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Plaxico Burress agrees to 2-year prison term

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Originally posted by BirdmanJr:
Originally posted by KRS-1:
Originally posted by FederalAgent49:
WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM, A MAN IS ABOVE THE LEGAL LIMIT AND HAVE MARIJUANA IN HIS SYSTEM AND DRIVES A CAR INTO & KILLS ANOTHER HUMAN THAT =24 DAYS IN JAIL, THEN A MAN SHOOTS HIMSELF AND GETS 2 YEARS........ im not even gona touch on the vick perspective. this is just unbelievable. please let it be noted that i am not defended Plaxico he deserves the sentence but, you must stop and laugh about how wrong things are.

Just because they found traces of marijuana in his system does not mean he smoked it the night he killed the dude. We can't assume that, but we do know for sure he was over the legal limit for alcohol.

Doesn't matter, with the alcohol alone that will land any of us AT LEAST 6 years and that's the minimum..

Not in the state of Florida where the prosecution has to prove the wreck wouldn't have happened had you been sober.
house arrest..
  • dj43
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 36,635
This has a lot to do with the fact that Mayor Bloomberg and the city of New York are big on "gun control."

If he did this in Bozeman, Montana there would be folk songs in every bar in town about the latest level of stupidity...but he wouldn't be in jail.
People need to understand that every case is different. Stallworth got off light because his case was a difficult case to prove. Keep in mind in order to be convicted of DUI manslaughter the prosecution has to prove alchohol was the reasoning behind the crash. Stallworth wasn't recklessly driving and reports state that the guy jaywalked and jumped in front of the car. Then factor that the victim's family wanted a settlement over a hefty prosecution and you see why Stallworth got off easy.

Burress had no case, and had the mayor and DA hell bent on prosecuting him. You have to factor in the actual case when you judge how long the sentence is. I do think Burress got a stiff punishment for his crime, but it's not the worse he could have gotten.
[ Edited by tjd808185 on Aug 20, 2009 at 11:12 AM ]
Originally posted by tjd808185:
People need to understand that every case is different. Stallworth got off light because his case was a difficult case to prove. Keep in mind in order to be convicted of DUI manslaughter the prosecution has to prove alchohol was the reasoning behind the crash. Stallworth wasn't recklessly driving and reports state that the guy jaywalked and jumped in front of the car. Then factor that the victim's family wanted a settlement over a hefty prosecution and you see why Stallworth got off easy.
Burress had no case, and had the mayor and DA hell bent on prosecuting him. You're have to factor in the actual case when you judge how long the sentence is. I do think Burress got a stiff punishment for his crime, but it's not the worse he could have gotten.

I second that.
It doesn't matter who you are in NYC.

Illegal gun possession is supposed to be an automatic 3 years
he's going to jail on a technicality wtf lol.

weren't those guns registered in florida? (not that it makes him any less of an idiot.)
  • TX9R
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 8,351
That is a heavy sentence for a victimless crime, but that's the way the law is written there. I for one am glad to see that finally athletes are getting the same shake you or I would in the same situation instead of always getting a slap on the wrist like in years past. As far as DJs comments about NYC vs Montana, apples and oranges. Gun related crime and murder in NYC is far more prevalent than Montana, or rellaty anywhere for that matter, so it makes sense that the laws would be stiffer.
  • crzy
  • Hall of Fame
  • Posts: 40,285
Unbelievably harsh sentence.
  • crzy
  • Hall of Fame
  • Posts: 40,285
Although this is all his fault. He turned down a plea bargain months ago that would have had him serve only 3 months in prison.
I love how people bash the justice system. ALL of the NFL player sentences have made perfect sense to me

Including this one.
  • Jd925
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 1,286
This is totally wrong.. 2 years in prison for accidentally shooting himself and not harming anyone else? Wow.
Originally posted by Jd925:
This is totally wrong.. 2 years in prison for accidentally shooting himself and not harming anyone else? Wow.

Originally posted by valrod33:
he deserves this he was wearing sweatpants at a club people, he should get at least 5 years just for that alone
Originally posted by danimal:
I love how people bash the justice system. ALL of the NFL player sentences have made perfect sense to me

Including this one.

Next time your community faces a school or library closing or some other short fall due to budgetary problems, think about the $200,000 it will cost to lock him or any of the many victimless convicts up for 2 years. Then maybe you will realize how senseless and irresponsible the criminal justice system is.
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