Originally posted by NinerGM:Originally posted by dbdublin:Originally posted by NinerGM:
I have lost all respect for Niner Talk!
You so-called fans don't know who Jesse Sapolu was?
(Not talking about modninerfan - he's being sarcastic).
It's like not knowing who Keena Turner was or Kevin f*gan or Harris Barton or Charles Haley.
Just wow.
This IS 49ers Webzone FAN FORUM right????
Get used to it NinerGM. Keena, f*gan, Haley, Jesse all played quite a while ago now - 20 years or so. I think most of the posters are pretty young. I remember Frank Nunley, Dave Wilcox, John Brodie, Ted Kwalick, all the way back to Billy Wilson and Bruce Bosley, for Christ's sake. You just have a little more history and knowledge than most here. Also, hate to say this, but you're not getting any younger. Don't worry about it though.
LOL! I understand this very much but everyone is so eager to say "Joe Montana was the greatest" and they don't even know how snapped Montana (and Young) the ball when they were arguably at their best. It's just so .... so.... wrong.
Hahaha! Okay name the three niner centers during their 5 super bowl runs?
Do you remember electric football before there was Madden football?
Billy Wilson? I know who he is, but never got to see him play, he is before my time!