Originally posted by WRATHman44:
Originally posted by OahuHawkFan:
Originally posted by WRATHman44:
I live in the Seattle area, and the bandwagon is real. I respect the longtime fans who struggled through years of local blackouts, cheering for Dan McGuire and Rick Mirer, and I'm fine with them getting a trophy, but there are WAY too many people who were recently Steeler, Raider, Giant, Cowboy, Niner, Packer, and Patriot fans who are now "die hard" Hawk fans, talking about "We are gonna repeat," wearing their 12 jerseys when they can't even name 11 guys on the team.
I was willing to except it as my lot, living in hostile territory, but stuff involving my kid makes me nuts. Some middle-aged jackass at Safeway BOOED MY FIVE - YEAR - OLD for wearing a Niners shirt. He's a really friendly kid who says "hi" to everyone, and some leather-lipped gash snapped at him, "GO SEAHAWKS!!!" and glared at me for having the audacity to let my son walk around wearing non-Seahawk colors. Not drunk, not at the game, just garbage people.
My views are based on living here, and I never saw Seahawk flags on houses or trucks growing up. Part of the reason I was still a 49er fan after my folks split up (dad born in SF) was that the 49ers were on tv more than the Seahawks, because the "greatest fanbase on earth" couldn't sell out the dome. Going to games even 5 years ago was easy, because the fans appreciated someone spending money on their team, since home team fans weren't doing it.
Well, we clearly had very different experiences then. I lived in the puget sound area north of Seattle for 35+ years, and I couldn't disagree more. Sure there's fans of other teams. There's plenty of California (and other state) transplants in Washington State, so that explains it in part.
I've heard this nerative before on this board, and it seems like EVERY 49er fan who happens to live in or around Seattle emerges to tell a similar story. So clearly, there's probably something to it in your opinions... But it's a massive exageration to suggest there were not a lot of football fans in the Seattle area before recently. Have you thought about just how low the low years were? Ken Berring? Tom Flores? I mean, those were some tough times. But if you are willing to go back to the Chuck Knox years and survey the area, you would know there was a TON of rapid fans.
So yeah, I don't know when you moved to Seattle. But I think it's important to set the record straight from my perspective.
Right, it was my opinion what they said. I probably imagined the respectful fans 5 years ago and prior, too, right? I've been here my whole life, excluding training and deployments. The fanbase is different now. Too many new fans and front-runnung a55holes. My neighbor is a good dude and a lifelong fan (only 28). He hates the bandwagoners even more than I do.
"No new fans, no new fans, no new fans, no no new."