Originally posted by Rsrkshn:
Originally posted by dj43:
Originally posted by susweel:
well whatever he's doing I hope he keeps doing it his career coaching record is 23-7-1. I'll take that any day
Did you have anything else to add that we might discuss?
For me, I don't like seeing this team embarrassed by more professional-acting, better prepared coaches. Time for Jimmy boy to grow up.
I find some of what you say plausible. Although I do disagree with some important bits. You do make some conclusory remarks which I think are open to debate, but I suspect that we would not agree on those. I did listen to Harbaugh's post-game interview and did not find it overly offense, or offensive at all. (Some suggested Kaepernicks was; I didn't find anything wrong woith that one either).
I don't know precisely what is meant by "ego"; everyone has one. If you mean by this, as I suspect that you do in this case: One's "way of doing things", I really doubt that Harbaugh is going to change much at this stage of his life or career on how he goes about doing his job.
So given that, and without me taking any position on it one way or another, let me ask you: What do you think should be done about it? Make a coaching change? Maybe?
Harbaugh's pattern of comments to the media tends to be a put down. He gives a remark that is non-related to the specific question time after time. At some point, and I believe it is beginning to happen now, the media will turn a more critical eye on everything he is doing. The honeymoon is ending with the media. Short of a large infusion of humility and honesty, he may find a media that is not so willing to overlook his game management issues in the future.
As to his "way of doing things," it is more than that. One can have a "way" but still be pleasant and willing to change certain aspects. I don't see that in Harbaugh. Does that merit a change? No. Not at this point. The deal is all about winning, and if he can get a round or two into the playoffs, given the number of injuries to key players, that may be enough to keep things quiet.