Originally posted by BETTERDAYZ9ERS:
Location, Location, Location
Shanahan would not go to Buffalo. He's a west coast guy. Has a house in Baja Cali. He's waiting for Norv to get fired so he can stick it to the Raiders and Broncos twice a year again.
Are you sure ? Last I heard he was still living in his Denver mansion although it had been sold. Nonetheless he grew up in Illinois and spent much of his NFL coaching career in Denver so that makes him a midwest guy no ?
Taking the Buffalo job and making them relevant again would cement his legacy moreso than taking the gig with the Chargers. Also the Chargers would have to part ways with AJ Smith as he will want full control. Same with the Bears and Jerry Angelo and the Skins and Vinny Cerrato. And how well would Shanny like answering to Snyder and his love for FA spending as opposed to rebuilding that team properly ? Buffalo is the most likely of all those teams to be the first to offer him full control.
I think if Buffalo ponies up the money Shanny will be very serious about the gig.