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Cam Newton and the Panthers crying a good thing or nah
Cam Newton and the Panthers crying a good thing or nah
Jan 14, 2014 at 6:03 AM
- deepniner
- Veteran
- Posts: 750
There is nothing wrong in crying. It just shows they cared enough. I'd much rather the team cared enough than not.
Jan 14, 2014 at 6:08 AM
- Since07
- Veteran
- Posts: 3,376
Really? That jus shows hes easily flustered and that wont translate in the post season

Jan 14, 2014 at 7:32 AM
- respectfulpacker
- Veteran
- Posts: 102
I wanted to vote twice doggone-it.
I'm sorry, but you's a little bitty bish if you come to play, lose and then cry. How about standing tall, giving a guard of honor to the winning team and then getting straight back to work.
The only circumstance where I think it would be acceptable is if you were BLATANTLY robbed - Roy Jones Jr. in the Olympics stands out. Thinking about how hard you worked and for someone to unlawfully take it away from you.
On the other hand, LMFAO, chew your gum nonchalantly now you puto :-
I'm sorry, but you's a little bitty bish if you come to play, lose and then cry. How about standing tall, giving a guard of honor to the winning team and then getting straight back to work.
The only circumstance where I think it would be acceptable is if you were BLATANTLY robbed - Roy Jones Jr. in the Olympics stands out. Thinking about how hard you worked and for someone to unlawfully take it away from you.
On the other hand, LMFAO, chew your gum nonchalantly now you puto :-
Jan 14, 2014 at 8:23 AM
- baltien
- Veteran
- Posts: 6,731
He's a friggin baby. Normally I like Cam, and still believe that he'll be a great QB one day, but it was pretty pathetic watching him pout on the sideline. Even before we put the game away, defeat was all over his face.
Say what you want about Kap, but he's never behaved in a such a manner and I wouldn't expect to see that from him either.
And Steve Smith's post game interview was I'll just say that I better not ever in life hear a Panthers fan refer to us as the "whiners" again.
Say what you want about Kap, but he's never behaved in a such a manner and I wouldn't expect to see that from him either.
And Steve Smith's post game interview was I'll just say that I better not ever in life hear a Panthers fan refer to us as the "whiners" again.
Jan 14, 2014 at 8:38 AM
- BadgerHawk
- Veteran
- Posts: 2,547
Old news...who cares. Next!
Jan 14, 2014 at 8:43 AM
- qnnhan7
- Veteran
- Posts: 34,673
I'm with Steven A. Basically comes down to Cam doing the Superman in every game in other team's home turf. Now he's miffed because the others like Kaep returned the favor. GTFO
Walking off after answering the question in the presser make him more of a baby.
Walking off after answering the question in the presser make him more of a baby.
[ Edited by qnnhan7 on Jan 14, 2014 at 10:16 AM ]
Jan 14, 2014 at 9:06 AM
- boast
- Hella Fame
- Posts: 152,573
Cam crumbled. i said it was going to happen all week leading up to the game. he's weak. now will he learn from this and improve? i'm not too sure.
Jan 14, 2014 at 9:25 AM
- sacniner
- Member
- Posts: 31,684
Ha. Thats the first I've seen Cam's reaction. Didn't know he walked off like a b***h. Overblown IMO. People mock Cam and Kap's signature moves after sacks, but I guess since it was a QB doing it to another QB it got a rise out of people. Every player is different. If that helps Kap somehow, some way so be it. The entire Panthers team came out trash talking from the jump so they kind of brought it on themselves.
On a differnet note, never knew how lame and s**tty Panther fans were until this game. What a bunch of sore loser, cry babies.
On a differnet note, never knew how lame and s**tty Panther fans were until this game. What a bunch of sore loser, cry babies.
Jan 14, 2014 at 9:36 AM
- OKC49erFan
- Veteran
- Posts: 7,355
Cam crying would mean more if he didn't pout on the sidelines like a brat EVERY TIME a game isn't going well for him.
Grow up.
Grow up.
Jan 14, 2014 at 10:18 AM
- Stevec9932
- Veteran
- Posts: 3,796
who gives a s**t... Cammmmm Cammmmmmm as stupid ass michael cokehead irvin says got his ass handed to him... Kap did his superman endzone dance and Cam gave up.. Nothing to see here, move on to Seattle
Jan 14, 2014 at 10:30 AM
- Memphis9er
- Veteran
- Posts: 12,317
Originally posted by Stevec9932:
who gives a s**t... Cammmmm Cammmmmmm as stupid ass michael cokehead irvin says got his ass handed to him... Kap did his superman endzone dance and Cam gave up.. Nothing to see here, move on to Seattle
Deon sings that crap, but he didn't Sunday...
Jan 14, 2014 at 10:33 AM
- LasVegasWally
- Veteran
- Posts: 24,559
No I have no problem w/athletes crying after a solid ass-kicking.
Jan 14, 2014 at 10:39 AM
- Memphis9er
- Veteran
- Posts: 12,317
Cam is a p***y, you could see it in his face that they were beat. No defiant "not without a fight in my house" just a pouting little boy looking for the security of mama's tit and his security blanket to hide under. Between baby cam and little big man Smith...color me unimpressed.
Jan 14, 2014 at 12:47 PM
- hondakillerzx
- Veteran
- Posts: 19,247
grown man crying because someone made fun of him is ridiculous. grow up Cam.
Jan 14, 2014 at 7:15 PM
- Phoenix49ers
- Veteran
- Posts: 125,576
Panthers fans crying about the s**t are absolutely hilarious.
"But, but, that was just not nice, Kaepernick was being mean."
Cam is one of the biggest f**king showboat's in the NFL, the f**king gesticulating after every first down is absolutely pathetic. That entire team showboats like they're hot s**t, they came into San Francisco and ran their mouths all game, mocked an injury depleted 49ers team and their b***h-made asses couldn't handle the resulting backlash at their own house. If you can't take it, don't dish it out, it'll get thrown back in your face at some point.
The clowns were still trying to talk trash, down 10 points...about to be the 4th.
"But, but, that was just not nice, Kaepernick was being mean."
Cam is one of the biggest f**king showboat's in the NFL, the f**king gesticulating after every first down is absolutely pathetic. That entire team showboats like they're hot s**t, they came into San Francisco and ran their mouths all game, mocked an injury depleted 49ers team and their b***h-made asses couldn't handle the resulting backlash at their own house. If you can't take it, don't dish it out, it'll get thrown back in your face at some point.
The clowns were still trying to talk trash, down 10 points...about to be the 4th.