definitely enjoyed it. I'm sure your brain wasn't crazy about it but your heart was haha

So i guess Ferrell should be off the table as well...torn ACL in high school.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by GhostOfBaalke:
Yea that's what he has currently . But you were responding to a post that was based off both surgeries he's had already.

Of course man. There's no way to truly predict it. My whole stance is that it's foolish to ignore it when a young player already has an injury history.

100 percent of scouts would agree that injury history matters . And with all things created equal, you'd take the guy with a clean history for obvious reasons. Now I already know the argument is that Nick Bosa is so much better than the rest that you take that risk. And I can respect that.

Definitely enjoyed it. I'm sure your brain wasn't crazy about it but your heart was haha

So i guess Ferrell should be off the table as well...torn ACL in high school.

You must've missed everything else I've said regarding Bosa. Thought you were in those convos.

It's not just about an injury. There are many factors to consider

2 surgery's before 21. He's shut down his third season to nurse an injury while clelin has been out there. Extensive family history of soft tissue injuries. Bosa was being considered as a number 1 or 2 overall pick for us. That's different than where Clelin is supposed to go(even though it's probably still too early to tell). I think most can agree they want less of a gamble at 1 or 2. I consider it a gamble. I understand that many don't see it as much of a gamble.

Watch someone's gonna pick one of my points like..."oh Joey Bosa has been hurt, that means nick is gonna be hurt too..... "
Hey Ghost, I see where you're coming from, but even with the risk you have to factor in talent, no draft pick is safe so for me you may as well just get the best players. Bosa is a beast.
Originally posted by 49erBigMac:
Hey Ghost, I see where you're coming from, but even with the risk you have to factor in talent, no draft pick is safe so for me you may as well just get the best players. Bosa is a beast.

Yea I agree. The difference between his talent and the rest need to be considered.
  • Furlow
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  • Posts: 19,150
Well, maybe?
Originally posted by Furlow:
Well, maybe?

If Raiders beat Cardinals I believe 49ers have the number 1 pick if they are tied in the win column SOS
Originally posted by 49er_Rider:
Originally posted by Furlow:
Well, maybe?

If Raiders beat Cardinals I believe 49ers have the number 1 pick if they are tied in the win column SOS

Is it the SOS or the loser of the face off gets the higher pick?
Originally posted by Alfienator:
Originally posted by 49er_Rider:
Originally posted by Furlow:
Well, maybe?

If Raiders beat Cardinals I believe 49ers have the number 1 pick if they are tied in the win column SOS

Is it the SOS or the loser of the face off gets the higher pick?

  • FL9er
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He will be a Raider, he will holdout, he will be a pain in the ass for Gruden, but an All-Pro like his brother, he will frustrate Gruden because he can't handle millennials, Gruden will get rid of him, blame the GM for not giving him enough talent, rinse and repeat.

Originally posted by FL9er:
He will be a Raider, he will holdout, he will be a pain in the ass for Gruden, but an All-Pro like his brother, he will frustrate Gruden because he can't handle millennials, Gruden will get rid of him, blame the GM for not giving him enough talent, rinse and repeat.

Well if we stay as a 2 win team I think we'll be in a position to pick him.

I suspect Gruden is going to Gruden and trade Carr in the off-season and then pick the worst QB in the draft at number one overall.
I think the Giants will have a weaker SOS, when it's all wrapped up. They play the weak-ass AFC South this year. The Jags need to start winning, lol.
why do I get the feeling that this dude would be injured on this squad?
  • okdkid
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  • Posts: 22,932
Bosa is the #1 pick on talent alone. But he isn't a slam dunk. Moreover, there is certainly enough concern with his family's history that would give you pause regarding his future availability -- under contract or not. The Bosas love themselves some Bosas. There's a little LaVar Ball in this family.
[ Edited by okdkid on Nov 13, 2018 at 10:00 AM ]
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