Originally posted by Rathof44:
Originally posted by adrianlesnar:
Originally posted by Rathof44:
I hear you, but I don't like Worthy because of his size, mid route running ability, and inability to make contested catches consistently. But also the fawning over the speed is funny, the two guys that come to mind are Ruggs and Ross and neither were successful. Also IMO, teams won't play off him, because he so tiny, they will press him and knock him off his routes. I like Pearsall more, I like Ladd more, I like Mitchell more but I'm no scout. Name one blazing WR, other than HIll, who was been successful after all the hype around a 40 time. He's a niche receiver, he may fit perfectly with Mahomes. Purdy doesn't have that arm talent. But he won't be Hill, not even close. My .02

Speed is just one piece of the puzzle. No one should advocate to draft a guy because he runs fast. That's my issue (if you want to call it that) with people talking about Worthy; they see he runs fast and immediately think he's nothing more than a fast guy trying to play football. Basically, they're doing what you're saying shouldn't happen, just in the other direction.

Now elite speed IS one part of what makes Worthy as a prospect. But you're using speed as a disqualifier. Afterall, no one can name one blazing WR other than Tyreek Hill that has become a good WR. (Not true btw..what is your cut off for blazing? 4.29? Is 4.41 not fast? 4.35? Plenty of fast successful wide receivers). But would Aiyuk not be even better if he had 4.3 speed? Would Tyreek not be good if he ran a 4.5 flat?

If teams want to consistently jam Worthty at the line, they better keep a safety over top. But now you're dedicating 2 defenders to Worthy...that's a win. Otherwise, you better hope it works, or he's leaving for a chunk gain.

Contested catch ability is valuable, but it's value is dependent. Obviously, the best wide receivers can do it all, but contested catch ability matters less when you can create separation, and you have a QB who throws on time. And Worthy is a pretty good route runner with the hip sink ability and start/stop quickness to develop well beyond "mid"

Lastly, I'm not exactly sure who here has been "fawning" over speed, or really where that has even been mentioned in the context of our interaction. Ross has knee issues and Ruggs killed a person. They didn't fail because they run fast.
My whole premise was based on the 40 yd dash champion at the combine (Worthy) not other fast receivers (20 WRs at the combine ran sub 4.5, so there's plenty of fast WRs) but only one gets the subsequent attention that the fastest guy at the combine receives. Mitchell ran a 4.34 and Legette a 4.39, which is extremely fast as well, still didn't garner the attention Worthy did. And those guys are also 200lb+.

Not saying people in the Webzone fawn over speed, that's putting words in my mouth. Referring to some teams, in general, fall in love with speed. You know that's true.

I think a clearer way of saying what I think you are trying to say is........ There is a limited amount of tiny WRs in the NFL that have been a proven success.

Clearly to get in the NFL and be Tiny, you have to be fast..... Fast is not the problem....being Small is the problem.

If 5-11 160 was workable in the NFL, the potential WR pool for the NFL would grow 1000%....but as we know, short of the old run and shoot days...that does not work in the NFL, and to even attempt it...the WR has to be not just fast, but NFL game changing speed and quickness.....and even then it fails...a ton.....

We got one NFL game to look at right now, in that game Worthy looked like he was the fastest guy in the history of the NFL combine....so right now...two thumbs up, let's see if he can continue on that as the NFL season progresses.....the knock on small guys has always been durability....so we shall see....but right now...dude lives up to the billing.