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Was Deion as a Falcon ever hated like Sherman was? Would you ever accept Sherman as a 9er?

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Originally posted by zaghawk:
Originally posted by Young2Rice:
Originally posted by threelittlebirds:
Originally posted by zaghawk:
Funny thing is I think Deion loves Richard Sherman. Anyway, outside of the Niner fanbase, I really don't think Richard Sherman is as hated as people here would like to think. Hell I was in NYC for Super Bowl weekend and was expecting to hear all sorts of hate about Richard Sherman after the Crab Tree rant and ran into a lot of random people just saying things to the extent of how much they loved the dude and his raw emotion. Surprisingly very few saying how they didn't like his rant. Again I was actually expecting to get crap for it, but I didn't hear much if at all. Honestly the only person I encountered that entire weekend that said anything like "f**k Richard Sherman" was a fan wearing a Niner jersey at the big game. That's about it. Anyway, until Richard Sherman starts creating problems for the actual team itself and/or stops backing up his talk. Whatever motivates him, I'm fine with it. I kind of see his antics like Anderson Silva. I wasn't a fan of his in-fight taunting either but I realized it's part of his gameplan and in fact makes him who he is. All sports need a few athletes like this for entertainment purposes.

Hawks fans are so delusional. Sherman was blasted by every media source for his post-game rant. Called a thug by some random journalist and had to issue a public apology to do some damage control... but yeah... nobody cared but the 49ers fan base and the rest of america thanked him for his courage... lolz. You're probably on the level of a paranoid delusional schizophrenic who believes it was "all niner fans in the media" who said all the critical things about him on ESPN, NFL Network, FOX, CBS, NBC, newspapers, and internet websites.

There is a difference between in-game taunting to throw people off their game, like what Deion did... and post-game taunting and story telling once you win. I don't expect you to ever understand though... good luck with your paranoid-delusional schizophrenia though.

Everyone does steroids too. lol Hawks fans are f**king retarded.

Wow. Spoke nothing but my true account from Super Bowl weekend in NYC running into thousands o football fans at SB Blvd in Times Square that were neither Seahawk or Niner fans, and I'm being delusional? I honestly went with the expectation to hear tons of crap about Richard Sherman and really heard none. Did I outright deny the hatred by fans for Sherman, no, I just said it may not be as high as you all would think.

The level of hatred for Sherman is high as his HGH levels. I heard when he takes a dump, syringes fall out of his ass.
[ Edited by Young2Rice on Feb 10, 2014 at 2:04 PM ]
  • SaksV
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  • Posts: 1,470
Richard Sherman is the Dennis Rodman of football
I understand why you guys hate him.. he's a Seahawk.. he's become the best CB in the NFL.. his collegiate and now your HC whiffed on drafting him.. He single-handedly shut down Boldin in game 2 and didn't allow a completion to his responsible receiver in the NFCCG.. He then made the play that not only put the Seahawks in the SB and prevented your team from getting there, he did it against his own nemesis too boot.. and then rubbed his nose in it. He even has a top 10 selling jersey, so he's actually a nationally popular player..

And now.. Sherman has a ring LOB... I completely understand
Originally posted by banosser:
I understand why you guys hate him.. he's a Seahawk.. he's become the best CB in the NFL.. his collegiate and now your HC whiffed on drafting him.. He single-handedly shut down Boldin in game 2 and didn't allow a completion to his responsible receiver in the NFCCG.. He then made the play that not only put the Seahawks in the SB and prevented your team from getting there, he did it against his own nemesis too boot.. and then rubbed his nose in it. He even has a top 10 selling jersey, so he's actually a nationally popular player..

And now.. Sherman has a ring LOB... I completely understand

I think he's a great corner but only in Pete's system. He should take less to stay in SEA because if he leaves for more money he will be exposed as average. No one coaches DBs to play like Pete does. We have a good DB coach in Donatell but he doesn't coach the aggressive style SEA plays. And Sherman is no Deion because Region played the CAT defense. He didn't even go to the defensive huddle at times. He followed his guy and shut down the whole side of the field he was on. The reporter asked him what defense were y'all playing. He said the cat defense. I get this cat you get that cat. Dude was a weapon offense defense special teams. Sherman is great in SEA but I am not too sure away. He should take a team discount and stay there. He would be the new Nnamdi if he left
[ Edited by Pillbusta on Feb 12, 2014 at 6:19 AM ]
  • Geeked
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Originally posted by Pillbusta:
Originally posted by banosser:
I understand why you guys hate him.. he's a Seahawk.. he's become the best CB in the NFL.. his collegiate and now your HC whiffed on drafting him.. He single-handedly shut down Boldin in game 2 and didn't allow a completion to his responsible receiver in the NFCCG.. He then made the play that not only put the Seahawks in the SB and prevented your team from getting there, he did it against his own nemesis too boot.. and then rubbed his nose in it. He even has a top 10 selling jersey, so he's actually a nationally popular player..

And now.. Sherman has a ring LOB... I completely understand

I think he's a great corner but only in Pete's system. He should take less to stay in SEA because if he leaves for more money he will be exposed as average. No one coaches DBs to play like Pete does. We have a good DB coach in Donatell but he doesn't coach the aggressive style SEA plays. And Sherman is no Deion because Region played the CAT defense. He didn't even go to the defensive huddle at times. He followed his guy and shut down the whole side of the field he was on. The reporter asked him what defense were y'all playing. He said the cat defense. I get this cat you get that cat. Dude was a weapon offense defense special teams. Sherman is great in SEA but I am not too sure away. He should take a team discount and stay there. He would be the new Nnamdi if he left

This -

Pete was doing this at SC. He had the top pass D against teams that threw all the time. A lot has to do with being physical and playing fast. What a lot of fans don't see is the discipline the linebackers show with cluttering the passing lanes. The D-line also has a bizarre run lane gap shooting scheme which works 90 percent of the time. However, running QB's could burn this system as it would place the d-linemen running sideways to get the QB and the linebackers would be roughly 10 yards deep into coverage. The QB's could easily scrounge 5-7 yards on the run..... but risk getting their chin split al la Rudy Carpinter or have their knee broken like Dennis Dixon.
Originally posted by banosser:
I understand why you guys hate him.. he's a Seahawk.. he's become the best CB in the NFL.. his collegiate and now your HC whiffed on drafting him.. He single-handedly shut down Boldin in game 2 and didn't allow a completion to his responsible receiver in the NFCCG.. He then made the play that not only put the Seahawks in the SB and prevented your team from getting there, he did it against his own nemesis too boot.. and then rubbed his nose in it. He even has a top 10 selling jersey, so he's actually a nationally popular player..

And now.. Sherman has a ring LOB... I completely understand

Harbaugh didn't whiff on not drafting him. He flat out didn't want him. Big difference. But thanks for playing.
Originally posted by banosser:
I understand why you guys hate him.. he's a Seahawk.. he's become the best CB in the NFL.. his collegiate and now your HC whiffed on drafting him.. He single-handedly shut down Boldin in game 2 and didn't allow a completion to his responsible receiver in the NFCCG.. He then made the play that not only put the Seahawks in the SB and prevented your team from getting there, he did it against his own nemesis too boot.. and then rubbed his nose in it. He even has a top 10 selling jersey, so he's actually a nationally popular player..

And now.. Sherman has a ring LOB... I completely understand

Wrong... going by that logic, we would hate all seahawk players and that's really not the case. Most seahawk players are not instigating cowards. But Sherman is. Don't care what team Sherman plays for. Even if my son acts like him, I would slap him silly.
Originally posted by banosser:
I understand why you guys hate him.. he's a Seahawk.. he's become the best CB in the NFL.. his collegiate and now your HC whiffed on drafting him.. He single-handedly shut down Boldin in game 2 and didn't allow a completion to his responsible receiver in the NFCCG.. He then made the play that not only put the Seahawks in the SB and prevented your team from getting there, he did it against his own nemesis too boot.. and then rubbed his nose in it. He even has a top 10 selling jersey, so he's actually a nationally popular player..

And now.. Sherman has a ring LOB... I completely understand

I've been a Niner fan longer than most people around here and I don't hate Sherman at all. I find him pretty annoying at times, but so do a lot of fans around the NFL and players as well. But, I happen to think he's a better guy than most Niner fans want to admit. And, I appreciate the fact that he wrote after the Super Bowl that the "real" Super Bowl was the NFC Championship game and that the Niners were the second best team in the NFL. To me, that's showing the Niners a lot more respect than I see from a lot of Seahawk fans. And Sherman's bro in the secondary, Earl Thomas, wrote a lot of very respectful things about Kaepernick as well.

Personally, I would like to see more Niner and Seahawk fans understand that rivalries are actually better and more fun when there is mutual respect. The Seahawks are a very good team. So are the Niners. They're not that far apart - actually just a couple plays either way would have made the difference this last season.
Originally posted by Pillbusta:
I think he's a great corner but only in Pete's system. He should take less to stay in SEA because if he leaves for more money he will be exposed as average. No one coaches DBs to play like Pete does. We have a good DB coach in Donatell but he doesn't coach the aggressive style SEA plays. And Sherman is no Deion because Region played the CAT defense. He didn't even go to the defensive huddle at times. He followed his guy and shut down the whole side of the field he was on. The reporter asked him what defense were y'all playing. He said the cat defense. I get this cat you get that cat. Dude was a weapon offense defense special teams. Sherman is great in SEA but I am not too sure away. He should take a team discount and stay there. He would be the new Nnamdi if he left

This is absolutely spot on. Deion played the position in a different way. In his day, nobody was faster and nobody had more closing speed. Sanders used his speed to trick QB's into throwing. He'd fall back and make it look like he wasn't with his man and then he'd put this ridiculous burst of speed on and break it up or intercept it. Deion wasn't that physical. Sherman plays a much different, more physical style - he basically mauls his guy close to the line of scrimmage and then tries to stay close enough to be able to use his tremendous vertical leap and height to get to the ball.
Originally posted by crake49:
I've been a Niner fan longer than most people around here and I don't hate Sherman at all. I find him pretty annoying at times, but so do a lot of fans around the NFL and players as well. But, I happen to think he's a better guy than most Niner fans want to admit. And, I appreciate the fact that he wrote after the Super Bowl that the "real" Super Bowl was the NFC Championship game and that the Niners were the second best team in the NFL. To me, that's showing the Niners a lot more respect than I see from a lot of Seahawk fans. And Sherman's bro in the secondary, Earl Thomas, wrote a lot of very respectful things about Kaepernick as well.

Personally, I would like to see more Niner and Seahawk fans understand that rivalries are actually better and more fun when there is mutual respect. The Seahawks are a very good team. So are the Niners. They're not that far apart - actually just a couple plays either way would have made the difference this last season.

I was in Vegas for Super Bowl weekend and, believe it or not, had a Niner fan come up to me and say he was rooting for the Hawks (I about fainted ). He said he always roots for those that beat the Niners because at least he wants to know they got beat by the best (or something to that effect). Also, a friend of mine (who was wearing a Sherman jersey) had two Rams fans (wearing StL Cardinals jerseys) come up to her and actually "gush" about how they loved Richard Sherman (again - I almost fainted).

Anyway, can't wait to see what next season brings ~ the SEA / SF rivalry is bound to get even more intense. T
And, sure seems like the entire NFCW is going to be crazy good!

One thing about RS . . .
he IS better at life than Skip Bayless
(and, seems like Skip (and friends) have some major crow to eat . . . .
Both guys are douches
Originally posted by LisaTwelve:
I was in Vegas for Super Bowl weekend and, believe it or not, had a Niner fan come up to me and say he was rooting for the Hawks (I about fainted ). He said he always roots for those that beat the Niners because at least he wants to know they got beat by the best (or something to that effect). Also, a friend of mine (who was wearing a Sherman jersey) had two Rams fans (wearing StL Cardinals jerseys) come up to her and actually "gush" about how they loved Richard Sherman (again - I almost fainted).

Anyway, can't wait to see what next season brings ~ the SEA / SF rivalry is bound to get even more intense. T
And, sure seems like the entire NFCW is going to be crazy good!

One thing about RS . . .
he IS better at life than Skip Bayless
(and, seems like Skip (and friends) have some major crow to eat . . . .

To me the thing about Sherman is that he's highly emotional. But when you read his stuff or see him in a calm interview, he's a different person. He's really not the annoying presence that an opposing fan sees game-time. He's actually a very smart guy with lots of great insight. I hope my fellow Niner fans don't hate me for expressing this, but sometimes, I see him and I find it hard not to like him even though he just pisses me off at times during games and in the heat of the moment right after games. And, the bottom line is that he really is an awesome player. I agree with Pillbusta above that he is in many ways a product of a certain system and may be a little over-rated - like we saw with Asamoga, he may not excel quite to the same extent on another team in another defensive system, but he sure is effective with the Seahawks.
Originally posted by LisaTwelve:
Originally posted by crake49:
I've been a Niner fan longer than most people around here and I don't hate Sherman at all. I find him pretty annoying at times, but so do a lot of fans around the NFL and players as well. But, I happen to think he's a better guy than most Niner fans want to admit. And, I appreciate the fact that he wrote after the Super Bowl that the "real" Super Bowl was the NFC Championship game and that the Niners were the second best team in the NFL. To me, that's showing the Niners a lot more respect than I see from a lot of Seahawk fans. And Sherman's bro in the secondary, Earl Thomas, wrote a lot of very respectful things about Kaepernick as well.

Personally, I would like to see more Niner and Seahawk fans understand that rivalries are actually better and more fun when there is mutual respect. The Seahawks are a very good team. So are the Niners. They're not that far apart - actually just a couple plays either way would have made the difference this last season.

I was in Vegas for Super Bowl weekend and, believe it or not, had a Niner fan come up to me and say he was rooting for the Hawks (I about fainted ). He said he always roots for those that beat the Niners because at least he wants to know they got beat by the best (or something to that effect). Also, a friend of mine (who was wearing a Sherman jersey) had two Rams fans (wearing StL Cardinals jerseys) come up to her and actually "gush" about how they loved Richard Sherman (again - I almost fainted).

Anyway, can't wait to see what next season brings ~ the SEA / SF rivalry is bound to get even more intense. T
And, sure seems like the entire NFCW is going to be crazy good!

One thing about RS . . .
he IS better at life than Skip Bayless
(and, seems like Skip (and friends) have some major crow to eat . . . .

Sherman isn't better at life. He is only in his 20s. There is still a long way to go before he can even make dumb claims like that

(Who would say a thing like that anyway?....really.)

There is still a chance Sherman ends up being a broke crackhead bum after football or even during. We already know he does drugs, and with his mental problems, i wouldn't be surprised if that happens. He should see where he is in life at the age of 50 before he starts going off on his elders.
[ Edited by Young2Rice on Feb 12, 2014 at 5:50 PM ]
Originally posted by SaksV:
Richard Sherman is the Dennis Rodman of football

Originally posted by Young2Rice:
Originally posted by LisaTwelve:
Originally posted by crake49:
I've been a Niner fan longer than most people around here and I don't hate Sherman at all. I find him pretty annoying at times, but so do a lot of fans around the NFL and players as well. But, I happen to think he's a better guy than most Niner fans want to admit. And, I appreciate the fact that he wrote after the Super Bowl that the "real" Super Bowl was the NFC Championship game and that the Niners were the second best team in the NFL. To me, that's showing the Niners a lot more respect than I see from a lot of Seahawk fans. And Sherman's bro in the secondary, Earl Thomas, wrote a lot of very respectful things about Kaepernick as well.

Personally, I would like to see more Niner and Seahawk fans understand that rivalries are actually better and more fun when there is mutual respect. The Seahawks are a very good team. So are the Niners. They're not that far apart - actually just a couple plays either way would have made the difference this last season.

I was in Vegas for Super Bowl weekend and, believe it or not, had a Niner fan come up to me and say he was rooting for the Hawks (I about fainted ). He said he always roots for those that beat the Niners because at least he wants to know they got beat by the best (or something to that effect). Also, a friend of mine (who was wearing a Sherman jersey) had two Rams fans (wearing StL Cardinals jerseys) come up to her and actually "gush" about how they loved Richard Sherman (again - I almost fainted).

Anyway, can't wait to see what next season brings ~ the SEA / SF rivalry is bound to get even more intense. T
And, sure seems like the entire NFCW is going to be crazy good!

One thing about RS . . .
he IS better at life than Skip Bayless
(and, seems like Skip (and friends) have some major crow to eat . . . .

Sherman isn't better at life. He is only in his 20s. There is still a long way to go before he can even make dumb claims like that

(Who would say a thing like that anyway?....really.)

There is still a chance Sherman ends up being a broke crackhead bum after football or even during. We already know he does drugs, and with his mental problems, i wouldn't be surprised if that happens. He should see where he is in life at the age of 50 before he starts going off on his elders.

eh. Skip Bayless is a douche. Sherman shouldn't have gone on that rant either, but he did have some good points. How many of us can truly say we by our early mid-20s reached the top of our perspective careers. He's better at life than a lot of us career-wise at least. Pro Bowl? Check. All Pro? Check. All Pro Twice? Check. Super Bowl Ring? Check. Outside of getting a huge paycheck and cementing a place in the HOF, I don't really think there is more Sherman could do to prove that he's the top of his game as a corner. Keep in mind I do think a lot of his success drives from Earl Thomas as well, but in the end that's just nit picking. Much in the same when people bring up the Montana-Jerry Rice thing, that's also just nit picking.

As for Sherman being Dennis Rodman. From an entertainment standpoint, I can see it. That also being said, Dennis Rodman had a very large fan base as well, so that doesn't help the whole "everyone hates Sherman outside of Seattle" perspective.
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