Originally posted by LasVegasWally:
Originally posted by Pillbusta:
Originally posted by SundayTicket:
His wife looks hurt and ugly, And hes a millionaire and pro athlete. His wife is stupid for thinking this is the only girl hes cheated on her with.
This is disrespectful! You just mocked her for being hurt? She should be. Then you called her ugly? Do you know many women married 15 years and three kids later that look like they're 20? Now granted she slept on the vanity of VD to think he would never cheat. I agree with you there but mocking her for her looks seems out of bounds to me because there's a lot of folk whose own mother might not be miss America after three kids. We need to have a bit more respect for our women in this society. Especially mothers because we all have a navel. We often lose perspective as men. We forget we were in the womb feeding from our mothers through that navel and when we came out we were crying for her breast to be put into our mouths and now we mock how they look?
Ain't trying to disrespect you either but I am weary of laying idle while we berate the giver of all life daily
Good call Pillbusta!