The game was essentially all but over at halftime. Five touchdowns in five posessions will pretty much put a game away, and that's what Drew Brees had engineered after the first two quarters.
Do you think Giants fans are clamoring for Eli Manning to be benched today? Replaced with a backup? Do you think Giants fans are starting threads calling for a complete overhaul of the defense? Benching linemen for innefective play? Do you think some Giants fans are now proclaiming "this team will not make the playoffs!"
Of course they aren't. Because, while it's a loss and a bad loss at that, it's just ONE LOSS. That's all it is. It doesn't mean the New York Giants are a House of Cards. It doesn't mean that Eli needs to be replaced. It doesn't call for wholesale changes on defense or some "new strategy."
Heck, they don't even need to trade for Crabtree!

The Saints-Giants game just goes to show that very good NFL teams can have bad games, one-week letdowns, whatever you want to call it. Before yesterday's game, a lot of people were picking the Giants as a possible Super Bowl team.
One bad loss doesn't equal the end of the season. It doesn't mean wholesale changes are needed. It means that good teams lose games. Good teams sometimes get their keesters handed to them. It just happens. This is the NFL kids.
And the 49ers are still a pretty good team. That's what it means.