Originally posted by 9erfanAUS:
^^ To put my previous post in context, my fav combo was Al and Madden. Starkey is good too.
I still disagree on Johnson. I know he is really popular but I don't see it.
There's a difference between Starkey's excitement and Johnson simply yelling into a mic.
Johnson's call of the Stokely catch seemed Lon Simmons-esque, to me, honestly. Many remember the call of the Steve Young run, and that call just had that kind "breath-taking" excitement.
Al is okay, and I always loved Madden. Madden is classic -- a funny guy, a good guy, and extremely knowledgeable. I feel bad that he was with Summerrall for so long. Pat had a good "game-calling" voice, but was so slow and unenthusiastic. Watching the Owens catch in the Wildcard victory against Green Bay was amazing in itself the first time. I was screaming too much to listen to Pat. But watching it on tape a second time.. the excitement could never be relived at the same level unless I watch a Starkey clip. Watching the footage with Pat Summerall simply took the emotion out of it.
I think it's obviously great to have a nice combo. Madden, in my opinion, made Michaels better to listen to. I enjoyed Mike Patrick and that old team on Sunday Night Football in the past.
I also think the San Jose Sharks announcers -- Hahn and Remenda -- are a fabulous duo as well.
[ Edited by OnTheClock on Sep 26, 2009 at 10:40 PM ]