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Uh Oh! Big Announcement due live on British TV during Sunday night's games

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Originally posted by RogueStout:
Originally posted by BrianUKNiner:
I don't agree with it personally. I don't like the idea of one game here and somebody losing a home game. I'd hate it if we lost a home game to play here. I'd much rather go all the way to San Francisco to see us play than watch us with 90,000 people of which about only 20,000 know exactly what's going on and a stadium full of day tripping idiots doing the wave for 10 minutes.

I thought you guys called it The Mexican Wave?

We do, but I upset a few people when I called it that on here last time, so went for safety first this time!
2 games in the UK confirmed. No teams to be confirmed until January.

I think the Jags will be certs for one, the other... not sure.

For the love of god, please don't give up a home game Niners Front Office. This is an impassioned call from a loyal and devoted 49ers fan, we don't want to lose games to the UK.
  • ZRF80
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Originally posted by BrianUKNiner:
2 games in the UK confirmed. No teams to be confirmed until January.

I think the Jags will be certs for one, the other... not sure.

For the love of god, please don't give up a home game Niners Front Office. This is an impassioned call from a loyal and devoted 49ers fan, we don't want to lose games to the UK.

I doubt it. Not enough Niner fans in this day and age to ttract an oversees NFL game. There's only 2 reasons why a team would be "forced" to play a home game abroad.

1) they have a dynamic offense/defense OR a star player (recognition purposes) to keep the fans tuned in).

2) they have bright colors/logos, so the young crowds may take a peek.

Niners dont really fit either of those molds, unless BOTH TO and Reggie Bush sign.
MM in response to me on Twitter....

MattMaiocco @BrianDavisRFC @stupac3uk When 49ers went to Mexico City, the Cardinals gave up a home game. John York is chair of NFL Int'l Committee.
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