Although I am sad that we passed on AJ Brown, I still like Deebo Smith, he will be very good in Shanahan's offense.
The pick of Hurd was not who I would have picked, but after learning more about this guy and seeing him play, I am very excited to see him in this offense. I have huge hopes for this guy.
My pick of CGJ was more out of need. The only two FS I liked in this draft was Savage and Thornhill. I think they are the only two who can do well in a single high safety defense. So, in the end, I think that Hurd will be more successful than CGJ.
The punter pick was not necessary in my opinion. But, how many 4th round picks make it on the team past their rookie contract? Not many. So, I'm not going to sweat any pick past the third round. To me, those players need to be on this team for the long haul.
It will be fun reading this thread in 4-5 years to see how smart we all were.