Originally posted by NeonNiner:
Having favorites is fine as long as you're rational and fair arguing your viewpoints without hanging on their ball sack 24/7 (like Deion). s**t is just unprofessional.
Deion always has something backhanded to say about this team. When we won against the Packers, he immediately started slobbing all over the Panthers' junk about how they're so much better than us and how we shouldn't even show up because it won't even be close .
He's really become unlistenable. I don't listen to Heath but from what I've heard, I'm glad I don't.
You can tell Heath is a pure hater too. Whenever SF is the topic he points out flaws instead of talking about what we do well, and always thinks we'll have our faults exposed and it doesn't matter who the opponent is. At least Sharpe likes us enough to know we are really good, but just can never pick us cuz he just can't!
To be honest, I don't care who anyone picks, as long as their rationale makes sense. It seems that when these media guys pick against us, it's always about how the other team is just better than us based on their own eyes or they're at home or they're the hotter team, and not based on Xs and O matchups. That's most frustrating thing but some of these picks are just for the fun of picking against us in case we do actually lose and they can say "I told you so"
[ Edited by Beezy33 on Jan 11, 2014 at 11:48 AM ]