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Richard Sherman vs. Skip Bayless

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Originally posted by iLL49er:
harbaugh should've drafted sherman...his antics aside the dude can ball w/ the best of em

I'm sure JH recognized Sherman's talent, but he just proved he has the wrong mentality to be a 49er. I feel sorry and embarrassed for him because he obviously

doesn't have the sense to know he made a fool of himself on national television. I don't like a lot of what Skip Bayless says, but he actually was trying to talk

logically to Sherman. In return Sherman spewed insults and a bunch nonsense talk. I hope he watches the replay of that interview and realizes he was wrong.

Steven A. Smith looked embarrassed as well............
[ Edited by kemp_j on Mar 8, 2013 at 12:54 PM ]
Originally posted by hawker84:
and you know all this how... you have some inside scoop on the inner thinkings of the FO? Fact of the matter is, Sherman is one of the most like teammates in the locker room.. how do i know this, because of the things the other players have said about him.. he's a great teammate, and a great corner.. all the other things said about him may be true, but he is not a distraction to the team or locker room., and any GM would be crazy to pass on him if the price and situation was right.

as far as him and Harbaugh and what happened between them, speculate all you want, but you or i will never know the real truth.. other than Sherman asked to be switched to CB, not the other way around.. he wanted to get away from Harbaugh, he said that himself in interviews.. Why sit the bench as a reciever when you can play in the game as a CB? makes sense to me, and it seems to be working out.

The truth is Harbaugh could have drafted him and didn't. That's a fact.
He's basically dissing the rest of his defense when he says that it's an "opinion" that the Seahawk front 7 is good, the other CB is good, etc. Guy is a world class asshat. If that's the kind of persona he wants and how he wants to market himself to make $, then he really is as classless as he projects himself. Making $ isn't the only thing that matters. And here's another fact: he was caught using amphetamines but got off on a technicality. Can't wait for his inevitable failure.
Originally posted by hawker84:
apparently the people who count the most, the voters/NFL players think he's 1st team all pro worthy.. your corners played the same QB's, how many pic's they get.?

The voters for all-pro are the associated press (hence AP all-pro), the coaches and players kept him out of the pro bowl...which i think sends a HUGE message about the opinion of him league wide.
Wow, I thought I heard people saying Sherman owned Bayless? However, to me, it looked like Sherman was just being a pompous ass. Hell, he wasn't even letting Bayless talk when it was his turn. He was ignoring any and all of his questions, and flat out interrupting him.

Sherman has such a big head about himself. Stats don't mean everything, punk.
i like how Stephen a smith keeps wincing when Sherman would ramble, like "dude shut up and answer the questions"
and Sherman is acting like he is on something.
Originally posted by ElDannMann:
Wow, I thought I heard people saying Sherman owned Bayless? However, to me, it looked like Sherman was just being a pompous ass. Hell, he wasn't even letting Bayless talk when it was his turn. He was ignoring any and all of his questions, and flat out interrupting him.

Sherman has such a big head about himself. Stats don't mean everything, punk.

especially when it comes to CB's, my favorite stats for CB's is passer rating against and completion percentage against.
Originally posted by hawker84:
apparently the people who count the most, the voters/NFL players think he's 1st team all pro worthy.. your corners played the same QB's, how many pic's they get.?

How many pics did Sherman get in the NFC Championship game or the Super Bowl?
[ Edited by Black24Razor on Mar 8, 2013 at 5:34 PM ]
Originally posted by hawker84:
Originally posted by guillotine31:
Richard Sherman could pick off a pass in every game for the next ten years, and he'll still not be good enough. "Address me as All-Pro, Stanford Graduate". How about I just call you Douche and we'll go with that one. All he did was make it more well known that he's an awful person.

despite your personal opinions about the guy, the first part of your statement is a bit on the ridiculous side.. if he indeed picked off a pass every game for 10 years he'd probably go down as the best corner to ever play the game...

as far as the rest of your post, i could post other vids of him when he's talking about his community and kids and his efforts there, but you don't want to hear about the other side of him, becasue it's much easier to hate him when he's on camera making an a** of himself every week.. he's a loud mouth , and egomaniac, whatever you want to call him, but off the field and away from all this media crap he keeps getting himself into, he's actually a good dude and does a lot for the kids in his community. unfortunately fans outside of Seattle will never know this because of these types of incident's...

I'm obviously exaggerating to make a point, and that point is his personality takes away from his performance in terms of my perception of him. The funny thing about that is he went on the show to talk about his good deeds. That's why he had the air time. You need to be culpable as a human being all of the time. He isn't. There is no degree or recognition from fat football writers that makes up for your disrespect for your fellow man, whether it be Bayless, Tom Brady, or Revis.

If the numbers speak for themselves, why do you have to talk about yourself and degrade another person? Shut up. You went to Stanford. Act like you have a brain.
Dude's got more daddy issues than a B-line stripper on the Wednesday day shift.
Both are retards.
What a clown, hate isn't a strong enough word for this waste of air. We get a chance lets take a shot on him he will never forget!
If you have to say you're "smart", you're not smart. If you have to say "my numbers speak for themselves", your numbers aren't speaking for themselves.
  • MarkD
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 2,606
Well even though he is a good corner. I understand why he wasn't drafted by the 49ers. He is a total head case.

You could tell that Stephen A. was totally shocked and embarrassed by Sherman's performance. But I don't feel sorry for him. His ego is sooo inflated. After only just two seasons he really thinks he's THE top corner in the league. I don't think he understands the enormous target he placed on himself. As a corner he has weaknesses, and teams are REALLY gonna target those weaknesses next season, especially in the NFC West where my beloved 49ers reign.
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