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Eli Manning Injury = Bad News for Giants

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I knew what happened to Eli the moment I saw the highlights yesterday. Again and again I saw the same highlight where he pulled up lame.

Yep -- it hurt like a sonofabytch. The exact same thing happened to me about two years ago on the treadmill in the garage.

I haven't been back on a treadmill since.

To put it short and sweet -- Eli has Plantar Faciitis. What is this kids? It's a muscle tear and more. Flesh has either separated or been ripped from the heel bone. It's extraordinarily painful.

I've seen what Giants fans are posting. "It's minor" or "he'll be able to play through the pain."

BS. Pure BS. Eli is DONE. I'm telling you from experience: Eli is DONE FOR THE YEAR. He might even be done for his career.

I lived with the pain for seven months after the injury -- just hoping that it would heal up on its own. I figured that if I didn't stress the foot with exercise, everything would go right back to normal, right?

WRONG! Next issue!

Plantar Faciitis is a BYTCH! It doesn't go away. It doesn't "heal up on its own." If you're an athlete with this kind of injury? A professional athlete? The only answer is surgery. And with Plantar -- chances are only 50-50 that Eli will be the player he was pre-injury.

As for me? It took a solid month of physical therapy for the pain to finally subside. Just the task of walking from my parking spot to where I work a block away was HELLISHLY PAINFUL. The pain just never went away.

Physical therapy finally did take care of it. But I can never step on a treadmill again. And, if I spend too much time on my feet during any particular time during the day? I feel it. It's painful. It's still there. It doesn't hurt all the time -- but it's still there. It will never go away.

I've seen horror stories resulting from surgeries to repair the damage from this injury. Some recover. Some don't. Achieving the same kind of mobility that one had pre-injury is almost unheard of.

So......For those of you who were thinking that the New York Giants were a possible playoff entry? Think again. Super Bowl plans just got derailed....
The year is likely, the career is not likely.

Any 49ers fan should remember that this was the injury that sidelined Eric Johnson for his 2nd to last season here. He came back and has played well since.
Originally posted by boomer49er:
The year is likely, the career is not likely.

Any 49ers fan should remember that this was the injury that sidelined Eric Johnson for his 2nd to last season here. He came back and has played well since.

Is Eric still playing?
Plantar Faciitis is no joke. If this is indeed what Eli has, then I wish him luck. Although I do think it's a bit much to compare your own situation to that of an NFL athlete and the medical attention he can receive. I know that there is only a certain amount you can to for this particular injury, but to judge an NFL QB's chances of coming back from an injury by comparing it to your own situation is a bit of a leap, IMO.
Originally posted by billbird2111:
Originally posted by boomer49er:
The year is likely, the career is not likely.

Any 49ers fan should remember that this was the injury that sidelined Eric Johnson for his 2nd to last season here. He came back and has played well since.

Is Eric still playing?

Ehh, guess not. But he did play for two seasons after the injury and did pretty good in the role he had. He had that one 82 catch season with use the year before he got hurt, but that was also a 2-14 season and those numbers were probably inflated from how bad everybody else sucked.

I don't think it was his injury that ended his NFL career, cause he played in almost every game over the next two years. He was cut in training camp after the 2nd season back from injury.

Really not bad for a 7th round pick in 2001 from Yale.
holy s**t. and i heard that he might play in the next game against the raiders. i wish eli the best of luck !
Originally posted by YuNGaCE:
holy s**t. and i heard that he might play in the next game against the raiders. i wish eli the best of luck !

Well even if Eli is gone for that game. We all know the raiders are still gonna lose might as well for Eli to take a rest. Russell will win them the game with his awesome 30 percent passing accuracy with 3.4 yards per attempt. Russell is the man and the giants don't even have to pay for him Al Davis are paying the bill.
I've had (and probably still do have) it.

It hurts, but can be managed and treated. It depends on how bad his case is. Unless it is a severe case, which would surprise me given the apparent sharp onset, with orthotics, a cortisone shot and stretching he should still be able to play. As Bill said however, it hurts like a b*tch and takes a LONG time to resolve.
what's going to happen to the giants now
  • crzy
  • Hall of Fame
  • Posts: 40,285
Misleading thread title. There is no indication that this is as serious of an injury as the opening post states.
It's an uncomfortable injury, but it's not a career threatening injury. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out this season.
Originally posted by crzy:
Misleading thread title. There is no indication that this is as serious of an injury as the opening post states.

How is it misleading?

Their franchise QB getting injured isn't good news for the giants...

Relax. And while I agree with Stoney that it is a bit much to compare the two situations, plantar fascitis can be serious so it could be a big deal.
  • kray28
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 12,627
Uhm....plantar fasciitis is NOT a career ending injury.

It might have hurt badly for you.....but people have different pain thresholds. PF pain can be managed, and I know plenty of athletes that have played through it.

[ Edited by kray28 on Oct 6, 2009 at 10:16:12 ]
Let me be the first to say we should trade Alex Smith for Justin Tuck. LOL
Originally posted by kray28:
Uhm....plantar fasciitis is NOT a career ending injury.

It might have hurt badly for you.....but people have different pain thresholds. PF pain can be managed, and I know plenty of athletes that have played through it.

This is not an injury you "play through." That suggests that it gets better with time.

It doesn't "get better" with time. It "gets worse."

I find it interesting that those who have suffered this injury themselves agree with the points that I've made -- but those of you who haven't keep pointing to other athletes who have suffered similar injuries.

The way Eli was limping around on Sunday? Reminded me of me. He couldn't put any weight on his heel. It hurts that bad people. It doesn't get better with time or any easier to deal with. It just gets worse.

Yes -- in some cases surgery can help. Most of time, it doesn't. I know of no player who has suffered this injury and come back to play at the same level pre-injury regardless of age.

It's just freakish how the injury occurs. One moment you're fine and with one step -- WHAMMO -- pain city.
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