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Rolando McClain

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Originally posted by matthewabbit:
Originally posted by Allx9er:
This bowman blow off ish is getting tired
I'm not trying to blow off Bo I'm just saying McLain might b worth bringing in. In ceing I just meant physically. And I'm just think playing next to Pwillie would be the best thing personally and professionally. Bo became Bo because of Willis. Why couldn't it be done again with another troubled player( that being the only reason Bo dropped to the third)

You have got to be joking. Bowman became Bowman because of Willis? That is ridiculous. Why didn't Takeo Spikes become Bowman-like when he played next to Willis? It's pathetic how people don't give Bowman the credit he deserves because they would rather believe Patrick Willis is behind it all. I love Pat, but please. Bowman is who he is because he is that good. Period. The defense hardly missed a beat whenever Willis was out over the course of the last 2 seasons. Hopefully the same can be said while Bowman is out, but somehow I doubt that. The guy is just too good.

As for having the physical ceiling of Bowman, you might want to look around the league. There are physical freaks on every team, but that means nothing if they can't perform on the field. McClain has proven he cannot perform on the field. Even raider fans hated him because he took terrible angles and missed countless tackles. By the time he was released, every raider fan I know was breathing a sigh of relief.

Because I know a lot of raider fans who like to talk trash about the Niners (for some ridiculous reason, seeing as how their team is the biggest joke in the NFL), I have watched every raider game for the past 10 years or so (mainly to gather ammo in an argument with one of those fools). I've seen McClain stink the joint up and recall laughing (literally) at some of the plays he failed to make. He may be able to get better with proper coaching, but this dude was lost on the field.
Originally posted by Empire49:
Originally posted by Allx9er:
Originally posted by Empire49:
Originally posted by matthewabbit:
I don't get the hate? We are down an ilb and McLain is one of the only IlBs that has the same ceiling as Bo. And yes any Lb you plug in next to Willis is going to look better than he is..

LOL @ this whole post.

McClain was absolutely awful in Oakland. While I'm willing to admit r team and better talent around him would surely make him look better, there'blitzertely nothing about the guy's NFL resume that would make anyone think his ceiling is at Bowman's level.

On top of that, the LBs playing next to BOWMAN (not Willis) have been the ones looking better than they are (Wilhoite, Grant). We have yet to see whether Willis can make the guy next to him look good the way Bowman did.

This bowman blow off ish is getting tired

What is "blow off ish?" Like, people aren't giving Bowman the credit he deserves?

You're right. Should have said suck off. The niners are in the position to say that they arguably have 2 of the top 5 ILB's in the league. No other 34 team can even come close. If you wanna compare their 1st 3 years they're virtually identical expect that Willis won droty and had more tackles overall. On the field they are virtually identical. The only thing that really separates the two is that bow looks like a more fluid blitzer (he just doesn't seem to crash into the pile). Bowman responsibility on the field is different then pat's that why he has more splash plays. When p52 had that role he would put up the same numbers same, same amount of flashy plays.
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