Originally posted by Oakland-Niner:
Originally posted by jeepzilla:
I guess, lets look at it from an "owners" standpoint. 1st off, a new stadium is, let's say $1 Billion for round numbers. Owners must pitch in around 30-35% in either money (cash), or equity in property or other assets.
So, that's only around $300 Million. Let's say they get some form of goverment bonding, assistance, etc. to cover around $200 Million. Now, they must finance the rest. It wold be about $500 Million. Let's look at that payment for say 5 years, with a 20 year amortization, with a 5% interest rate. (Don't know if they would get that low, or if they would cause of such a huge note)
The payment would be right around $3,299,770 per month for just the payment.
Lets not foget, we just shelled out $300 Million for the down payment in cash or equity, to get the loan on this deal... $300 Million..
We could look at insurance, utillities, and all the other expenses for this thing.
It takes a lot to run a buisness like this, with salaries and all the other expenses.
All I think is, cut the pay from these whiney-axx players, cause a lot of people would play for a heck of a lot less. These players can't budget there own checkbook, let alone deal with what it would take to be an owner.
Yeah, I'd love to watch a bunch of scrubs run around so the owners can keep a few extra million in their pockets...
P.S. What does balancing your check book and owning a team have to do with who should get what? I'm pretty sure the owners can't throw a football 60 yards, get tackled by 300lb lineman every other play or cover some of the most athletic speciems in the universe on a slant route.
I agree with you. The players should get paid.. however, I feel they are. And then you throw in the bulls**t with the Hanesworth deal with snyder and it throws what all the DL's get paid even though he didn't play. It's out of control.
It's like the CA deal where if you worked there for 25 years, the goverment should pay your salary with raises for the rest of your life, and they wonder why that didn't work out..
I do not want to watch scrubs, and I want them to get the CBA worked out, but, I guess my reference and my point with the checkbook is this, it doesn't matter if the players get paid more, "some" will find a way to blow it and whine that it's still not enough.
All I would hear is that the CBA was talking to the players to help them figure out how to pay there health insurance for up to 6 months which could run as high as $8000 to $12000.... For real. They have to figure out a way to pay there health insurance. These players have no idea what to do??
Work with the owners, work it out, give concessions.
It's just annoying, cause I want my football and I am venting... Sorry!!