Originally posted by TX9R:Originally posted by SanDiego49er:Originally posted by fister30:Originally posted by 49erfeeeever808:
it would be an extremely bad PR move by the NFL to allow rush to purchase any team. espescially after espn fired him for making racial comments.
nothing to do w/ conservative vs. liberal IMO.
I was curious if this was the actual intent. I hope that this is the intent of opposing rush.
His comments about McNabb were stupid. McNabb is a really good QB when healthy but has been injured a lot.
However if the standard is anybody who ever said anything stupid in their life then nobody can own an NFL team. All 32 teams can't have an owner if that is the standard. Otherwise there is a lot of hypocritical stuff going on.
That's true but, most people don't make a living off of saying stupid things habitually. Regardless of his views, you can't consistently make statements that alienate a group of people and expect it to not bite you in the ass at some point. There's got to be a reason 99% of certain minority groups don't like this person.
Considering 90% of African Americans are Democrats I don't find it too surprising.