Originally posted by BETTERDAYZ9ERS:Originally posted by tjd808185:Originally posted by BETTERDAYZ9ERS:
Location, Location, Location
Shanahan would not go to Buffalo. He's a west coast guy. Has a house in Baja Cali. He's waiting for Norv to get fired so he can stick it to the Raiders and Broncos twice a year again.
San Diego seems like a good fit, but once again San Diego is turning the heat up late. No guarantee Norv gets fired.
As for the location argument. That's a fail. Shanahan will go the team that offers him the most money and the most power. Take that to the bank.
Your partly right. It's all about control not money. I just said location because how else will Shanny keep that golden tan he has year round
Just like he did in Denver tanning booth's or spray that s**t on.