- Originally posted by GangstaGangsta:
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Originally posted by GangstaGangsta:
Even if the opinions don't change following discussion it is still good to hear each others side.
Does everyone remember what it felt like the months/years following 9/11? That's the last time I can remember everyone being considered American not white or black and genuinely caring about one another. We were UNITED. Now we live in a echo chamber where media dictates everything. We can choose what to watch/read whatever will back up the point we are trying to get across rather than formulate a opinion on what we actually see in real life.
I hope we can get back to those post 9/11 vibes one day without a tragic event being the reason for it.
The events of January 6th tell me there's a long way still to go for that to happen.
Yup, unfortunately I only see things getting worse if I'm being completely honest.
I mean until you learn the narrative the media is forcing on us and the truths they hide it's hard to have a conversation...
You bring up Jan 6 where police stood down... But don't mention the multiple state capitals that have been over taken by the peaceful protesters since?
Like do you do that on purpose or?
Also cnn just got, got by project veritas admitting that they cover up the numerous assaults on asian americans by african americans to push these events as domestic terrorism by white males... Literally got caught on camera admitting to it...
Hidden by liberal media and liberal social sites...
Obv it goes both ways but hard to have a conversation when u believe mainstream medias bias narrative
Happening Now: BLM at the Iowa State Capitol building. pic.twitter.com/GnS6EgFmjf
— Starscream CIA-Simulation Warlord 🇺🇸🦈🇺🇸 (@zerosum24) April 8, 2021