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Vikings - has any team screwed us more this year?

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This is what we get for beating Favre when he was on the Jets. Why does he always get the last laugh?!
You can't worry about what other teams do during the year. You control your own destiny at the beginning of the year. That's all you can worry about. We don't control where Carolinas pick ends up and we don't control the Vikings.

At the beginning of the year Carolina was probably thinking that their pick would be around 25 - 32. Now it looks like it could be around #15 or so. Give or take a few. That is dropped down from #7 - #10 which did look possible at one time. But if you think Carolina gave us maybe a top 15 pick it's still a good deal and they wouldn't do it again if they had to do it over.
yep, the 49ers have
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
Originally posted by genus49:
Honestly...this team just makes me rage

Beat us earlier this year on a brutal last second play so we have to see the damn Favre replay all year - check
Lose to Arizona - check
Lose to Carolina whose first round pick the niners own - check
Lose to Chicago and pretty much ensure that Saints mail it in next week against Carolina - check.

And Favre is their qb. Honestly they've probably cost us at least 8 spots in the draft order.

Don't count on the Saints mailing it in next week. They have lost 2 in a row, and this last one to a very bad team. They aren't going to want to write off the last game and sit around for 2 weeks waiting to play with that stink in their mouth.

Exactly!!! The Saints are struggling right now, looking for answers. Pulling it together for the last game of the season gives them confidence moving into the playoffs.

The worst thing that could happen for us is if the Saints are up by 20 or so at half and pull their starters.
  • susweel
  • Hall of Nepal
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Originally posted by BirdmanJr:
Favre is a f**king disease
Originally posted by NinerForLife:
After watching his play against the bears, I think he tanked the first half just to get his way about the play calling arrgument he recently had with the coach.

I don't care what you think about him, and I'm not a fan of his, but he is a better play caller than his HC. I think the run to Peterson out of the coach produced set/players that Favre was animated about, versus the Peterson run when they didn't send anyone in points that up. Come on, this guys been successful for nearly two decades in winning comebacks. Let him call the audibles or personnel groupings when they are on a roll.
f**k, i wanted to meet them in the playoffs. rematch 49ers vikings.
Originally posted by genus49:
Honestly...this team just makes me rage

Beat us earlier this year on a brutal last second play so we have to see the damn Favre replay all year - check
Lose to Arizona - check
Lose to Carolina whose first round pick the niners own - check
Lose to Chicago and pretty much ensure that Saints mail it in next week against Carolina - check.

And Favre is their qb. Honestly they've probably cost us at least 8 spots in the draft order.

all great points, i say if we win that game we would be in the playoffs because we would have started 4-0 cause lambs were a joke following week, 4-0 would have gave us all the confidence but instead broke our momentum.
Originally posted by WillistheWall:
Originally posted by Negrodamus:
Originally posted by FredFlintstone:
+ Show all quotes
this bast*** needs to retire all ready

honestly I sort of hope he continues to play. For the simple reason that I would like another shot at the ba$tard. I want us to beat him so bad that they literally need to scrape his arse off of the turf into an ambulance to a nearest dumpster. I want him afterwards ;laying there in the dumpster say "uncle" and retire on the spot. that would be a satisfaction like no other in my life.

Cosigned, I don't want him to leave the game with that being him getting the last word vs us. I want us to beat his ass again.

Yup I want Favre to play the niners one more time so our D can knock his @ss down permanently and force his @ss in to the retirement. I am sick and tired of him for more than a decade.
  • bubbybristerHOF
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Favre that ol' sly swindlerd- tricky ol' b*****d....hes out to get the 49ers organiztion...that motha fu*ka aint foolin me man
Originally posted by nvninerfan1:
Originally posted by NinerForLife:
After watching his play against the bears, I think he tanked the first half just to get his way about the play calling arrgument he recently had with the coach.

I don't care what you think about him, and I'm not a fan of his, but he is a better play caller than his HC. I think the run to Peterson out of the coach produced set/players that Favre was animated about, versus the Peterson run when they didn't send anyone in points that up. Come on, this guys been successful for nearly two decades in winning comebacks. Let him call the audibles or personnel groupings when they are on a roll.

No doubt he is a better play caller, my point was that even though Lord Favre lost the argument on the sideline, he won it on the field because I honestly believe he tanked in order to get his way.

Most of us have watched alot of Favre games, and his demeanor in the first half was nothing like the second half when he got to play the game his way.

As a player he is truly a great QB, but either he has some kind of split personality or he stabbed his coach in the back on national TV and got away with it.

BTW, just to let you know how I feel about him, I hate him with every fiber of my being, jsut like every other 49er fan.
Originally posted by genus49:
Honestly...this team just makes me rage

Beat us earlier this year on a brutal last second play so we have to see the damn Favre replay all year - check
Lose to Arizona - check
Lose to Carolina whose first round pick the niners own - check
Lose to Chicago and pretty much ensure that Saints mail it in next week against Carolina - check.

And Favre is their qb. Honestly they've probably cost us at least 8 spots in the draft order.

AMEN! Could NOT agree more!
Nope, we done it to ourselves in an anatomically impossible way.
Originally posted by NinerForLife:
After watching his play against the bears, I think he tanked the first half just to get his way about the play calling arrgument he recently had with the coach.

You know, I wouldn't put it past that a*****e. You see him in the post-game press conference talking all that s**t like everyone is against him saying he can't do this and that and that he played great in the cold weather. Guy is so high on himself it is sickening.
Originally posted by BirdmanJr:
Favre is a f**king disease

I hope he dies in agony
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