Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by cciowa:
he got a life line. do not f**k it up foster. we can not control what the nfl decides to do so no sense in worrying about it. lets hope if he misses time the kid we drafted will play great for us and smith better be worth the money he was signed for, hurt all last year and tweaked something already. i do not want to hear that if foster misses any time or if smith misses time it will give valuable time for the back ups. cuz our back ups like coyle and others should never start in my opinion
I like the idea by CaptiveVeg, get out of dodge. The DA is just looking to bust him again for anything including jay walking.
Also, I got to think the NFLPA will step in on appeal if there is a multiple game suspension. That will take a year, and hopefully this year he's going to be able to play all 16 games and playoffs.
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There are 2 million people in Santa Clara County, I do not think any of the dozen law enforcement agencies will be targeting Rueben. He doesn't have to move to San Mateo or Fremont.
You are kidding right? Reuben is public enemy number 1 for them right now. I mean the Santa Clara DA wouldn't bring those kinds of charges on some rinky dink DV case, this was Reuben Foster and he was going to make a name for himself as DA. Maybe make a whole political career out of it. As long as Reuben is in Santa Clara, the DA is going to make him pay big time for jaywalking or running a red light. There won't be any real objective Justice for Reuben if he stays in Santa Clara, in my opinion. CavptiveVeg is right, the whole police force will be trying to goad him into making a mistake or making sure any mistake he makes will be magnified. They know him, they know where he lives, they know everything about what he does and where he goes. I'd suggest to him to get out of dodge and fast.
The DA ran unopposed and won again, his job is safe for awhile.
Reuben is not public enemy #1 of anyone here. Where do you live? This isn't the sticks.
How will the DA make him get caught jaywalking or running a red light and what will the DA do?
What police force will be trying to goad him and which police forces have him under 24 hour surveillance? There are a dozen LE agencies in Santa Clara County.
The police are allowed to bait, trick, and essentially (boarderline extort) a suspect to breaking the law. You ever hear of the police wiring a guy and having the guy goad, convince, threaten the suspect (whle he's wired) to do something against the law? *Why* would the DA bring a DV charge against Reuben when the Judge basically said to the DA many times in pubic and probably a million times in private, "DA - you don't got no case, dismiss or settle, but I ain't letting this go forward." The Judge Gave the DA a week to settle out and dismiss, and still the DA pressed a flimsy DV charge on Reuben. The FBI basically did that to Leland Yee, a democrat state sentator. If they can do that to a political figure, they can do that to Reuben.