Originally posted by mayo49:Originally posted by backontop:Originally posted by mayo49:Originally posted by backontop:Originally posted by mayo49:Originally posted by backontop:Originally posted by mayo49:Originally posted by backontop:Originally posted by Rikimaru03:
I'm normally the one that b***hes when threads get locked but this is one thread that I could actually see the justification in locking it. Make it happen overmods
Ah, don't take your self so seriosly.
You mean like this thread? The one that has no added conversation other than
I'm still jacked
We get it you're excited, we all are. This was a good thread that brought up a lot of relevant conversation shortly after Harbaugh was hired, but now it has died down and nothing new is being added to the conversation. In the words of the overmods "this thread has taken it's course"
Lock it up
This thread is for those who are excited about Harbaugh as coach. If you don't like it, don't post in it.
I never said I wasn't excited about Harbaugh. If you knew how to read you could see that I clearly said we are all excited....we would include myself. I'm just saying if you are going to post in it at least add to the conversation not your stupid dancing smiley just so you can boost your post count.
First of all, I only post my dancing smiley's every once in a while. The only reason I jumped on you is because you wanted this thread locked. Like they say, if you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all.
by once in a while you mean every day right? You post that dancing smiley in a few threads. One of which just happened to go away due to the draft already happening. You can jump on me all you want I could care less. I still feel that you just post that dancing smiley and add nothing else to the thread. Very rarely do I see a post from you that isn't . At least add some legitimate comments before or after your damn smiley. And yes I still feel this thread should be locked, the alternate uniforms thread should be locked as well so feel free to jump all over that one too.
At least you branched out and went with a different smiley.