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Saints ran a 'Bounty' Program - Now with 100% More Suspensions!

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I love how the NFLN sensationalizes the Bounty program while playing Saints defense clips in a loop of all clean, typical and or meh tackles. Ha Ha. Yeah it was a bounty program and yes it is very unsportsmanlike.....but that has got to be the least effective Bounty system I have ever seen in my life. So with all the hoo hah they are making of this, they scoured the tapes and can't even find a single incident where the Bounty system even produced the desired affect
  • fropwns
  • #1 Greenlaw Fan
  • Posts: 27,118
Originally posted by English:
Hmm, don't think so. It looks as though the NFL have concluded that the players weren't victims here, with a Nuremberg defence, but active and enthusiastic participants.

I don't think a one or two game ban sends anywhere near a clear enough message to someone who was happy to end another players career.

Nice Nuremberg ref! For those not savvy about Nuremberg, you should look into it. In brief, it was the Nazi tribunal held after the close of WWII, where key Nazis, those who were still alive that is, stood trial for the atrocities of the Third Reich. They were not allowed to use the defense of just following orders. As for the punishment in this case, it fits the crime. They were funding, aiding and abetting, a program designed to reward players for knocking out some of their colleagues for the sole purpose of winning. While in the past, we will find this occurs in all sports, the fact of the matter is that it should not. It is not competition, it is thuggish behavior conducted under the auspices of competition. It is a charade that should not be tolerated at any level.
Originally posted by danimal:
I love how the NFLN sensationalizes the Bounty program while playing Saints defense clips in a loop of all clean, typical and or meh tackles. Ha Ha. Yeah it was a bounty program and yes it is very unsportsmanlike.....but that has got to be the least effective Bounty system I have ever seen in my life. So with all the hoo hah they are making of this, they scoured the tapes and can't even find a single incident where the Bounty system even produced the desired affect

But intent is exactly the issue. If they had actually hurt all the players they set out to, you can bet that this would have been discovered much earlier and the penalties would be far more severe. Though I agree that despite all these incentives, their defense is still pretty laughable and hasn't been good in God knows how long. If I were a Saints fan, I'd feel even worse knowing that.
[ Edited by baltien on May 2, 2012 at 10:51 AM ]

Originally posted by baltien:
Originally posted by danimal:
I love how the NFLN sensationalizes the Bounty program while playing Saints defense clips in a loop of all clean, typical and or meh tackles. Ha Ha. Yeah it was a bounty program and yes it is very unsportsmanlike.....but that has got to be the least effective Bounty system I have ever seen in my life. So with all the hoo hah they are making of this, they scoured the tapes and can't even find a single incident where the Bounty system even produced the desired affect

But intent is exactly the issue. If they had actually hurt all the players they set out to, you can bet that this would have been discovered much earlier and the penalties would be far more severe. Though I agree that despite all these incentives, their defense is still pretty laughable and hasn't been good in God knows how long. If I were a Saints fan, I'd feel even worse knowing that.

I know Saints fans must feel like s**t. They probably feel having a defense that bad is punishment enough
Originally posted by baltien:
Originally posted by danimal:
I love how the NFLN sensationalizes the Bounty program while playing Saints defense clips in a loop of all clean, typical and or meh tackles. Ha Ha. Yeah it was a bounty program and yes it is very unsportsmanlike.....but that has got to be the least effective Bounty system I have ever seen in my life. So with all the hoo hah they are making of this, they scoured the tapes and can't even find a single incident where the Bounty system even produced the desired affect

But intent is exactly the issue. If they had actually hurt all the players they set out to, you can bet that this would have been discovered much earlier and the penalties would be far more severe. Though I agree that despite all these incentives, their defense is still pretty laughable and hasn't been good in God knows how long. If I were a Saints fan, I'd feel even worse knowing that.

If you try to steal someting but fail because you are caught, you are still guilty of being a thief. But an incompetent one.
Originally posted by danimal:
Originally posted by baltien:
Originally posted by danimal:
I love how the NFLN sensationalizes the Bounty program while playing Saints defense clips in a loop of all clean, typical and or meh tackles. Ha Ha. Yeah it was a bounty program and yes it is very unsportsmanlike.....but that has got to be the least effective Bounty system I have ever seen in my life. So with all the hoo hah they are making of this, they scoured the tapes and can't even find a single incident where the Bounty system even produced the desired affect

But intent is exactly the issue. If they had actually hurt all the players they set out to, you can bet that this would have been discovered much earlier and the penalties would be far more severe. Though I agree that despite all these incentives, their defense is still pretty laughable and hasn't been good in God knows how long. If I were a Saints fan, I'd feel even worse knowing that.

I know Saints fans must feel like s**t. They probably feel having a defense that bad is punishment enough

Wife be making vacation plans in the background or other spending plans...

Vilma: [turning up the volume] Hold on, honey. We may not be able to afford the vacation...
On the same day the NFLPA is getting upset about the bounty suspensions - players purposely trying to injure players beyond the normal scope of the game - you have a future HOF player kill themselves and specifically not shoot himself in the head, probably because he wants his brain studied for scientific research.

Yeah, NFLPA has no case.
Originally posted by TlSSER:

I have to say, I am pretty disappointed with Will Smith. I played against him in High School, and he was a class act then. We were robbed of a win at his school on one of their senior nights (officials called phantom penalties on 3 TD's, we lost by 4). After the game, our bus was delayed from leaving because of some illegal activity by fans. Will's teammates and him came over and hung out with us. Will told us straight up that we were robbed, and shot the crap with us.

I rooted for him for when he was at Ohio State (and I can't stand Ohio State). On draft day, when they showed him on the phone right before the 49ers pick, I was pumped. (of course, they traded down and picked Rashaun Woods)

Then a few years later, he gets in trouble for the drug policy violation. Then I hear in Utica from more than one bartender in the area that he has come in and acted like a total toolshed every time he is home.

Now this.

I hated the Woods pick, but in a way, I am glad they didn't draft Will. It appears that success changed him.
the only thing I don't agree with in this is the Fajita suspension with out giving the Browns any sort of compensation for his time suspended. Why should a team who had nothing to do with this scandal get penalized for signing a player involved in it. I don't have any suggestions on how they should be compensated but something should be done.
Originally posted by sincalfaithful:
Originally posted by TlSSER:

Originally posted by DaDivaRecieva15:
Originally posted by sincalfaithful:
Originally posted by TlSSER:

Originally posted by 49erstrandedinclev:
the only thing I don't agree with in this is the Fajita suspension with out giving the Browns any sort of compensation for his time suspended. Why should a team who had nothing to do with this scandal get penalized for signing a player involved in it. I don't have any suggestions on how they should be compensated but something should be done.
It is simple. The teams are allowed to have an extra player for the duration of the suspension, or they are allowed to void the contract of the player.
I knew it was going to be a matter of time before this happened.

Big Ben accusing niners of targeting him in a "bounty" like program. Also, read the comments by the Saints fan, accusign the Niners of running a bounty program and claiming the Saints were not.

I guess the Saints' players appeal will be heard today too. The NFLPA apparently is claiming there is no evidence that they have seen that justifies the Saints players suspensions.
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