Originally posted by eamjr10:
Originally posted by valrod33:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by mayo49:
First thing the league should do is give him a piss test.
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on 95.7 the game, they were saying that since he's suspended, he's not in the Program/NFL right now as he has to apply for reinstatement. which means that they cannot test him.
They weren't 100% sure. but it kind of makes sense on how can the league test you if your not in the league, idk ?
Aldon is under contract so why cant he be tested?
The League may not be able to test him for that reason, but you would think that the Raiders would be able to.
They can and do b/c he's under contract. In MM's article here, like the 4th or 5th video,
http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/door-wide-open-receiver-win-no-2-job-49ers at the 3:10 mark. The NFL and Raiders can keep tabs on via drug testing.
My bigger question is since he violated parole and the last judge noted that ANY issue with drugs/alcohol again, he'd send him straight to jail, after the hit-n-run and cop saying he was inebriated and with this latest issue, HOW IS HE NOT IN JAIL YET?
Are they still waiting for a hearing? This is like Marshawn Lynch where it all just quietly went away.