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Who do you root for other than our niners?

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Originally posted by BrianUKNiner:
Originally posted by YourHuckleberry:
Originally posted by BrianUKNiner:
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Agree with these thoughts to be honest. Started to develop a small inkling for San Diego and then Norv upped sticks, so stuff them!

Is this English?

Which bit are you struggling with?

I used to have a small liking (inkling) for San Diego
But then, Norv left us (upped sticks) for them
So f**k (stuff) them

Browns and Jets
any team against Oakland and Arizona
Originally posted by YourHuckleberry:


These 2 r koo! Not a Fan but they r alright

[ Edited by 5xChamp on Dec 13, 2009 at 16:40:07 ]
Colts, Giants
  • Mustangstud49
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EAGLES. No one gives Mcnabb respect but all he does is win and put up numbers. Id like to see him win a ring.
whoever's playing the Cardinals, Seahawks, Rams, Raiders, and Cowboys....

if they're playing each other, cheer for the non-NFC west team, or the team with the lower record.

My AFC team. lived out there for 6 years growing up, plus the Montana, Bono, Grbac, etc Niner ties.

They have such a quality fanbase out there, i enjoyed wearing my Niners gear around and getting grief from people, but i always pull for KC anytime they arent playing SF.
The underdog in any matchup (with exceptions).

Originally posted by blunt_probe:
Originally posted by Dajanksta:
no one f**k this thread

  • krizay
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 25,478
Reggie Bush

Anyone who plays the Eagles.
Anyone who plays the Steelers.

Anyone who plays Lebron........ Oh wait!!
  • BobS
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 12,141
No one. I have been rooting for the 49ers for over 35 years, I am not the bandwagon type so I will stick with them. Even though with the Yorks running the show I doubt they will ever be among the NFL elite again in my lifetime.
whoever by winning benefits the 49ers.

and I root against the Patriots, Cowboys, and Raiders.
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