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Seahawks will be changing their unis for 2012

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  • Cjez
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lol IDGAF lol
Originally posted by ChazBoner:
lol IDGAF lol

lol, this, lol
They should just smear crap all over their uniforms because that's all they'll ever be.
I'll be honest. That's not a bad uni. we are still gonna spread cheeks sh*t on them.
Make em' look like the Sonics
  • susweel
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Old and current uni's are ugly they need a complete redesign.
Originally posted by NextofKIN:
Here are some fan design concepts for the Seahawks new uniforms. First one is pretty clean.

These actually look pretty sick doe
Originally posted by blunt_probe:
Good, because they have the ugliest uniforms in the NFL, if not all pro sports. I can't stand looking at their all blue and neon green colors when they're on tv.

I don't know if they're the ugliest, but they're pretty dang butt-ugly.

... And I'm not sure it's going to get much better.

[ Edited by OnTheClock on Mar 1, 2012 at 4:32 PM ]
i really hope the jersey's dont have the nike swoosh on the chest that looks like 2 much of a college jersey hope they have it on the sleeves
Originally posted by OnTheClock:
I don't know if they're the ugliest, but they're pretty dang butt-ugly.

... And I'm not sure it's going to get much better.

why are all the Nike models anorexic doe
lol. you guys are so full of sh*t. When they changed their uniforms years ago everyone was saying how much better they were than the old ones.

True story, their old silver game pants were given to my high school varsity team to use for practices.
i'm pretty sure itll look cool on the actual field
I like the hawks unis especially the neon green its dope
Originally posted by spizzy:
These actually look pretty sick doe

I've always thought their unis were some of the best. The new navy with the grey helmet looks noice doe
Originally posted by ninersrule4:
I like the hawks unis especially the neon green its dope

Those neon green ones are ugly as f**k lol
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