Originally posted by hofer36:
Originally posted by zozell:
Originally posted by Dshearn:
Originally posted by Shaj:
not that it matters, but the lady who was with him and got killed as well as Iranian. Sahel Kazemi. 'Sahel' means the ocean shore.
My wild guess on what's going on: Steve was having an affair with her, his wife found out, and called a hit on him.
meh.... i am going with the 20 year old got a DUI her parents went balisitc with the muslims dont drink thing....she got verbal with Steve ....steve told her to STFU or GTFO.... she shot him...then did herself.....
LMAO Since when do Muslims not drink? jeez man... keep race and religion out of this... the poor man is dead... has nothing to do with some "crazy muslim father"
theyre saying the gun was found near the girl's body--she had one gunshot, he had multiple gunshots...sounds like she killed him them did herself in
what does it have to do with "Muslims" or "Drinking"
That's just small minded sterotypical generalization..
[ Edited by zozell on Jul 5, 2009 at 11:31 AM ]