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Gif of Referee Being Shoved Down in the Vikings/Steelers Game

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That was a great game between the Vikings and the Steelers. There's a part where a ref just gets shoved down from behind in the play. Anyone see it?

damn he went far
  • GEEK
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  • Posts: 19,259
Somebody is going to get a fine for that hit.
get out of the damn way
Does anyone have the gif of Gay getting the truck stick from Adrian Peterson?
  • Chief
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Me and my friends saw that on th reply and laughed our asses off for a good 5 mins.
Originally posted by B_Carmine:

Actually the player could have done a little better job avoiding the ref on that one. They are out there completely unprotected. They don't have any helmet or pads. And they are not young and athletic like the players. The player had a 20 yard straight line where he could see the ref. He could have side stepped a little to the right IMO. I still don't see why this hit was necessary?
Originally posted by B_Carmine:

Am I the only one who thought: That was Tom Rathman-like
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Actually the player could have done a little better job avoiding the ref on that one. They are out there completely unprotected. They don't have any helmet or pads. And they are not young and athletic like the players. The player had a 20 yard straight line where he could see the ref. He could have side stepped a little to the right IMO. I still don't see why this hit was necessary?

Well, according to the post game show, that player was called for a BS tripping penalty by that ref earlier (on the goaline), so laying him out was probably not entirely by accident, but entirely w/in his right.
Originally posted by IWASATTHECATCH:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Actually the player could have done a little better job avoiding the ref on that one. They are out there completely unprotected. They don't have any helmet or pads. And they are not young and athletic like the players. The player had a 20 yard straight line where he could see the ref. He could have side stepped a little to the right IMO. I still don't see why this hit was necessary?

Well, according to the post game show, that player was called for a BS tripping penalty by that ref earlier (on the goaline), so laying him out was probably not entirely by accident, but entirely w/in his right.

I don't know if running into an unprotected ref from behind in full pads because he thought he saw you try and trip another player is "entirely w/in his right".
Originally posted by AllForTheNiners:
Originally posted by IWASATTHECATCH:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Actually the player could have done a little better job avoiding the ref on that one. They are out there completely unprotected. They don't have any helmet or pads. And they are not young and athletic like the players. The player had a 20 yard straight line where he could see the ref. He could have side stepped a little to the right IMO. I still don't see why this hit was necessary?

Well, according to the post game show, that player was called for a BS tripping penalty by that ref earlier (on the goaline), so laying him out was probably not entirely by accident, but entirely w/in his right.

I don't know if running into an unprotected ref from behind in full pads because he thought he saw you try and trip another player is "entirely w/in his right".

A ref was in the way of a player playing and was run over- that IS w/in his right; it happens every week, at every level of football. The fact that there was a connection to the previously mentioned penalty merely served as a "I doubt the player felt too bad in that instance" reference.
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