Originally posted by pantstickle:Originally posted by strickac:Originally posted by pantstickle:Originally posted by tohara3:Originally posted by pantstickle:Originally posted by TheGoldStandard:
Tennessee Passing
V. Young 0/2 0 0.0 0 1
K. Collins 2/12 -7 -0.6 0 1
Team 2/14 -7 -0.5 0 2
New England Receiving
W. Welker 10 150 15.0 2 48
R. Moss 8 129 16.1 3 40
Tom Brady was more likely to throw a touchdown than an incomplete pass.
34 attempts
6 touchdowns
5 incomplete passes
Chance of throwing TD: 17.65%
Chance of throwing inc: 14.71%
That a hell of a game in the snow too!
Yeah, in the f**king snow! Brady is a bad dude.
His WRs were WIDE open. The Titan's defense was pathetic today.
Regardless who's at the helm, the Pats's offense performs. Brady is a very good QB, but they run a very QB-friendly system. Why can't we have that?
We don't exactly have Moss/Welker/Brady out there. Oh, and that offensive line. On that flea-flicker touchdown, Brady actually tied his shoe before throwing the touchdown.
They definitely protect their QB better than anyone else. No matter who they plug into the line, they seem to play at a high level. Even when Moss or Welker are inactive, the offense is dominant. They're so efficient. Their screens, quick outs, and slants/crossing routes are nearly automatic for them.
Even as their coordinators leave, the team barely misses a beat.
I'd love to see Brady play for an average team. Cassel is finding out the hard way that life is hard as QB outside of NE.