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Jim Harbaugh Thread - HC Chargers

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He was offered a two year extension. No details on money were ever disclosed, but I think it would have been more than the 5 mil he was already getting. He didn't get along with Baalke either. I agree that Jed eventually wanted him gone.
Originally posted by John_Candy:
He was offered a two year extension. No details on money were ever disclosed, but I think it would have been more than the 5 mil he was already getting. He didn't get along with Baalke either. I agree that Jed eventually wanted him gone.

I believe it was 2 years at the same rate. Most coaches with a .700 win % or whatever he was at will scoff at that. It's a sh offer.
Originally posted by tjd808185:
I believe it was 2 years at the same rate. Most coaches with a .700 win % or whatever he was at will scoff at that. It's a sh offer.

I don't blame him if that was indeed the offer. I've never heard any money details, just that he never responded.
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
Originally posted by SFGiant49ers:
Originally posted by StOnEy333:

Knew he was gonna come back stocked up with tweets

And apparently completely ignoring the whooping Florida put on them in the peach bowl. lol

Lol that's not a surprise either
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
Originally posted by SFGiant49ers:
Originally posted by StOnEy333:

Knew he was gonna come back stocked up with tweets

And apparently completely ignoring the whooping Florida put on them in the peach bowl. lol

Yet ignoring Rashan Gary, Devin Bush, Karan Higdon and Bushel Betty sat out in that bowl game.. Keep trying

The false narratives continues... Keep reaching....
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Jan 11, 2019 at 3:34 AM ]
Btw We all know he was fired and wanted to stay... The haterz are running out of false narratives.... "but but but he only stays in places for four years".. "but but but he is not willing to make changes"... "but but but wait 3-4 years and see what he does..."Officially debunked!!!!!

44-19-1#Neverforget..... He was fired from the 49ers organization... Let's cut the b******t lies already, it's getting old and some are running out of false narratives....

Hi haterz 👋🏼
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Jan 11, 2019 at 3:14 AM ]

Didn't I say in 2-3 years Harbaugh should have them in contention!?!?!?!?! I believe I was there when I said it..

I'm still sticking to my words........ It's looking real promising with all this talent.. This will be a pass first team next year. Like I said and the haterz laughed a couple of days ago...

Notice how the false narratives are running out....

"But but but Harbaugh will never relinquish power, he is too stubborn" "but but but he is too stubborn to make changes" OFFICIALLY DEBUNKED... Everyone can see what front office or organization was the stubborn one...

We should do a where are they now on Baalke.... Notice: There's been alot of debunking lately.......

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ They might call this information spamming because it doesn't correlate with their false narratives that they have been spewing has been slowly getting debunked one by one.. They will be desperate now to find more false narratives...
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Jan 11, 2019 at 3:48 AM ]
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
Originally posted by SFGiant49ers:
Originally posted by StOnEy333:

Knew he was gonna come back stocked up with tweets

And apparently completely ignoring the whooping Florida put on them in the peach bowl. lol

Yet ignoring Rashan Gary, Devin Bush, Karan Higdon and Bushel Betty sat out in that bowl game.. Keep trying

The false narratives continues...

Some players from a number of teams chose to sit out a bowl game for personal reasons. This is not a false narrative, this is simply the truth. Now, chill this thread down. I shan't say it again. We know you support Michigan. A whole bundle of posters don't. Whether that is because of Harbaugh or because they support Ohio State or whatever reason is irrelevant. They have every right to support whatever College team they want.

You can post information in here or discuss the team. But do not make every post so damned aggressive and argumentative. You seem to be on a one-man mission to salvage Jim Harbaugh's reputation in here. That stops, now. I don't think other posters are particularly bothered about Harbaugh. He is ancient history here. Most of the posts you react to are probably only put in to get you to react. Which you do, every time.

We have enough problem threads in Niner Talk, NFL Talk and the Lot. Chill this one down and use it for its intended purpose.
Originally posted by English:
Some players from a number of teams chose to sit out a bowl game for personal reasons. This is not a false narrative, this is simply the truth. Now, chill this thread down. I shan't say it again. We know you support Michigan. A whole bundle of posters don't. Whether that is because of Harbaugh or because they support Ohio State or whatever reason is irrelevant. They have every right to support whatever College team they want.

You can post information in here or discuss the team. But do not make every post so damned aggressive and argumentative. You seem to be on a one-man mission to salvage Jim Harbaugh's reputation in here. That stops, now. I don't think other posters are particularly bothered about Harbaugh. He is ancient history here. Most of the posts you react to are probably only put in to get you to react. Which you do, every time.

We have enough problem threads in Niner Talk, NFL Talk and the Lot. Chill this one down and use it for its intended purpose.

The truth hurts. I'm not the one spewing lies and side talking?? They chose that route. I'm the one showing them how wrong they were. Even though it was years ago that decision destroyed this organization for years and we are still paying for it... Cannot deny that? This has nothing to do with Michigan or Harbaugh.. This has everything to do with controlling the narrative for some around here. That decision set back this organization for a decade at least...

99% of what they say has been lies for years... They should change their posting style as well... I have.. I haven't entertained their b******t lately... I came back here to post the facts. The only stubborn ones was this front office.. We are still a steaming pile of s**t 4 years later. It has everything to do with the decision this front office made. It was a catastrophic one..

Has nothing to do with Harbaugh and everything to do with how the situation got handled... To say lets wait four years later then the four years come then say it was ions ago, is to deny the facts.

I haven't been in this thread for a while. The majority of the skilled players sat out to chase their nfl dreams and for their families.. I don't blame those kids but I will not ignore the talent that was lost for that bowl game either...

I haven't been here in a while. That's changing my posting style... How about them? Will they change theirs or they still get to side talk and spew lies? Sooner or later gotta check the people only here for spewing lies and that are only here for the narratives... That's the real problem here...

I could care less about rewriting history. Some are fixated, similar to Jed trying to erase Harbaugh's name from the 49ers organization's bio.... I can see those tactics for a mile away English. I am not concerned with rewriting history. I am more concerned with the truth.

Has nothing to do with Michigan or Harbaugh, has everything to do some still blindly believes in their own lies they have created. Has everything to do with the Truth..
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Jan 11, 2019 at 4:26 AM ]
Should have given Harbaugh full power, full control, the keys to the ferrari and kicked Baalke to the curb..

Decisions we make in life affect us later, cause and reaction.. That decision set this franchise back a decade at least.

Firing Harbaugh set the franchise back a minimum a decade.. It would have been easier firing Baalke and giving Harbaugh full control and let him draft...

The lack of talent-Baalke and the lies decimated the franchise.. The worst part about it...

It was self-inflicted..
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Jan 11, 2019 at 4:37 AM ]

Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Should have given Harbaugh full power, full control and kicked Baalke to the curb..

Decisions we make in life affect us later, cause and reaction.. That decision set this franchise back a decade at least.

Firing Harbaugh set the franchise back a minimum a decade.. It would have been easier firing Baalke and giving Harbaugh full control and let him draft...

The lack of talent-Baalke and the lies decimated the franchise.. The worst part about it...

It was self-inflicted..

But Harbs is a big meanie so he had to go. Was the stupidest coaching decision is a long time if not ever.
The fact that you stayed away from the thread after an ass whipping only to come back and post tweets in an aggressive fashion while claiming everyone else is ignoring facts is tiresome. And honestly, childish. The continued use of "false narratives" is old as well.

The aggressive approach to discussing topics won't be tolerated. If you continue to do so, you will have to find another board to post on. I hope it doesn't come to that, but you turn every poster into "the enemy of the state" and its totally unnecessary. This is a football forum not a war.
Good coaches get their asses whopped every day, b.
Originally posted by Rubberneck36:
The fact that you stayed away from the thread after an ass whipping only to come back and post tweets in an aggressive fashion while claiming everyone else is ignoring facts is tiresome. And honestly, childish. The continued use of "false narratives" is old as well.

The aggressive approach to discussing topics won't be tolerated. If you continue to do so, you will have to find another board to post on. I hope it doesn't come to that, but you turn every poster into "the enemy of the state" and its totally unnecessary. This is a football forum not a war.

agree 100%

just like the people in here saying Jim can't win a big game

Pretty sure Jim won a big game in his first year as the 49ers HC.
For a team to have missed the playoffs 8 straight seasons.
To beat the Saints on the "Catch III" was a big game.
Coach of the year as a rookie NFL HC was a big personal win.

Jim won 2 big games his 2nd year.
Beat the Packers and a road playoff win against ATL for a SB birth.

Year 3 he won 2 road playoff games to get to a 3rd straight NFCCG.

Any other HC ever done that before?

5-3 in the biggest of 49er games. Wow. Someone please let me know the next time the 49ers actually play a big game.

As for UM he can be my HC for the next 20 years. He can lose 20 big games in a row and I'd still love him.

Better to have loved and lost than to never have sniffed the f**king playoffs.

Lmao. Wu, how old are you? Serious question. Oh. And you most certainly did NOT change your posting style, are you kidding? Lol
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