Originally posted by Montana:
Originally posted by fropwns:
Originally posted by MoeJontana84:
dude could ride Uber for the rest of his life and not have a scratch on his checkbook. What is he doing
He has a problem. And for him, right now, he might not see it. To be fair to him, I have no way of knowing if he recognizes it or not. But if you live long enough, you recognize the signs. I wish him nothing but peace and serenity. Easily one of the most likable ex-Seahawks out there and a heck of a niner.
I have no empathy for those who drink and drive sorry. I remember losing a school mate in high school. Sat right in front of me in class. She was pregnant and her boyfriend was stepping up to the plate, they were making baby plans. Drunk driver ran into their truck...killing both her and her unborn child. The bf was devastated. It was totally sad. So many more stories of loss over someone's complete selfishness..I don't really care if they are an alcoholic or not..I just don't. Don't own a damn car if ya got a problem. Sorry but no sympathy lol.
I wonder if Amazon will drop him from TNF. Wow - look at the DUI laws in Japan, harshest in the world. If America only had space in their prisons and jails lol.