Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by KowboyKiller:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by KowboyKiller:
Even more Dez Bryant Douchorama
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He's got Jamarcus Russell written all over him. How much you want to bet he is flat broke by the time he retires despite earning his millions?...
He's like one of the countless lottery winners who end up broke again within a year. How people manage to screw up once they come in to money is a very fascinating topic.
I think you can give an idiot any amount of money and they will find a way to blow it. If he invested in a broadly diversified portfolio he would never have to work again.
Can be an idiot but isn't necessarily. Kareem Abdul Jabbar was broke after his NBA career ended due to his business manager taking him for a ride. He was not the high flyer that Bryant is, a more quiet reflective individual, but he still had no experience handling money. Sadly, few people do well with new found riches. Last I heard nearly 90% of lottery winners are broke within five years. They do not have to be jerks or idiots, just limited capacity when it comes to finance.