Im getting some ideas here,
So apparently awhile back he reported that Terry Bradshaw had died in a car accident. All on his own
Of course, when describing the incident he used words such as "we here at PFT" or "we didn't research it enough", when it was strictly his fault.
I'm noticing this man is a lawyer as well which is textbook 101 in being a Lawyer, never admit your wrong doings.
Jesus, this guy is such a tool
Here you can read about how he blames PFT rather than himself, but my main point in all this is
Here's what happened. We started receiving e-mails from a diverse collection of readers who had heard that Bradshaw had died in a car accident.
That quote just further proves out point that this man is desperate for any media attention and will go to any gains to prove he "sourced it himself".
All he needs is a "divers collection of emails" to spew some more garbage.
Anybody have his email?