Originally posted by OnTheClock:
Originally posted by Phoenix49ers:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
So TDN is dogs**t as well? They have him ranked even lower. They also update their rankings quite a bit
Also I'm not saying he's getting drafted in the 5th rd or something. OTC was bringing up 1st rd talk and top 2 TE, I don't agree with that.
TDN is kind of all over the place. Their individual evaluations are fine but their overall rankings are kind of random and often slow to be updated.
To be fair, my "1st round talk" was not me saying I expected it, but if you look at the context of the statement, I commented on how I've read some talk of that. The second part of that was he would have to continue to do things to make himself rise, and then the third part where I mentioned the Patriots were a team I wouldn't be surprised to take him -- So to further clarify on that part, I said this because the Patriots have been known to sometimes reach a little for a guy they really want (recall they took Ben Watson in the 1st round, and he was also more projected as a 2nd rounder).
He's got a ways to go to make it into consideration there and FWIW, I certainly don't think he's there right now. I think he's a very good prospect, but 2nd round seems the most plausible area for him right now.
That's all fair. IMO I think their are at this point a couple TEs ranked over him BUT like you said it only takes one team.