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If the NFL allowed you to start a new franchise, who would you pick to start it

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If the NFL allowed you to start a new franchise, who would you pick to start it

  • evil
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Franchise QB's, LT's and Elite pass rushers are where you begin building in this case. RB's for the most part are a dime a dozen although you won't exactly get a chance to get an AP or a CJ everyday. From that list I'd choo choo choose Rodgers or Flacco however Demarcus Ware would be a close 2nd to a QB.
I want John York to be my owner and Jed York to run the franchise. They will develop a winner.
  • Esco
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I'd certainly have a Zoner as my GM.
  • evil
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  • Posts: 46,335
Originally posted by Esco:
I'd certainly have a Zoner as my GM.

Who says I'd want to work for you ?

Originally posted by King49er:
Originally posted by 9erfanAUS:
Originally posted by King49er:
Kory Sheets or Nate Davis

I'll raise you Thomas Clayton.



  • TX9R
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Can't beleive Flacco is so low, I'd take him w/o a 2nd thought. RBs don't last, Peterson is no different. Of THIS list Flacco is the best QB and in the current NFL you HAVE to have a QB. Flacco is big, has a huge arm and is putting up numbers with pretty much no WRs a washed up TE and a defense living off their past performance. Willis is the best at his position, Ware is a top 3 pass rusher, but you win championships with a solid QB.
Chris Johnson is the best player on this list. But I would take the best Qb to start my franchise so I'd go with Flacco just slightly over Rodgers.
  • Riot
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Joe Flacco.
I am not exactly sure who, but it would definitely be a lineman. O or D....I dunno.

I answered this same question a few months ago with Ngati.....I am not sure if I would repeat that pick
Dunno. I'll ask Al Davis. He'll know.

I would never invest on a running back to start a franchise. A defensive Player or Qb will be the only option to start a franchis with.

I chose Willis due to his relative career longevity age and overall performance. Yet I would have to say M Ryan is also another great option
Originally posted by YourHuckleberry:
Originally posted by AllTimeGreat:
Well I only see one franchise QB on the list so I'll go with Rodgers.

You don't think Flacco is a franchise QB?

not really. Aaron Rodgers is much better.
For me, it comes down to Rodgers, Willis, Peterson and Johnson. Of them, I think I'd go with Johnson. He's a extremely versatile, explosive and durable.

IMO, it's too easy to draft MLBs. Even though Willis is quite possibly a future HOFer, I'd go with instant offense in Johnson.

I'd take Rodgers over Flacco, pretty easily; although, I'm not completely sold on Rodgers' ability to carry a team. He's very tempting though. He's close to elite, but not quite there yet, IMO.

1. Chris Johnson: Best RB in the NFL
2. Aaron Rodgers: QB is the most difficult position to fill
3. Adrian Peterson: Durability concerns

i love Willis, but i think AP has a better opportunity to win you games by himself. plus a new franchise is going to lose no matter what, so you might as well lose 30-31 rather than 3-6.
oh, btw, everyone who thinks Chris Johnson is better than Adrian Peterson....knows nothing about football.

if youve ever watched AP play, youd notice right away. Chris Johnson is probably number 2, but AP has all around talents you see maybe once a generation. once an era. AP has the talent to be a top 5 RB all time. Johnson does not.
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