Originally posted by OnTheClock:
One of the reasons I'm thinking it may not be Jones is how the team is supposed to be so anti-leak. If it's Jones, it'll seem like that was almost certainly leaked by someone, no matter how hard anyone on the inside tries to claim no one said anything....
100%. To me, this entire month-long narrative has been dictated by the team. I've never seen media guys so confident in their sources, to the point of being like "I don't know for sure *WINK f-ing WINK!*" I think it's interesting that a month ago, the first story out was KS/Jones vs. Scouts/Lance. It seemed incredibly on the nose to me, like it was manufactured. That story died out for most of the month, but here we are at the end, with that same story putting a bow on this narrative. Shefter's report about Lance closing the gap between him and Jones, and the team deciding in the last 24 hours, all seems way too perfect to be coincidence.
I don't know if this indicates that Lance is the pick, or if it's the team trying to throw the scent off Fields. Or, this could about the business relationship between the 9ers, the NFL and sports media. This story has drummed up a ton of interest and provided a lot of content and engagement. So, it could have absolutely nothing to do with who they are actually picking.
I think it's either Lance or Fields, though, 50/50
[ Edited by DC9er on Apr 28, 2021 at 9:09 AM ]